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The PomBase community curation tool
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Phenotype annotations to GO term #2850

Open PCarme opened 4 months ago

PCarme commented 4 months ago

While reviewing a community curation, I found several phenotype annotations to GO terms.


That seems weird, is it a bug ?

ValWood commented 4 months ago

very weird!

kimrutherford commented 4 months ago

It's possible (but not encouraged!) to paste an ontology term ID into the term name search box. The ID is checked to make sure it's a real term ID but that's all.

I assume here that the community curator couldn't find the term they wanted for the WT function in FYPO, but did find it in GO?

PCarme commented 4 months ago

Yes, I realised after that it is possible to search for a GO ID in the search box and select it. They used it to annotate the term as a phenotype to a "wild type" allele, so my guess is they wanted to make a GO annotation and didn't find how, so they used the phenotype annotation instead.