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user interface: Recycle a deleted term/ undo button #626

Open pombase-admin opened 11 years ago

pombase-admin commented 11 years ago

Would be nice to have a way back if you delete an annotation but then want it back :)

(at the moment, if you change a term name, the old term comes up as "deleted" (crossed over in red) and the altered term comes up as a new/separate anntation...perhaps you need to keep that in mind?)

Original comment by: Antonialock

pombase-admin commented 11 years ago

Originally the annotation was crossed through in red and the delete button turned into a "undelete" button when you deleted an annotation. The consensus was that we shouldn't do that as it made the display ugly. I can change it back if needed.

Original comment by: kimrutherford

pombase-admin commented 11 years ago
  1. I don't mind either case where:

-you delete an annotation and it then disappears forever and ever and ever (i think I prefer this one) -you delete an annotation, and it is still visible, but it can later be undeleted

  1. (this should probably be a seprate ticket) If you change a term name, the old term gets crossed over in red and a new annotation appears in the table. I change term names fairly frequently and my sessions end up ugly and confusing for me. I would prefer it if the new annotation replaced the old one.

Original comment by: Antonialock

pombase-admin commented 9 years ago

Kim says there are other ways. An undo button? Anyway this is not a big issue so we'll revisit later

Original comment by: ValWood

ValWood commented 8 years ago

Do we still want/need an 'undo' button @Antonialock @mah11 (I'm not fussed)

mah11 commented 8 years ago

It's certainly not a high priority, but I have this baseline opinion that all software should have an "undo" button ;)

ValWood commented 8 years ago

yep. It should happen sometime.

Antonialock commented 8 years ago

not overly fussed but might be nice occasionally. might be more work implementing nicely than the amoount of work it will save :)