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Slim for Histograms #2066

Closed ValWood closed 5 years ago

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I made a new slim compilation file


I'm not sure that I got everything in it. This is the master list.

These are.

  1. The pombe slim terms (excluding replaced terms in 3.)
  2. Terms added to cover a pombe unslimmed (also pulls in S. cerevisiae unslimmed)
  3. The replacement terms made less specific to cover cerevisiae and human
  4. Terms added to cover S. cerevisiae
  5. Terms added to cover human

We need to test that this slim covers everything expected for

(it probably won't), than record any changes made need ot be recorded in this ticket.

I need this record so that we use the same term set for every organism, and I can improve it easily over time if I know the reason that each term was added.)

For example we will need to break down "multicellular organism process" into biological meaningful modules without losing anything

ValWood commented 6 years ago

there is also a file of ONLY the IDs https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pGfAkCdGha6A1-g1UFZZPu42mQBow0nt

new terms will need to be added 1) to this ticket 2 to both files in the drop box

@Antonialock I think quite a few of the IDs you require are missing Your old file is in the archive directory

ValWood commented 6 years ago

adding protein targeting (GO:0006605) to the list of terms from the pombe slim

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I'm happy with the pombe Your input list contains 5070 genes. These 0 identifiers were found to be unannotated:  These 7 identifiers were not annotated in the slim, but they had non-root annotations that were not in the slim:  These 698 identifiers had no non-root annotations: 

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I'm happy with the cerevisiae Your input list contains 5915 genes. These 0 identifiers were found to be unannotated: These 216 identifiers were not annotated in the slim, but they had non-root annotations that were not in the slim: These 787 identifiers had no non-root annotations:

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

Exactly which list should I compare my human list to in order to tell you what I have added?

ValWood commented 6 years ago

the one above: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pGfAkCdGha6A1-g1UFZZPu42mQBow0nt

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

for me that link just goes to a folder?

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Oh right, In only created one file and there were 2. It seems that when you edit a file a new one is created. There is only one file now S5_GO__slim_IDs.txt

and the file for why the terms are added. I renamed to "explain slim terms.txt"

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

The slim terms in my slim list:

GO:0000278 GO:0000493 GO:0000910 GO:0000920 GO:0002376 GO:0005975 GO:0006069 GO:0006089 GO:0006091 GO:0006260 GO:0006281 GO:0006310 GO:0006325 GO:0006351 GO:0006399 GO:0006412 GO:0006457 GO:0006486 GO:0006501 GO:0006520 GO:0006629 GO:0006766 GO:0006790 GO:0006797 GO:0006913 GO:0006914 GO:0006915 GO:0006954 GO:0007005 GO:0007010 GO:0007018 GO:0007029 GO:0007030 GO:0007031 GO:0007032 GO:0007040 GO:0007059 GO:0007155 GO:0007163 GO:0008215 GO:0009305 GO:0009436 GO:0009447 GO:0016071 GO:0016073 GO:0016074 GO:0018342 GO:0018345 GO:0019413 GO:0022414 GO:0023052 GO:0030091 GO:0030163 GO:0030198 GO:0030261 GO:0031648 GO:0032200 GO:0032418 GO:0032438 GO:0032501 GO:0032502 GO:0032963 GO:0034067 GO:0034079 GO:0034276 GO:0034329 GO:0034389 GO:0042060 GO:0042254 GO:0042423 GO:0043647 GO:0044782 GO:0045454 GO:0046210 GO:0050808 GO:0051186 GO:0051604 GO:0055065 GO:0055086 GO:0048870 GO:0061024 GO:0065003 GO:0070647 GO:0071218 GO:0071554 GO:0071941 GO:0072659 GO:0097120 GO:0098542 GO:0098754 GO:0140053 GO:0140056 GO:1901135 GO:1902224 GO:2000001 GO:0012501 GO:0070265 GO:0007624 GO:0031047 GO:0009636 GO:0008380 GO:0006810 GO:0006575

These correspond to:

mitotic cell cycle box H/ACA snoRNP assembly cytokinesis cell separation after cytokinesis immune system process carbohydrate metabolic process ethanol oxidation lactate metabolic process generation of precursor metabolites and energy DNA replication DNA repair DNA recombination chromatin organization transcription, DNA-templated tRNA metabolic process translation protein folding protein glycosylation C-terminal protein lipidation cellular amino acid metabolic process lipid metabolic process vitamin metabolic process sulfur compound metabolic process polyphosphate metabolic process nucleocytoplasmic transport autophagy apoptotic process inflammatory response mitochondrion organization cytoskeleton organization microtubule-based movement endoplasmic reticulum organization Golgi organization peroxisome organization endosome organization lysosome organization chromosome segregation cell adhesion establishment or maintenance of cell polarity spermine metabolic process protein biotinylation glyoxylate catabolic process putrescine catabolic process mRNA metabolic process snRNA metabolic process snoRNA metabolic process protein prenylation protein palmitoylation acetate biosynthetic process reproductive process signaling protein repair protein catabolic process extracellular matrix organization chromosome condensation protein destabilization telomere organization lysosome localization melanosome organization multicellular organismal process developmental process collagen metabolic process protein localization to Golgi apparatus butanediol biosynthetic process kynurenic acid biosynthetic process cell junction assembly lipid particle organization wound healing ribosome biogenesis catecholamine biosynthetic process inositol phosphate metabolic process cilium organization cell redox homeostasis nitric oxide catabolic process synapse organization cofactor metabolic process protein maturation metal ion homeostasis nucleobase-containing small molecule metabolic process cell motility membrane organization protein-containing complex assembly protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal cellular response to misfolded protein cell wall organization or biogenesis nitrogen cycle metabolic process protein localization to plasma membrane receptor localization to synapse defense response to other organism detoxification mitochondrial gene expression organelle localization by membrane tethering carbohydrate derivative metabolic process ketone body metabolic process regulation of DNA damage checkpoint programmed cell death necrotic cell death ultradian rhythm gene silencing by RNA response to toxic substrate RNA splicing transport cellular modified amino acid metabolic process

