polymonster / premake-android-studio

premake5 module for android-studio and gradle build.
MIT License
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Update readme to provide Kotlin usage #18

Open chakibchemso opened 11 months ago

chakibchemso commented 11 months ago

Java is old, glory to Kotlin! ;)

polymonster commented 11 months ago

Would you be able to provide a working example of Kotlin usage like there is for Java/JNI and C++. We can also hook it up to the automated GitHub actions.

Would be nice to have working code in addition to just info in the readme if possible.

chakibchemso commented 11 months ago

Hi, unfortunately I can't since I don't have experience with android development. I merely made the changes from a general programming knowledge. So, I'd probably leave this for someone else who's expert in the field. or I might end up doing it if I get the chance to work with android studio in the future. For now, I'm focusing on the core of my game engine and deploying for windows.