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Add staff placement for expressive text #40

Open aaronearlgraham opened 4 years ago

aaronearlgraham commented 4 years ago

T716, Copland, Piano part missing "poco rubato" in first measure

Sib: image

VHV: image

craigsapp commented 4 years ago

(and octave mark is on the wrong staff which I am working on right now for another example).

craigsapp commented 4 years ago

Adding links to the Polyrhythm example page would be useful to post along with the issue (I am too lazy to open a new page and go their on my own :-).

In this case the link would be:


craigsapp commented 4 years ago

The expressive text is being converted into Humdrum:

Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 18 45 56

But a staff placement above or below the score is required in order to show it (so this will need to be added to the converter to fix the problem):

Also, the text should come after the spine split so that it is immediately before the note to which it is attached:

Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 18 48 18

Mixing of text and dynamics will also have to be considered.

craigsapp commented 4 years ago

Also the ottava line is backwards, so that will need fixing:

Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 18 51 09
cdf75ubc commented 4 years ago

T331, Bartok: vl 1, bar 2, con sord. appears under the staff in VHV same for cello and cb, bar 4, for pizz and con sord expression text markings

Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 2 09 18 PM Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 2 10 35 PM Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 2 11 08 PM Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 2 11 29 PM
craigsapp commented 4 years ago

Here is the Sibelius-exported MusicXML for a "con sord.":

                                        <words default-y='20' relative-x='-6'>con sord.</words>

Either the default position for word elements is above the staff, or the default-y attribute hints that it should be above the staff (placed two ledger lines above the staff).

Here is a test in MuseScore:

Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 01 58 13

The first pizz above the staff is:

          <words relative-y="20.00">pizz.</words>

The second pizz below the staff is:

          <words default-y="-40.00" relative-x="0.95" relative-y="-24.87">pizz.</words>

So @default-y seems to indicate below if negative (but @relative-y is also present and negative).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.1 Partwise//EN" "http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd">
<score-partwise version="3.1">
    <creator type="composer">Composer</creator>
      <software>MuseScore 3.3.4</software>
      <supports element="accidental" type="yes"/>
      <supports element="beam" type="yes"/>
      <supports element="print" attribute="new-page" type="yes" value="yes"/>
      <supports element="print" attribute="new-system" type="yes" value="yes"/>
      <supports element="stem" type="yes"/>
      <page-margins type="even">
      <page-margins type="odd">
    <word-font font-family="FreeSerif" font-size="10"/>
    <lyric-font font-family="FreeSerif" font-size="11"/>
  <credit page="1">
    <credit-words default-x="612" default-y="1527.31" justify="center" valign="top" font-size="24">Title</credit-words>
  <credit page="1">
    <credit-words default-x="1167.31" default-y="1427.31" justify="right" valign="bottom" font-size="12">Composer</credit-words>
    <score-part id="P1">
      <score-instrument id="P1-I1">
      <midi-device id="P1-I1" port="1"></midi-device>
      <midi-instrument id="P1-I1">
  <part id="P1">
    <measure number="1" width="203.80">
      <direction placement="above">
          <words relative-y="20.00">pizz.</words>
      <note default-x="79.27" default-y="-15.00">
    <measure number="2" width="147.52">
      <direction placement="below">
          <words default-y="-40.00" relative-x="0.95" relative-y="-24.87">pizz.</words>
      <note default-x="10.00" default-y="-35.00">
      <barline location="right">