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

from your slim I removed these IDs:

GO:0000128 GO:0000372 GO:0000747 GO:0006276 GO:0006605 GO:0007124 GO:0016192 GO:0018890 GO:0030437 GO:0055085 GO:0140013 GO:1901426


term reason
flocculation no human annotation
Group I intron splicing redundant with RNA splicing
conjugation with cellular fusion no human annotation
plasmid maintenance no human annotation
protein targeting redundant with 'transport'
pseudohyphal growth no human annotation
vesicle-mediated transport redundant with 'transport'
cyanamide metabolic process no human annotation
ascospore formation no human annotation
transmembrane transport redundant with 'transport'
meiotic nuclear division redundant with reproductive process
response to furfural no human annotation
Antonialock commented 6 years ago

terms in my slim not in the yeast slim:

GO:0002376 GO:0006501 GO:0006810 GO:0006954 GO:0007040 GO:0007624 GO:0009305 GO:0009447 GO:0012501 GO:0006575 GO:0022414 GO:0030198 GO:0030261 GO:0032418 GO:0032438 GO:0032501 GO:0032502 GO:0032963 GO:0034276 GO:0034329 GO:0031047 GO:0042060 GO:0042423 GO:0043647 GO:0044782 GO:0045329 GO:0045454 GO:0046210 GO:0048870 GO:0050808 GO:0070265 GO:0097120 GO:0098542

These correspond to:

/ immune system process /C-terminal protein lipidation /transport / inflammatory response / lysosome organization / ultradian rhythm / protein biotinylation / putrescine catabolic process / programmed cell death cellular modified amino acid metabolic process /reproductive process / extracellular matrix organization / chromosome condensation /lysosome localization / melanosome organization multicellular organismal process / developmental process /collagen metabolic process / kynurenic acid biosynthetic process / cell junction assembly gene silencing by RNA / wound healing / catecholamine biosynthetic process / inositol phosphate metabolic process / cilium organization cell redox homeostasis / nitric oxide catabolic process / cell motility / synapse organization / necrotic cell death / receptor localization to synapse / defense response to other organism

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

does that look fine? if so I will update the histogram

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Don't remove any terms (unless they are swaps and then they need to be documented) We only want one slim list. I am using the list you use. It doesn't matter if the terms are not used in your species, it doesn't make any difference to the results...

ValWood commented 6 years ago

use GO:0006575 cellular modified amino acid metabolic process

instead of glycine betaine biosynthetic process from choline carnitine biosynthetic process and any others (these are a bit too specific) I used to have GO:0006575 cellular modified amino acid metabolic process

but we no longer needed it for coverage so I took it out

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Shouldn't need transport as it's "not for direct annotation" What doesn't slim without it?

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

If I replace "transport" with:

transmembrane transport vesicle-mediated transport protein targeting

annotations to non-root term goes up from 549 to 636 if you don't include the more generic transport.

It's a bit of a bag of stuff that gets missed out

e.g. bicarbonate transport (regulates pH apparently) oxygen transport copper transport (deficiency in copper transport can lead to disease) drug transport

for some reason lots of child terms to "transmembrane transport" don't slim...e.g. L-glutamate transmembrane transport shows up...it shouldn't do! HGNC:16703, HGNC:10945 are annotated to this AND the term has parentage to transmembrane transport... lots of other examples too

I really don't want to investigate!

ValWood commented 6 years ago

replace GO:0031047 gene silencing by RNA (will be better for application to other species, for future etc) production of miRNAs involved in gene silencing by miRNA

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Re transport, that's fine. Put transport in and we'll take the specific transport out. We should be able to improve the specificity here in future.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Yep term selection looks good with the broadening (I will propose this as a general slim as the current one is so out of date)

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Out of curiosity, how many do not slim if you omit "multicellular organismal process" do you lose much.

In future iterations (not for this paper hopefully, but for GO use) we would like to get rid of this and I'm wondering how far away this might be...

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

I don't mind replacing carnitine and the glycine betaine term for cellular modified amino acid metabolic process

but why in this instance and not

tRNA snRNA snoRNA for ncRNA metabolic process?

and how about putrescine catabolic process acetate biosynthetic process

replace with GO:0006576 cellular biogenic amine metabolic process ?

