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Quote Condition Mappings API is missing some k/v pairs from glossary #161

Open dhh93 opened 2 years ago

dhh93 commented 2 years ago

Hey there,

Noticed a minor bug in which the quotes condition mapping API doesn't include some key/value pairs that are listed in the Quote Conditions section of the conditions & indicators glossary.

More specifically, the last k/v returned from the API is "71": "SlowDueLRPBidAsk" while the glossary continues with "80": "Cancel" ... "92":"PenaltyBid".

URL https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/conditions/quotes


 "0": "Regular",
 "1": "RegularTwoSidedOpen",
 "2": "RegularOneSidedOpen",
 "36": "MarketWideCircuitBreakerLevel1",
 "37": "MarketWideCircuitBreakerLevel2",
 "38": "MarketWideCircuitBreakerLevel3",
 "39": "RepublishedLuldPriceBand",
 "40": "OnDemandAuction",
 "41": "CashOnlySettlement",
 "42": "NextDaySettlement",
 "43": "LULDTradingPause",
 "71": "SlowDueLRPBidAsk"

Expected Result

 "0": "Regular",
 "1": "RegularTwoSidedOpen",
 "2": "RegularOneSidedOpen",
"71": "SlowDueLRPBidAsk",
"80": "Cancel",
"81": "CorrectedPrice",
"92": "PenaltyBid"
Stormy110 commented 2 years ago

Hello there, thanks for reaching out and sharing this! We are in the process of releasing an updated conditions endpoint that will resolve this issue and list every condition for every asset class. This will most likely be released sometime within the next couple of weeks.

dhh93 commented 2 years ago

Just saw the docs for the initial Mappings vX endpoint -- looks great. Including the CTA update guidelines is a big help. Will the new endpoint also include information about trade revisions/corrections?


jrbell19 commented 2 years ago

Indicators will be supported through the new conditions endpoint.