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[bot] Run grit migration: Apply a GritQL pattern #31

Open grit-app[bot] opened 8 months ago

grit-app[bot] commented 8 months ago

⚠️ This migration is out of date with the main branch. Update with Grit ⚠️

⚠️ This pull request was auto-generated with Grit. ⚠️

This pull request was created with these settings:

Pattern body ```js engine marzano(0.1) language python pattern rename_resource() { or { `Audio` => `audio`, `ChatCompletion` => `chat.completions`, `Completion` => `completions`, `Edit` => `edits`, `Embedding` => `embeddings`, `File` => `files`, `FineTune` => `fine_tunes`, `FineTuningJob` => `fine_tuning`, `Image` => `images`, `Model` => `models`, `Moderation` => `moderations`, } } pattern rename_resource_cls() { or { r"Audio" => `resources.Audio`, r"ChatCompletion" => `resources.chat.Completions`, r"Completion" => `resources.Completions`, r"Edit" => `resources.Edits`, r"Embedding" => `resources.Embeddings`, r"File" => `resources.Files`, r"FineTune" => `resources.FineTunes`, r"FineTuningJob" => `resources.FineTuning`, r"Image" => `resources.Images`, r"Model" => `resources.Models`, r"Moderation" => `resources.Moderations`, } } pattern deprecated_resource() { or { `Customer`, `Deployment`, `Engine`, `ErrorObject`, } } pattern deprecated_resource_cls() { or { r"Customer", r"Deployment", r"Engine", r"ErrorObject", } } pattern rename_func($has_sync, $has_async, $res, $stmt, $params) { $func where { if ($func <: r"a([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"($func_rest)) { $has_async = `true`, $func => $func_rest, $stmt => `aclient.$res.$func($params)`, } else { $has_sync = `true`, $stmt => `client.$res.$func($params)`, }, // Fix function renames if ($res <: `Image`) { $func => `generate` } } } pattern change_import($has_sync, $has_async, $need_openai_import) { $stmt where { $imports_and_defs = [], if ($need_openai_import <: `true`) { $imports_and_defs += `import openai`, }, if (and { $has_sync <: `true`, $has_async <: `true` }) { $imports_and_defs += `from openai import OpenAI, AsyncOpenAI`, $imports_and_defs += ``, // Blank line $imports_and_defs += `client = OpenAI()`, $imports_and_defs += `aclient = AsyncOpenAI()`, } else if ($has_sync <: `true`) { $imports_and_defs += `from openai import OpenAI`, $imports_and_defs += ``, // Blank line $imports_and_defs += `client = OpenAI()`, } else if ($has_async <: `true`) { $imports_and_defs += `from openai import AsyncOpenAI`, $imports_and_defs += ``, // Blank line $imports_and_defs += `aclient = AsyncOpenAI()`, }, $separator = `\n`, $formatted = join(list = $imports_and_defs, $separator), $stmt => `$formatted`, } } pattern rewrite_whole_fn_call($import, $has_sync, $has_async, $res, $func, $params, $stmt, $body) { or { rename_resource() where { $import = `true`, $func <: rename_func($has_sync, $has_async, $res, $stmt, $params), }, deprecated_resource() as $dep_res where { $stmt_whole = $stmt, if ($body <: contains `$_ = $stmt` as $line) { $stmt_whole = $line, }, $stmt_whole => `# TODO: The resource '$dep_res' has been deprecated\n$stmt_whole`, } } } pattern unittest_patch() { or { decorated_definition($decorators, definition=$_) where { $decorators <: contains bubble decorator(value=`patch($cls_path)`) as $stmt where { $cls_path <: contains r"openai\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:.[^,]+)?"($res), if ($res <: rename_resource_cls()) {} else { $res <: deprecated_resource_cls(), $stmt => `# TODO: The resource '$res' has been deprecated\n$stmt`, } } }, function_definition($body) where { $body <: contains bubble($body) or { `patch.object($params)`, `patch($params)`, } as $stmt where { $params <: contains bubble($body, $stmt) r"openai\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:.[^,]+)?"($res) where or { $res <: rename_resource_cls(), and { $res <: deprecated_resource_cls(), $line = $stmt, if ($body <: contains or { `with $stmt:`, `with $stmt as $_:` } as $l) { $line = $l, }, $line => `# TODO: The resource '$res' has been deprecated\n$line`, } } }, } } } pattern pytest_patch() { decorated_definition($decorators, $definition) where { $decorators <: contains decorator(value=`pytest.fixture`), $definition <: bubble function_definition($body, $parameters) where { $parameters <: [$monkeypatch, ...], $body <: contains bubble($monkeypatch) or { `$monkeypatch.setattr($params)` as $stmt where { $params <: contains bubble($stmt) r"openai\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:.[^,]+)?"($res) where or { $res <: rename_resource_cls(), $stmt => `# TODO: The resource '$res' has been deprecated\n$stmt`, } }, `monkeypatch.delattr($params)` as $stmt where { $params <: contains bubble($stmt) r"openai\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:.[^,]+)?"($res) where or { $res <: rename_resource_cls(), $stmt => `# TODO: The resource '$res' has been deprecated\n$stmt`, } }, } }, }, } file($body) where { $need_openai_import = `false`, $has_openai_import = `false`, $has_partial_import = `false`, $has_sync = `false`, $has_async = `false`, // Remap errors $body <: maybe contains `openai.error.$exp` => `openai.$exp` where { $need_openai_import = `true`, }, // Mark all the places where we they configure openai as something that requires manual intervention $body <: maybe contains bubble($need_openai_import) `openai.$field = $val` => `raise Exception("The 'openai.$field' option isn't read in the client API. You will need to pass it when you instantiate the client, e.g. 'OpenAI($field=$val)'")` where { $need_openai_import = `true`, }, $body <: maybe contains `import openai` as $import_stmt where { $body <: contains bubble($has_sync, $has_async, $has_openai_import, $body) `openai.$res.$func($params)` as $stmt where { $res <: rewrite_whole_fn_call(import = $has_openai_import, $has_sync, $has_async, $res, $func, $params, $stmt, $body), }, }, $body <: maybe contains `from openai import $resources` as $partial_import_stmt where { $has_partial_import = `true`, $body <: contains bubble($has_sync, $has_async, $resources) `$res.$func($params)` as $stmt where { $resources <: contains $res, $res <: rewrite_whole_fn_call($import, $has_sync, $has_async, $res, $func, $params, $stmt, $body), } }, if ($has_openai_import <: `true`) { $import_stmt <: change_import($has_sync, $has_async, $need_openai_import), if ($has_partial_import <: `true`) { $partial_import_stmt => ., }, } else if ($has_partial_import <: `true`) { $partial_import_stmt <: change_import($has_sync, $has_async, $need_openai_import), }, $body <: maybe contains unittest_patch(), $body <: maybe contains pytest_patch(), } ```

Please feel free to provide feedback on this pull request. Any comments will be incorporated into future migrations.