ValWood commented 6 years ago

4 reasons

  1. because
    tRNA snRNA snoRNA

are really central to biology,

and 2 in distinct modules, that intersect with different processes. (think matric)

  1. and it seems odd to have

amino acid metabolic process

but then have modified amino acids very specifically

  1. If we apply this slim to other species there will be other modified amino acid odd bods (usually the overlap with either amino acid metabolism, or lipid metabolism, which is why I was able to exclude it for pombe

..... forward planning in case reviewers want us to include more species, and so we can suggest it is used as the generic GO slim, and to use for matrix project (next up)

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I'm sure a subset are known, but not annotated (or badly annotated) but how could we know what proportion since they are not.....hold on....well annotated

I think if they aren't named we can assume they are unknown. I remember last time I batch downloaded the list and eyeballed through it. They really were "unknown" HGNC are pretty good at adding names as soon as things get published.

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

ok, will do the chanegs and send you the list, justa quick walk first while the sun is still out :-)

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I should do that too!

ValWood commented 6 years ago

putrescine catabolic process acetate biosynthetic process replace with GO:0006576 cellular biogenic amine metabolic process ?

I wasn't sure about that one as I'm not sure how distinct the roles of the biogenic amines are.....

ValWood commented 6 years ago

does that look fine? if so I will update the histogram

Looks great with those swaps. If you update and document the changes in the text file, it will help us when we want to refine it for future projects. From here it can only improve becasue I'm banning loads of GO terms for direct annotation ;)

I'll rerun pombe and cerevisiae tomorrow with the new final slim, just in case your broadening pulls in one or two extras.....

ValWood commented 6 years ago
Antonialock commented 6 years ago


These 547 identifiers were not annotated in the slim, but they had non-root annotations that were not in the slim:

