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Hidden accidentals as a method of correctly playing back non-standard accidental durations #128

Open Wwilli04 opened 4 years ago

Wwilli04 commented 4 years ago

@craigsapp This is to test the possibility of using hidden naturals to cancel accidentals that are only intended to apply to the immediately following note (potentially an issue in examples by Ives and the 12-tone composers represented). The question is how the invisible accidentals are rendered in the XML and if there's an issue on that front, whether there's some other way of achieving this effect that will translate better into the XML and kern files.

Attached is a .txt file with the contents of the XML file from this test (github won't support uploading an XML file here directly), as well as the PDF and a link to a drive folder with the materials. The notes in question are the two Es in the voice line at "sky, and" (in what's rendered as measure 3), which should play back as E-naturals, not E-flats.


(XML)T268_Ive-w44p27s1-2 2.txt


epoudrier commented 4 years ago

Some of the composers in our corpus (e.g., Ives, Schoenberg, Webern, and Berg) use accidentals that apply only to the note they precede and do not extend to following notes that are the same within the measure, although not necessarily in all scores featured in the Suter corpus. Because XML does not preserve information about invisible elements (such as cautionary accidentals), necessary editorial cautionary accidentals must be encoded with square brackets. These will be exported to XML and translated by the Humdrum converter as “editorial accidentals” (Humdrum code = i), which appear on VHV as renaissance-style (above the staff) editorial accidentals, but can be manually edited in Humdrum to appear on the staff with square brackets (Humdrum code = brack, entered as a filter). In case something goes wrong in the conversion, please record each instance in the new added column on the Proofreading master spreadsheet (part, measure, pitch). NOTE: Before applying the cautionary accidental, make sure the notation system has been confirmed by Kelsey or an authoritative source (please record source).

cdf75ubc commented 4 years ago

@Wwilli04 and @kelseylussierl : for Ives T241, I believe there should be a natural accidental for the piano L.H. staff, last beat, G3. The lower voice has been playing G naturals repeatedly. On the third beat, the composer introduces a G# on the upper voice. The way it looks, it causes the lower voice to sound a G#.



