polywock / globalSpeed

Web extension to set a default speed for video and audio
1.48k stars 170 forks source link

可以把速度-设置为值的功能调整回原来的版本吗 #508

Closed awesomepeppa closed 1 month ago

awesomepeppa commented 1 month ago


polywock commented 1 month ago

Hi. That was fixed recently. I've only rolled the update to 10% of users so you probably won't automatically get it. To update, go to chrome://extensions/, enable Developer mode and click Update. After updating, you can turn off developer mode.

awesomepeppa commented 1 month ago


polywock commented 1 month ago

It's still not working for you? If so, can you provide your browser and Global Speed version?

polywock commented 1 month ago

Here's the old version if you want to download it.
