polywock / globalSpeed

Web extension to set a default speed for video and audio
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请问能否使用非全局快捷键来控制PIP视频浮窗 #519

Closed XMB-7 closed 4 weeks ago

XMB-7 commented 4 weeks ago

当把视频以PIP模式播放时, 即便已点选浮窗使之聚焦了, 仍无法使用插件的快捷键来对视频播放进行控制. 简单在issue区搜了一下, 从#134看, 似乎只有通过设置全局快捷键才能控制PIP, 不知是否确实如此, 有无变通的实现方式?

p.s. 设置全局快捷键会妨碍我在其它软件里使用相同的按键, 所以并不想设置全局快捷键.

polywock commented 4 weeks ago

Hi. If you mean while outside the browser, then no, it's not possible without global shortcuts. Local shortcuts are only active while you're focused on a page that has Global Speed loaded.

Would popout controls be helpful? The controls can have the standard controls like play, seek -10, seek +10 buttons, etc. However, it's won't possible to make it always visible, like PiP.

XMB-7 commented 4 weeks ago

Local shortcuts are only active while you're focused on a page that has Global Speed loaded.

所以, 以PIP模式播放视频时, 插件其实并未加载, 我这么理解没错吧? 如果是这样, 那真的没办法了. 感谢回复, 看来还是得用ahk之类的对非浏览器的软件写一个按键重映射的脚本.

polywock commented 4 weeks ago

所以, 以PIP模式播放视频时, 插件其实并未加载, 我这么理解没错吧?

That's right. Let me know if there's anything else. Always happy to help.