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Post: CampJS highlights #14

Open rvagg opened 10 years ago

rvagg commented 10 years ago

CampJS II 2013 was held last weekend on the Gold Coast. There was a strong Node theme, particularly hardware. CampJS III 2014 will be held somewhere near Melbourne, stay tuned for details.

The list of talks is being gathered here.

For me, Sebastian Porto's talk was one of the highlights. His Understanding JavaScript Prototypes presentation used __proto__ to teach how the prototype chain works. It builds on a post from earlier this year. A must-read although unfortunately we didn't get this one on video! If anyone asks me about JavaScript's (slightly messy) prototypal nature then I'll be pointing them to his post & slides.

Vim Tips by Odin Dutton and Jason Weathered was interesting for the Vim inclined and their summary contains a bunch of links and tips.

Anna Gerber kicked off the hardware theme with her JS for Physical Computing talk. It was continued by the Thoughtworks folks who lead some workshops and helped people build a really neat Raspberry Pi-based game.

Higher-Order Fun by Katie Miller brought some FP to JavaScript-land. Coming from a Haskell background she discussed functional programming across various languages and how we can take advantage of FP techniques in JavaScript.

Building Modular Games for the Web by Hugh Kennedy is an inspiring talk that should be able to encourage any listener to get hacking on HTML5 games! I'm looking forward to the video of this one being available.

Extreme Messaging for the Internet of Things by Mark Wolfe of Ninjablocks covered the MQTT messaging protocol in particular and had a general focus on messaging in the age of highly-connected micro-devices.

Learn You The Node.js For Much Win by me was both an intro-to-Node.js presentation and a self-driven terminal-based workshop; all aimed at the Node-n00b but a good challenge for experts alike.

There was more, but that's the content that's been published so far. We'll get videos up soon(ish).

Don't miss out on the next CampJS, speakers are already being lined up and a venue is being sought!