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The "Next_Url" parameter will occasionally result in a forever loop #289

Open kid-yume opened 3 months ago

kid-yume commented 3 months ago

URL The RESTful API call you are making (please be sure to omit your API key)

Result What result are getting? I get 200

Expected Result A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. I expect to exhaust the next_url until there is no next_url because you have reached the end of the paper trail for lack of a better term

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

If you follow the "next_url" it will perform a forever loop for some reason.

kid-yume commented 3 months ago

It goes to first next_url -->KRTX?cursor=YXA9TyUzQUtSVFgyNDA1MTdDMDAxMzAwMDAlM0ExMzAuMDAmYXM9JmV4cGlyYXRpb25fZGF0ZS5ndGU9MjAyNC0wNS0xNyZsaW1pdD0xMCZzb3J0PXRpY2tlcg

second next url-->KRTX?cursor=YXA9TyUzQUtSVFgyNDA1MTdDMDAxODAwMDAlM0ExODAuMDAmYXM9JmV4cGlyYXRpb25fZGF0ZS5ndGU9MjAyNC0wNS0xNyZsaW1pdD0xMCZzb3J0PXRpY2tlcg

See how its looping back to itself?

kid-yume commented 3 months ago

Any updates on this?

AHangstefer commented 3 months ago

Hi! Are you able to share the original query you made? I'm happy to take a look