HGNC:23336 HGNC:24427 HGNC:32037 HGNC:32038 HGNC:21 HGNC:16469 HGNC:16754 HGNC:23989 HGNC:34391 HGNC:122 HGNC:24104 HGNC:179 HGNC:180 HGNC:30714 HGNC:214 HGNC:15479 HGNC:15478 HGNC:222 HGNC:13201 HGNC:16305 HGNC:17109 HGNC:17111 HGNC:14633 HGNC:19038 HGNC:19039 HGNC:21738 HGNC:21212 HGNC:269 HGNC:21304 HGNC:23459 HGNC:23467 HGNC:23466 HGNC:23463 HGNC:26504 HGNC:26296 HGNC:27981 HGNC:5177 HGNC:1189 HGNC:23437 HGNC:24056 HGNC:405 HGNC:28114 HGNC:28243 HGNC:17377 HGNC:20917 HGNC:20565 HGNC:439 HGNC:22231 HGNC:28041 HGNC:24078 HGNC:21027 HGNC:20096 HGNC:24470 HGNC:13238 HGNC:21706 HGNC:17872 HGNC:723 HGNC:24049 HGNC:17452 HGNC:2721 HGNC:751 HGNC:27380 HGNC:30437 HGNC:37931 HGNC:28505 HGNC:28309 HGNC:21445 HGNC:33758 HGNC:26045 HGNC:17590 HGNC:13796 HGNC:20290 HGNC:16143 HGNC:1458 HGNC:24197 HGNC:1478 HGNC:13249 HGNC:16663 HGNC:16664 HGNC:28359 HGNC:25171 HGNC:28118 HGNC:1587 HGNC:1592 HGNC:1593 HGNC:26868 HGNC:14623 HGNC:14434 HGNC:8750 HGNC:8751 HGNC:19287 HGNC:26928 HGNC:23030 HGNC:29995 HGNC:20359 HGNC:29366 HGNC:1866 HGNC:15528 HGNC:30664 HGNC:25090 HGNC:35428 HGNC:20675 HGNC:25220 HGNC:26309 HGNC:21314 HGNC:2296 HGNC:15722 HGNC:17245 HGNC:2299 HGNC:2315 HGNC:21011 HGNC:33113 HGNC:2477 HGNC:2480 HGNC:16233 HGNC:15958 HGNC:21101 HGNC:24374 HGNC:23014 HGNC:26804 HGNC:30253 HGNC:17450 HGNC:2644 HGNC:26820 HGNC:20244 HGNC:20583 HGNC:20576 HGNC:21191 HGNC:18961 HGNC:2735 HGNC:2741 HGNC:13266 HGNC:18677 HGNC:17906 HGNC:20083 HGNC:20085 HGNC:25360 HGNC:23658 HGNC:26225 HGNC:24748 HGNC:26192 HGNC:32690 HGNC:24577 HGNC:24264 HGNC:16445 HGNC:19731 HGNC:21524 HGNC:24547 HGNC:25832 HGNC:28326 HGNC:20086 HGNC:29284 HGNC:29150 HGNC:2899 HGNC:19123 HGNC:2981 HGNC:2983 HGNC:26594 HGNC:23028 HGNC:3008 HGNC:18648 HGNC:23481 HGNC:3066 HGNC:21480 HGNC:25034 HGNC:33237 HGNC:3095 HGNC:23489 HGNC:27351 HGNC:33787 HGNC:24936 HGNC:32221 HGNC:26233 HGNC:29396 HGNC:3335 HGNC:25474 HGNC:13717 HGNC:30541 HGNC:17276 HGNC:23703 HGNC:26023 HGNC:3347 HGNC:14169 HGNC:24252 HGNC:25318 HGNC:28268 HGNC:32222 HGNC:25561 HGNC:24781 HGNC:30827 HGNC:26110 HGNC:33747 HGNC:3771 HGNC:3772 HGNC:3773 HGNC:25700 HGNC:27622 HGNC:4098 HGNC:31959 HGNC:16955 HGNC:15805 HGNC:18010 HGNC:21096 HGNC:25100 HGNC:25959 HGNC:19155 HGNC:24588 HGNC:24434 HGNC:22923 HGNC:25499 HGNC:28042 HGNC:4711 HGNC:26522 HGNC:17866 HGNC:25364 HGNC:28171 HGNC:24923 HGNC:4894 HGNC:24446 HGNC:28982 HGNC:28242 HGNC:26051 HGNC:15597 HGNC:37243 HGNC:30419 HGNC:18572 HGNC:5247 HGNC:5248 HGNC:30171 HGNC:16938 HGNC:20081 HGNC:26430 HGNC:15566 HGNC:6062 HGNC:28045 HGNC:24254 HGNC:21052 HGNC:29472 HGNC:29209 HGNC:6357 HGNC:6370 HGNC:6358 HGNC:6359 HGNC:20453 HGNC:6377 HGNC:26576 HGNC:25595 HGNC:18512 HGNC:18449 HGNC:29612 HGNC:24912 HGNC:27038 HGNC:19708 HGNC:33234 HGNC:26683 HGNC:19295 HGNC:29373 HGNC:21365 HGNC:17497 HGNC:6741 HGNC:7142 HGNC:32311 HGNC:24726 HGNC:25006 HGNC:28343 HGNC:28276 HGNC:25856 HGNC:31932 HGNC:24248 HGNC:28793 HGNC:30476 HGNC:28368 HGNC:21566 HGNC:26228 HGNC:25297 