polywock / globalSpeed

Web extension to set a default speed for video and audio
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URL Rules not working #505

Closed SupLiCatinG closed 1 month ago

SupLiCatinG commented 1 month ago

I have this rule, normally it should force every website to 2x speed as the old version does. But in the newest version when i set 1x speed with hotkey it stays like that I said in the title not working but (off) rule works.


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polywock commented 1 month ago

Hello. You can update to the latest version to fix this issue. I've only rolled the update to 10% of users, so you might not get it automatically. To manually update, go to chrome://extensions, enable developer mode, and click on Update.

You can now click on the 3 dots near the delete button to change the "strictness". There's 4 levels, i've made the new default '2'. For your use case, either level 2 or 3 will be ideal.

strictness 1: Apply only the first time the URL matched. 
strictness 2: Re-apply if domain name is different. (new Default) 
strictness 3: Re-apply every page load.
strictness 4: Re-apply every time URL changes.
SupLiCatinG commented 1 month ago

Thanks for quick solution, i updated and it seems to be working. Strict level 3 works like the old the.