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Post: Node.ninjas Sydney meetup September 19th #23

Open rvagg opened 10 years ago

rvagg commented 10 years ago

Announcing a new Meetup for Sydney Node.ninjas!


What: What do you do with Node?
When: Thursday, September 19, 2013 6:30 PM
Where: ThoughtWorks Sydney
Level 8, 51 Pitt St

Hi everyone,

I think it's time for another Node.ninjas!

With CampJS a few weeks behind us, it would be great if someone who went could give a little overview. One of the many things I took away from these awesome 3 days is how versatile JavaScript and Node are. We had dozens of JS demos covering mobile apps, hardware-integration, cool graphics, blog engines and much more.

So if you've done something cool with Node recently, come give us a 5min demo! Many people come to Node.ninjas asking "what is Node good at?", hopefully we'll see a lot of different answers. The more demos the better, just let Andrew or myself know so we can work with the timing.

We also have 1 great speaker lined-up for the night. You've definitely met Nik at the meetup before so he need little introduction :) Nik will be speaking about reusing objects & entities between the client and server code, with a little help from a new library he called Gleam!

As usual, if you also want to present at this meetup (or the next), just send us an email.

See you on Thursday the 19th!

Romain Prieto

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