pombase / canto

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genotype "add to session" links not working #823

Closed pombase-admin closed 9 years ago

pombase-admin commented 9 years ago

I tried "Find an existing genotype", it retrieved some matches, and I tried clicking on "Add to session ...".

I got this lovely error message:

Internal error Caught exception in Canto::Controller::Curs->feature_view "error while creating Allele: DBIx::Class::ResultSet::create(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: NOT NULL constraint failed: allele.type [for Statement "INSERT INTO allele ( description, expression, gene, name, primary_identifier, type) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )"] at lib/Canto/DB.pm line 245 with args: {'primary_identifier' => 'SPBC336.04:allele-2', 'expression' => 'undef', 'gene' => '5', 'name' => 'mis10-421', 'type' => 'undef', 'description' => 'unknown'} at lib/Canto/Curs/AlleleManager.pm line 165." There has been an internal error. The problem has been logged and will be investigated.

test session is faf417861ee34380; doesn't seem to make a difference which gene or genotype

(note: all of the "add to session" genotypes so far have been single alleles; no idea if that matters because I don't have any multi-allele matches other than ones I've added in the same session)

Original comment by: mah11

pombase-admin commented 9 years ago

Original comment by: kimrutherford

pombase-admin commented 9 years ago

This should be fixed now. It's one of the trickier parts of the new multi-allele changes so please keep an eye out for further problems.

Original comment by: kimrutherford

pombase-admin commented 9 years ago

I tried one and it worked fine. thanks

Original comment by: mah11