pombase / canto

The PomBase community curation tool
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Write approver ORCID to exported JSON file #2789

Open kimrutherford opened 1 year ago

kimrutherford commented 1 year ago

We need to load the ORCID of the session approver to JSON so we can load into Chado:

ValWood commented 1 year ago

There could be a small complication here. The main approver is the [person who does the initial approval. Subsequently when we do minor edits to a session we reapprove the session and the person who makes a minor change becomes the approver. Really we want to credit the first approver (who did the bulk of the checking).

However, we have also talked briefly about recording the removal of annotations. This would be useful for stats , and we are encouraged to collect this data too.

We should chat about both of these issues next time we chat.

kimrutherford commented 1 year ago

However, we have also talked briefly about recording the removal of annotations

Is that existing annotations or new annotations from the current session?

kimrutherford commented 1 year ago

Really we want to credit the first approver (who did the bulk of the checking).

The previous approver(s) aren't recorded in Canto so wouldn't be able to do that for old sessions. We can change the code to capture that in future.

ValWood commented 1 year ago

We might be able to establish historical approver from curation additions (not urgent)