polymorphicshade / Tubular

A fork of NewPipe that implements SponsorBlock and ReturnYouTubeDislike.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.11k stars 24 forks source link

Video translation, loop playback and option to mask device IP #55

Open MuerteRoja opened 2 months ago

MuerteRoja commented 2 months ago


Feature description

Hello, good evening, while browsing the internet I came across this extension some time ago, https://www.languagereactor.com/ this is an extension which allows you to translate different videos into your native language using artificial intelligence. I think it would be quite useful if they added this feature to the Tubular application, since people not only consume music videos, but also consume video videos. documentaries and tutorials, suppose I am a Spanish user with no knowledge of English, having a translation option like this or similar would solve my life quite a bit when it comes to interpreting the videos I am watching from foreign YouTubers, as well as I suggest that for music videos, in case you want to listen to them a second or even a third time, you add the option to repeat the videos in a loop, I also suggest adding an option to hide the IP, in the Freetube application, the counterpart of Tubular in the general settings the users of said application have some options in the video player and in the general settings to select different instances of invidious to camouflage/mask their IP address, I think it would be good if they did something similar with Tubular.

Why do you want this feature?

I think it can be quite useful for those users who use this application

Why ist the feature relevant to this fork?

I think it can be quite useful for those users who use this application

Additional information

Recorded video where I show the web page of the previously mentioned extension, the options to mask the IP along with the different instances of Invidious and the option to play videos in a loop


MuerteRoja commented 2 months ago

PS: Before someone tells me something, clarify that I have little experience opening Feature Request threads, I am a user with intellectual disability who has already opened this thread in the Newpipe forums as you can see in the shared video, the reason I also share it with Tubular is that in case they don't accept it in Newpipe, to see if maybe they would accept it in Tubular, the fork of the original application

Glich440 commented 2 months ago

This should probably be split into three separate feature requests: one for the video translation, one for looping and one for IP masking.