HGNC:21916 HGNC:27000 HGNC:7126 HGNC:14668 HGNC:7171 HGNC:24001 HGNC:16002 HGNC:25934 HGNC:13680 HGNC:21000 HGNC:7393 HGNC:7394 HGNC:7397 HGNC:7398 HGNC:7400 HGNC:14296 HGNC:7405 HGNC:7423 HGNC:25778 HGNC:7539 HGNC:29851 HGNC:30252 HGNC:23536 HGNC:29916 HGNC:7645 HGNC:7646 HGNC:22030 HGNC:7648 HGNC:33739 HGNC:29838 HGNC:7751 HGNC:7828 HGNC:21269 HGNC:22940 HGNC:22945 HGNC:20487 HGNC:16244 HGNC:1167 HGNC:25857 HGNC:21556 HGNC:25717 HGNC:30826 HGNC:27678 HGNC:28204 HGNC:20165 HGNC:25823 HGNC:26174 HGNC:29953 HGNC:24203 HGNC:23080 HGNC:29970 HGNC:25128 HGNC:30135 HGNC:25687 HGNC:4107 HGNC:23530 HGNC:19262 HGNC:14446 HGNC:24536 HGNC:16200 HGNC:30483 HGNC:15882 HGNC:8739 HGNC:30209 HGNC:28194 HGNC:18981 HGNC:28995 HGNC:24793 HGNC:19405 HGNC:13568 HGNC:27080 HGNC:15833 HGNC:28316 HGNC:23396 HGNC:21245 HGNC:27009 HGNC:25483 HGNC:8992 HGNC:25022 HGNC:21408 HGNC:26658 HGNC:14862 HGNC:17649 HGNC:28406 HGNC:21557 HGNC:9278 HGNC:18583 HGNC:20785 HGNC:26506 HGNC:26845 HGNC:14871 HGNC:14952 HGNC:14953 HGNC:14941 HGNC:29089 HGNC:16813 HGNC:28320 HGNC:20097 HGNC:27607 HGNC:33732 HGNC:13417 HGNC:23788 HGNC:30695 HGNC:9358 HGNC:18319 HGNC:25619 HGNC:9470 HGNC:13943 HGNC:14368 HGNC:14370 HGNC:15475 HGNC:30405 HGNC:26906 HGNC:29625 HGNC:30716 HGNC:30717 HGNC:24635 HGNC:17910 HGNC:34407 HGNC:26336 HGNC:30824 HGNC:31397 HGNC:9635 HGNC:9656 HGNC:9657 HGNC:9659 HGNC:9661 HGNC:23423 HGNC:9651 HGNC:9667 HGNC:26162 HGNC:23517 HGNC:25952 HGNC:16249 HGNC:9867 HGNC:9892 HGNC:9903 HGNC:9909 HGNC:1914 HGNC:9952 HGNC:24616 HGNC:29587 HGNC:18636 HGNC:23082 HGNC:30339 HGNC:10044 HGNC:20673 HGNC:19269 HGNC:24211 HGNC:24116 HGNC:33911 HGNC:10079 HGNC:17981 HGNC:20441 HGNC:30179 HGNC:17699 HGNC:29958 HGNC:20275 HGNC:2879 HGNC:10750 HGNC:14349 HGNC:33280 HGNC:8985 HGNC:15995 HGNC:19193 HGNC:14221 HGNC:24774 HGNC:8945 HGNC:18387 HGNC:26102 HGNC:29165 HGNC:25082 HGNC:21067 HGNC:16258 HGNC:13740 HGNC:32681 HGNC:16408 HGNC:33841 HGNC:35462 HGNC:35463 HGNC:35464 HGNC:35465 HGNC:16646 HGNC:11248 HGNC:16130 HGNC:25521 HGNC:11296 HGNC:33910 HGNC:15593 HGNC:11350 HGNC:18441 HGNC:11398 HGNC:11407 HGNC:16254 HGNC:28669 HGNC:16001 HGNC:20415 HGNC:30773 HGNC:19956 HGNC:28897 HGNC:32388 HGNC:24220 HGNC:27010 HGNC:25624 HGNC:11649 HGNC:14620 HGNC:11780 HGNC:16255 HGNC:30790 HGNC:30231 HGNC:25313 HGNC:29325 HGNC:26230 HGNC:24239 HGNC:26510 HGNC:28106 HGNC:31092 HGNC:29411 HGNC:20958 HGNC:32390 HGNC:37219 HGNC:30846 HGNC:30079 HGNC:27954 HGNC:25398 HGNC:29994 HGNC:28779 HGNC:24099 HGNC:16842 HGNC:25102 HGNC:12014 HGNC:14120 HGNC:14118 HGNC:14134 HGNC:25828 HGNC:28424 HGNC:24974 HGNC:30719 HGNC:26355 HGNC:21211 HGNC:28976 HGNC:34000 HGNC:16118 HGNC:26693 HGNC:28974 HGNC:14185 HGNC:28110 HGNC:29119 HGNC:33821 HGNC:26625 HGNC:27266 HGNC:21444 HGNC:30890 HGNC:29315 HGNC:20352 HGNC:26487 HGNC:14352 HGNC:25490 HGNC:15957 HGNC:20477 HGNC:16164 HGNC:16163 HGNC:16139 HGNC:20479 HGNC:16131 HGNC:12822 HGNC:18868 HGNC:24721 HGNC:17407 HGNC:29362 HGNC:22917 HGNC:28328

