polyrhythm-project / polyrhythm-maps

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Organize the GitHub repository #50

Open ect123 opened 1 year ago

ect123 commented 1 year ago

There are some things that can improve the organization of the repository.

jasonleeubc commented 1 year ago

For the composer map, all files pertaining to the latest version is stored in the testing_0724 directory,

ect123 commented 1 year ago

@epoudrier add any comments about broken or wrong links here

craigsapp commented 1 year ago

For the composer map, all files pertaining to the latest version is stored in the testing_0724 directory,

I have moved testing_0724 to composers-map, and moved composers-map to composers-map-old. (I hope that doesn't mess up anyone's current progress). This is done with commit https://github.com/polyrhythm-project/polyrhythm-maps/commit/900b68b6b4cf727d282ed49f7809f730b3bd40bd

The composers map has an extra directory level, which makes the URL string unnecessarily long and unpredictable. I would suggest moving the composers-map folder's content up one directory level, and changing any affected relative paths in the map document.

This is good to do, but I will wait a few days to do if no one has problems with the current change (the new styling of the composers list should be visible from the https://maps.polyrhythm.humdrum.org webpage link to the composers map now.

craigsapp commented 1 year ago

Rename the file timeline/timeline-1.html to timeline/timeline.html

Commit https://github.com/polyrhythm-project/polyrhythm-maps/commit/a97fd7674a99b445814b325e5128ff4100f51f0f does this, but the URL is further simplified to either:




craigsapp commented 1 year ago

Commit https://github.com/polyrhythm-project/polyrhythm-maps/commit/8927672679546eeef0f54afab655ac96660bd05b deletes timeline-boilerplate.html, but it is actually embedded now into the README.md file.