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There are missing aggregates in the Forex restAPI data #247

Open JesusSalgado07 opened 1 year ago

JesusSalgado07 commented 1 year ago

URL [The RESTful API call you are making (please be sure to omit your API key)] https://api.polygon.io/v2/aggs/ticker/C:GBPJPY/range/1/minute/1682888460000/1682888520000?adjusted=false&sort=asc&limit=120&apiKey=

Result What result are getting? { "ticker": "C:GBPJPY", "queryCount": 0, "resultsCount": 0, "adjusted": false, "status": "OK", "request_id": "14c48987dd1bea5ca2c2b3f3fab2f387" }

Expected Result an aggergate object info

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context It looks like is missing a bunch of data for several minute aggregates in a bunch of tickers, the above is just an example of the problem