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

enrichment p=1

Gene Ontology term Cluster frequency Genome frequency Corrected FDR FALSE Genes annotated to the term
P-value Positives
dephosphorylation 55 of 547 genes, 10.1% 466 of 19499 genes, 2.4% 4.44E-17 0.00% 0 HGNC:14871, HGNC:9635, HGNC:25364, HGNC:33237, HGNC:3066, HGNC:18583, HGNC:28316, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27678, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:15566, HGNC:25499, HGNC:26506, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:439, HGNC:23788, HGNC:21480, HGNC:30826, HGNC:30719, HGNC:9659, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:28406, HGNC:122, HGNC:32390, HGNC:25034, HGNC:20785, HGNC:29089, HGNC:19295, HGNC:14623, HGNC:23481, HGNC:28204, HGNC:16200, HGNC:9657, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:9661, HGNC:9651, HGNC:30695, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:26845, HGNC:33732, HGNC:21556, HGNC:23530, HGNC:28110, HGNC:14953, HGNC:29396, HGNC:25717
proteolysis 112 of 547 genes, 20.5% 1832 of 19499 genes, 9.4% 4.06E-13 0.00% 0 HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:20479, HGNC:17910, HGNC:6370, HGNC:23028, HGNC:29995, HGNC:33821, HGNC:1478, HGNC:15478, HGNC:16233, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26336, HGNC:1167, HGNC:24264, HGNC:19193, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:25934, HGNC:20453, HGNC:2477, HGNC:2296, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21011, HGNC:24577, HGNC:14668, HGNC:16244, HGNC:23080, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29625, HGNC:22231, HGNC:26906, HGNC:16305, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:30717, HGNC:16663, HGNC:13249, HGNC:26576, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15722, HGNC:9358, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15995, HGNC:26296, HGNC:27080, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24635, HGNC:27981, HGNC:28779, HGNC:14221, HGNC:18449, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:18961, HGNC:7171, HGNC:19262, HGNC:21916, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:3008, HGNC:18648, HGNC:6357, HGNC:23082, HGNC:14368, HGNC:23703, HGNC:26230, HGNC:23536, HGNC:30824, HGNC:34407, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:4711, HGNC:6359, HGNC:14120, HGNC:28041, HGNC:16164, HGNC:30079, HGNC:2299, HGNC:16131, HGNC:17109, HGNC:8739, HGNC:6358, HGNC:16249, HGNC:13568, HGNC:14118, HGNC:24446, HGNC:15475, HGNC:14370, HGNC:26504, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:29994, HGNC:9470, HGNC:214, HGNC:30716, HGNC:222, HGNC:4894, HGNC:25398, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:16130, HGNC:8945, HGNC:30405, HGNC:16139, HGNC:29970, HGNC:21212, HGNC:16664, HGNC:17111
protein dephosphorylation 38 of 547 genes, 6.9% 309 of 19499 genes, 1.6% 6.25E-12 0.00% 0 HGNC:14871, HGNC:9635, HGNC:33237, HGNC:3066, HGNC:18583, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:15566, HGNC:26506, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:23788, HGNC:21480, HGNC:9659, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:25034, HGNC:20785, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14623, HGNC:23481, HGNC:15833, HGNC:9657, HGNC:9661, HGNC:9651, HGNC:9278, HGNC:20097, HGNC:30695, HGNC:26845, HGNC:23530, HGNC:28110, HGNC:14953, HGNC:29396
negative regulation of hydrolase activity 45 of 547 genes, 8.2% 440 of 19499 genes, 2.3% 2.14E-11 0.00% 0 HGNC:14871, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:25499, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:19295, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:20352, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
metabolic process 404 of 547 genes, 73.9% 11528 of 19499 genes, 59.1% 6.48E-11 0.00% 0 HGNC:26804, HGNC:13238, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17910, HGNC:18583, HGNC:26228, HGNC:15478, HGNC:11780, HGNC:21444, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26506, HGNC:14169, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:21191, HGNC:21480, HGNC:19405, HGNC:25474, HGNC:24721, HGNC:29315, HGNC:14185, HGNC:28995, HGNC:25561, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:21096, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:30717, HGNC:26522, HGNC:16663, HGNC:15593, HGNC:13249, HGNC:9278, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15722, HGNC:32222, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:180, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24635, HGNC:28326, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:16813, HGNC:28243, HGNC:24252, HGNC:26230, HGNC:20675, HGNC:14120, HGNC:29587, HGNC:28041, HGNC:16164, HGNC:30079, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:24104, HGNC:24248, HGNC:28343, HGNC:6358, HGNC:30419, HGNC:14941, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:2735, HGNC:19287, HGNC:24446, HGNC:12014, HGNC:13717, HGNC:14370, HGNC:3347, HGNC:27351, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29165, HGNC:17377, HGNC:28204, HGNC:11398, HGNC:28276, HGNC:15833, HGNC:18572, HGNC:21067, HGNC:24056, HGNC:29970, HGNC:21524, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:17111, HGNC:8750, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:20275, HGNC:28316, HGNC:16118, HGNC:25521, HGNC:23028, HGNC:33821, HGNC:28320, HGNC:32221, HGNC:2741, HGNC:26174, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30483, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:9656, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2296, HGNC:29150, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21211, HGNC:21011, HGNC:23989, HGNC:25952, HGNC:25034, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29209, HGNC:29625, HGNC:22923, HGNC:16255, HGNC:16163, HGNC:20097, HGNC:16445, HGNC:28974, HGNC:9358, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:26820, HGNC:24912, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28424, HGNC:30252, HGNC:2644, HGNC:25717, HGNC:3095, HGNC:7171, HGNC:25364, HGNC:3066, HGNC:21916, HGNC:16258, HGNC:30231, HGNC:23082, HGNC:14368, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26309, HGNC:25499, HGNC:23536, HGNC:24427, HGNC:34407, HGNC:17450, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:4711, HGNC:24616, HGNC:17109, HGNC:33911, HGNC:21738, HGNC:24547, HGNC:20583, HGNC:1458, HGNC:32390, HGNC:23517, HGNC:29284, HGNC:18387, HGNC:30716, HGNC:25398, HGNC:21566, HGNC:24774, HGNC:32038, HGNC:26051, HGNC:405, HGNC:8945, HGNC:25856, HGNC:29958, HGNC:30405, HGNC:24793, HGNC:28114, HGNC:20165, HGNC:16664, HGNC:20479, HGNC:17276, HGNC:723, HGNC:29995, HGNC:30790, HGNC:10044, HGNC:27678, HGNC:16233, HGNC:31932, HGNC:25823, HGNC:18981, HGNC:751, HGNC:16646, HGNC:26162, HGNC:20453, HGNC:30826, HGNC:30719, HGNC:26510, HGNC:9659, HGNC:20487, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:27010, HGNC:16244, HGNC:23396, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25297, HGNC:25959, HGNC:21052, HGNC:26906, HGNC:25857, HGNC:25100, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:25313, HGNC:26576, HGNC:24254, HGNC:27080, HGNC:21445, HGNC:7646, HGNC:30476, HGNC:22945, HGNC:23530, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:18449, HGNC:20244, HGNC:17407, HGNC:28268, HGNC:35463, HGNC:9909, HGNC:17452, HGNC:20477, HGNC:3008, HGNC:6357, HGNC:22030, HGNC:23703, HGNC:24974, HGNC:25090, HGNC:23030, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30824, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20083, HGNC:6359, HGNC:30339, HGNC:13568, HGNC:21027, HGNC:15475, HGNC:20785, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:19295, HGNC:22917, HGNC:23014, HGNC:26594, HGNC:214, HGNC:32037, HGNC:4894, HGNC:24239, HGNC:26102, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24726, HGNC:7828, HGNC:30695, HGNC:19708, HGNC:26625, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:24099, HGNC:16130, HGNC:21556, HGNC:21365, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28982, HGNC:23437, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28368, HGNC:16139, HGNC:13266, HGNC:28171, HGNC:7423, HGNC:30253, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:16001, HGNC:24211, HGNC:6370, HGNC:1478, HGNC:15566, HGNC:37931, HGNC:30773, HGNC:25128, HGNC:26336, HGNC:30541, HGNC:25006, HGNC:24264, HGNC:1167, HGNC:24536, HGNC:24434, HGNC:20096, HGNC:28328, HGNC:37243, HGNC:179, HGNC:11248, HGNC:2477, HGNC:25934, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:27266, HGNC:24577, HGNC:29089, HGNC:3772, HGNC:14668, HGNC:23080, HGNC:22231, HGNC:29916, HGNC:3773, HGNC:20565, HGNC:16305, HGNC:23336, HGNC:24049, HGNC:30714, HGNC:18319, HGNC:25360, HGNC:24374, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:25832, HGNC:26296, HGNC:31092, HGNC:27981, HGNC:28779, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:7645, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:18961, HGNC:33237, HGNC:19262, HGNC:18648, HGNC:19731, HGNC:28793, HGNC:24220, HGNC:20085, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:20576, HGNC:29838, HGNC:23423, HGNC:34391, HGNC:439, HGNC:2299, HGNC:16131, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14118, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:29994, HGNC:9470, HGNC:20415, HGNC:23489, HGNC:222, HGNC:16200, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:3771, HGNC:28242, HGNC:9651, HGNC:21245, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:11296, HGNC:35465, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:25318, HGNC:27622, HGNC:21212, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:18512
negative regulation of phosphatase activity 20 of 547 genes, 3.7% 96 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 6.24E-10 0.00% 0 HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19295, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:20097, HGNC:25499, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14953, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:29396
negative regulation of dephosphorylation 20 of 547 genes, 3.7% 102 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 2.05E-09 0.00% 0 HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19295, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:20097, HGNC:25499, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14953, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:29396
methylation 34 of 547 genes, 6.2% 347 of 19499 genes, 1.8% 8.61E-08 0.00% 0 HGNC:33113, HGNC:28268, HGNC:17452, HGNC:16258, HGNC:26228, HGNC:28793, HGNC:32221, HGNC:24974, HGNC:31932, HGNC:751, HGNC:30483, HGNC:26309, HGNC:25006, HGNC:24923, HGNC:24936, HGNC:28343, HGNC:24248, HGNC:12014, HGNC:33787, HGNC:27351, HGNC:22917, HGNC:25561, HGNC:25857, HGNC:28276, HGNC:21566, HGNC:24726, HGNC:21067, HGNC:32222, HGNC:17872, HGNC:15882, HGNC:25856, HGNC:30476, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28368
regulation of phosphatase activity 23 of 547 genes, 4.2% 167 of 19499 genes, 0.9% 1.00E-07 0.00% 0 HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19295, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:20097, HGNC:25499, HGNC:33732, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14953, HGNC:14941, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:29396
protein metabolic process 230 of 547 genes, 42.0% 5806 of 19499 genes, 29.8% 1.38E-07 0.00% 0 HGNC:20479, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17910, HGNC:18583, HGNC:723, HGNC:29995, HGNC:30790, HGNC:15478, HGNC:31932, HGNC:16233, HGNC:11780, HGNC:18981, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:16646, HGNC:20453, HGNC:21480, HGNC:9659, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16244, HGNC:25297, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26906, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:30717, HGNC:16663, HGNC:9657, HGNC:13249, HGNC:9278, HGNC:26576, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15722, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:27080, HGNC:30437, HGNC:23530, HGNC:30476, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24635, HGNC:14953, HGNC:18449, HGNC:25700, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:3008, HGNC:13417, HGNC:6357, HGNC:22030, HGNC:25220, HGNC:23703, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:30824, HGNC:6359, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:14120, HGNC:28041, HGNC:16164, HGNC:30079, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:6358, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16249, HGNC:13568, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:24446, HGNC:15475, HGNC:20785, HGNC:14370, HGNC:33787, HGNC:26504, HGNC:19295, HGNC:27351, HGNC:26594, HGNC:214, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:4894, HGNC:15833, HGNC:24239, HGNC:9661, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:16130, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28368, HGNC:16139, HGNC:29970, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:17111, HGNC:8750, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:6370, HGNC:16118, HGNC:23028, HGNC:33821, HGNC:28