polymec / polymec-dev

The development "branch" of the polymec HPC libraries.
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Implement blockmesh: a multi-block structured mesh #321

Closed pbtoast closed 5 years ago

pbtoast commented 5 years ago

The last discretization we need for the library is the multi-block version of the unimesh. That is: an assembly of unimesh objects whose boundary conditions are set up so that they compose one single geometry.

This lets us do butterfly meshes, cubed spheres, and so on.

pbtoast commented 5 years ago

Here's a rough to-do list for the blockmesh:

  1. Finish block connection validation
  2. Finish constructor/finalization of blockmesh.
  3. Design blockmesh_transfer class to handle transfers between blocks
  4. Implement multi-block field exchange (straight copy of data between boundaries, no transfer applied)
  5. Implement repartitioning of blockmesh and fields.