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Dividend RESTfulAPI: declaration date in future and after Ex-Date #254

Closed fplein closed 1 year ago

fplein commented 1 year ago

URL https://api.polygon.io/v3/reference/dividends?declaration_date.gte=2023-06-01&sort=declaration_date&order=asc&limit=1000

Result A dividend entry for USHY with declaration date (in the future) larger than ex dividend date: {"cash_amount":0.2331,"currency":"USD","declaration_date":"2023-11-24","dividend_type":"CD","ex_dividend_date":"2023-02-01","frequency":12,"pay_date":"2023-02-07","record_date":"2023-02-02","ticker":"USHY"}.

Expected Result Declaration date should always be smaller than ex dividend date (overall I would expect declaration_date < ex_dividend_date < record_date <= pay_date ). In this precise example, I believe it is just a typo, and I assume "declaration_date":"2023-01-24" should be the correct date.

Stormy110 commented 1 year ago

This dividend has been adjusted. I will also look into our dividend sources to see why it was shown as such and if there are any more examples of this typo.