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Catch-future effect #58

Closed KingoftheHomeless closed 4 years ago

KingoftheHomeless commented 5 years ago

Here's an interesting effect, made possible using the same kind of machinery the abandoned Coroutine effect used, but with a functorial state that actually behaves sensibly with higher-order effects:

import Control.Monad.Free.Church

cataSem :: Sem r a -> (a -> b) -> (Union r (Sem r) b -> b) -> b
cataSem = runF . usingSem liftF

data ErrorFuture e m a where
  ThrowPast :: e -> ErrorFuture e m a
  CatchFuture :: ErrorFuture e m (Maybe e)

makeSem ''CatchFuture

-- | A variant of catchFuture which catches future exceptions indefinitely.
catchFutureRepeatedly :: Member (ErrorFuture e) r => Sem r (Maybe e)
catchFutureRepeatedly = catchFuture >>= \case
  Just e -> catchFutureRepeatedly >>= \case
    Just e' -> return (Just e')
    Nothing -> return (Just e)
  Nothing -> pure Nothing

runErrorFuture :: Sem (ErrorFuture e ': r) a -> Sem r (Either e a)
runErrorFuture sem = Sem $ \k -> cataSem sem (pure . Right) $ \u -> case decomp u of
  Right (Weaving eff s _ ex _) -> case eff of
    ThrowPast e -> pure (Left e)
    CatchFuture -> ex (Nothing <$ s) >>= \case
      Right a -> pure (Right a)
      Left e  -> ex (Just e <$ s)
  Left g -> do
    res <- k $ weave
            (Right ())
            (either (pure . Left) runErrorFuture)
            (\case {Right a -> Just a; _ -> Nothing})
    case res of
      Right a -> a
      Left e -> pure (Left e)
isovector commented 5 years ago

coool! how the heck does this work? and what is it useful for?

KingoftheHomeless commented 5 years ago

So I've discovered a few issues with this, but first a lengthy explanation of how this works:

So the cataSem combinator transforms Sem r a into its church encoding; Sem r is the free monad of the functor Union r (Sem r), and cataSem allows us to do folding over the layers of Union r (Sem r) that Sem r represents. The premise is that we use cataSem to fold Sem (ErrorFuture e ': r) a to m (Either e a), where m is the internal monad, from the innermost Union (ErrorFuture e ': r) (Sem (ErrorFuture e ': r)) to the outermost Union (ErrorFuture e ': r) (Sem (ErrorFuture e ': r)); i.e. from the last action to the first. This is reflected in the base case: a -> m (Either e a), which represents the end of the computation, and the inductive step:

   Union (ErrorFuture e ': r) (Sem (ErrorFuture e ': r)) (m (Either e a))
-> m (Either e a)

The inner m (Either e a) represents what we've already folded: i.e. the rest of the computation past the action that the Union (ErrorFuture e ': r) (Sem (ErrorFuture e ': r)) represents. Thus, ex of the Union's Weaving actually has type f x -> m (Either e a); a continuation! So cataSem enables talking about continuations of Sem r, in a way that's more expressive than Codensity (Sem r), but doesn't necessarily require the problematic type variable of ContT s (Sem r).

In this case, we use cataSem in order to catch exceptions of the continuation. Throwing an exception is straight-forward: if the Union is ThrowPast e, then we simply return pure (Left e), discarding the (inaccessible) continuation. If the Union is CatchFuture, we first run the continuation by providing Nothing: ex (Nothing <$ s). We then check if this results in an exception raised by ThrowPast e; and if it does, we rerun the continuation, providing the exception to it; ex (Just e <$ s). This is only done once to make the effect flexible.

Coroutine was problematic since its functorial state needed to be stacks of continuations delimited by yields and receives, and thus higher-order effects only applied up until the first yield/receive. ErrorFuture doesn't need to represent that, so it doesn't have the same problem.

Now the problems: So the point was that this should've been a unproblematic continuation-based effect, which would be useful for a lot of continuation-based stuff. One example would be that it's possible to emulate knot using this. However, the more I look at it, the more I realize that it's actually very similar to runContViaFresh: runContViaFresh also functions by catching exceptions on continuations, the differences are that runContViaFresh does so through combining ContT s with an Error effect, while this does it via cataSem. And indeed, runErrorFuture inherits a problem that runContViaFresh needed to fix: a catchFuture within an argument to a higher-order action won't catch exceptions after the higher-order action. So this isn't as nice as I first thought.

I'm going to look at this a bit more, but ultimately, it might be too problematic/too similar to runContViaFresh to be worth including. Although perhaps I can make use of cataSem to make the implementation of runContViaFresh prettier.

KingoftheHomeless commented 4 years ago

I've abandoned this. The weave abstraction hates continuations, and I hate it in return.