Closed yantar92 closed 5 years ago
Poly-org changes non-default symbol used to indicate folding in org mode (" ⤵") by its default value ("..."), while it should not be the case.
The issue can be reproduced with the following config for emacs -Q.
emacs -Q
(require 'package) (setq package-archives '(("MELPA" . "") ("ELPA" . "") ("gnu" . "") ("org" . "")) load-prefer-newer t package-user-dir "~/.emacs.d/elpa/" package--init-file-ensured t package-enable-at-startup nil) (unless (file-directory-p package-user-dir) (make-directory package-user-dir t)) (setq load-path (append '("~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/") load-path)) (setq load-path (append (directory-files "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/" t "^[^.]" t) load-path)) (setq load-path (append (directory-files package-user-dir t "^[^.]" t) load-path)) (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'package-initialize) (package-initialize 'NO-ACTIVATE) ;; Package management & configuration:2 ends here
;; [[id:4c0a06f9-9e69-4ead-b570-e3143fa0d61d][Package management & configuration:3]] (require 'use-package) (use-package diminish :ensure t) (require 'bind-key) ;; Package management & configuration:3 ends here (setq org-ellipsis " ⤵") (use-package polymode :ensure t :init (use-package poly-org :ensure t :config (setq poly-lock-allow-fontification nil) (defun org-source-block-major-mode () "Return the name of major mode for the org source block at point." (when (re-search-forward "#\+begin_src +\([^ \t\n]+\)") (if (string-match "\(bash\|sh\|shell\)" (match-string 1)) "sh" (format "%s" (match-string 1))))) (setq pm-inner/org (pm-inner-auto-chunkmode :name "org" :mode 'host :head-mode 'host :tail-mode 'host :head-matcher "^[ \t]#\+begin_src .\n" :tail-matcher "^[ \t]*#\+end_src" :head-adjust-face nil :mode-matcher #'org-source-block-major-mode :indent-offset org-edit-src-content-indentation)) ))
Poly-org changes non-default symbol used to indicate folding in org mode (" ⤵") by its default value ("..."), while it should not be the case.
The issue can be reproduced with the following config for
emacs -Q
.;; [[id:4c0a06f9-9e69-4ead-b570-e3143fa0d61d][Package management & configuration:3]] (require 'use-package) (use-package diminish :ensure t) (require 'bind-key) ;; Package management & configuration:3 ends here (setq org-ellipsis " ⤵") (use-package polymode :ensure t :init (use-package poly-org :ensure t :config (setq poly-lock-allow-fontification nil) (defun org-source-block-major-mode () "Return the name of major mode for the org source block at point." (when (re-search-forward "#\+begin_src +\([^ \t\n]+\)") (if (string-match "\(bash\|sh\|shell\)" (match-string 1)) "sh" (format "%s" (match-string 1))))) (setq pm-inner/org (pm-inner-auto-chunkmode :name "org" :mode 'host :head-mode 'host :tail-mode 'host :head-matcher "^[ \t]#\+begin_src .\n" :tail-matcher "^[ \t]*#\+end_src" :head-adjust-face nil :mode-matcher #'org-source-block-major-mode :indent-offset org-edit-src-content-indentation)) ))