320, HGNC:1478, HGNC:32221, HGNC:15566, HGNC:30483, HGNC:26336, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24264, HGNC:1167, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20096, HGNC:9656, HGNC:11248, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2296, HGNC:2477, HGNC:25934, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21211, HGNC:21011, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:24577, HGNC:25952, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25034, HGNC:14668, HGNC:23080, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29625, HGNC:22231, HGNC:16255, HGNC:20565, HGNC:16305, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:24049, HGNC:20097, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28974, HGNC:9358, HGNC:15995, HGNC:26296, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:31092, HGNC:27981, HGNC:28779, HGNC:14221, HGNC:30252, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:3095, HGNC:18961, HGNC:3066, HGNC:33237, HGNC:7171, HGNC:19262, HGNC:21916, HGNC:18648, HGNC:30231, HGNC:23082, HGNC:14368, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:23536, HGNC:34407, HGNC:30135, HGNC:24923, HGNC:23423, HGNC:4711, HGNC:2299, HGNC:16131, HGNC:17109, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14118, HGNC:1458, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:29994, HGNC:9470, HGNC:20415, HGNC:18387, HGNC:30716, HGNC:222, HGNC:25398, HGNC:24774, HGNC:9651, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:19038, HGNC:8945, HGNC:30405, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:21212, HGNC:28669, HGNC:16664
regulation of dephosphorylation 24 of 547 genes, 4.4% 195 of 19499 genes, 1.0% 4.29E-07 0.00% 0 HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19295, HGNC:14623, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:20097, HGNC:25499, HGNC:33732, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14953, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:29396
negative regulation of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity 12 of 547 genes, 2.2% 52 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 5.06E-06 0.00% 0 HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:14952, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29396, HGNC:20097
negative regulation of protein dephosphorylation 12 of 547 genes, 2.2% 56 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1.23E-05 0.00% 0 HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:14952, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29396, HGNC:20097
negative regulation of peptidase activity 24 of 547 genes, 4.4% 257 of 19499 genes, 1.3% 9.27E-05 0.00% 0 HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16233, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:2477, HGNC:8945, HGNC:16646, HGNC:11248, HGNC:15958, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:16249, HGNC:15957
cellular response to zinc ion 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 19 of 19499 genes, 0.1% 0.00016 0.13% 0.02 HGNC:14296, HGNC:7397, HGNC:7405, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7394
negative regulation of catalytic activity 48 of 547 genes, 8.8% 799 of 19499 genes, 4.1% 0.0002 0.12% 0.02 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:25499, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:21191, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:19295, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
regulation of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 109 of 19499 genes, 0.6% 0.00071 0.12% 0.02 HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:14953, HGNC:27607, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16813, HGNC:14952, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29396, HGNC:20097
regulation of protein dephosphorylation 15 of 547 genes, 2.7% 127 of 19499 genes, 0.7% 0.0009 0.11% 0.02 HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:14623, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:14953, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29396, HGNC:20097
peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation 13 of 547 genes, 2.4% 99 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 0.00127 0.11% 0.02 HGNC:9635, HGNC:33237, HGNC:3066, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:21480, HGNC:23481, HGNC:23530, HGNC:9659, HGNC:9657, HGNC:122, HGNC:9661, HGNC:9651
regulation of hydrolase activity 62 of 547 genes, 11.3% 1236 of 19499 genes, 6.3% 0.00201 0.20% 0.04 HGNC:14871, HGNC:18636, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:23466, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:23467, HGNC:25499, HGNC:25082, HGNC:1189, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:19123, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:8739, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:25624, HGNC:16249, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:23459, HGNC:19295, HGNC:23463, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:24774, HGNC:2721, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:5177, HGNC:16469, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:20352, HGNC:16754, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
negative regulation of endopeptidase activity 21 of 547 genes, 3.8% 246 of 19499 genes, 1.3% 0.00212 0.19% 0.04 HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16233, HGNC:24774, HGNC:15995, HGNC:19193, HGNC:16130, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:2477, HGNC:8945, HGNC:16646, HGNC:11248, HGNC:15958, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957
negative regulation of proteolysis 25 of 547 genes, 4.6% 345 of 19499 genes, 1.8% 0.00517 0.27% 0.06 HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:2477, HGNC:8945, HGNC:16646, HGNC:11248, HGNC:15958, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:16249, HGNC:15957
RNA secondary structure unwinding 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 46 of 19499 genes, 0.2% 0.01203 0.78% 0.18 HGNC:20083, HGNC:18677, HGNC:2741, HGNC:13266, HGNC:20085, HGNC:17906, HGNC:2735, HGNC:25360
oxidation-reduction process 50 of 547 genes, 9.1% 999 of 19499 genes, 5.1% 0.01774 1.00% 0.24 HGNC:20275, HGNC:26804, HGNC:28326, HGNC:19731, HGNC:26174, HGNC:28243, HGNC:25823, HGNC:25128, HGNC:30135, HGNC:17450, HGNC:29838, HGNC:24434, HGNC:20576, HGNC:29587, HGNC:27380, HGNC:26162, HGNC:20487, HGNC:30419, HGNC:24547, HGNC:25474, HGNC:20583, HGNC:29315, HGNC:3772, HGNC:23396, HGNC:23517, HGNC:29209, HGNC:23014, HGNC:29916, HGNC:3773, HGNC:21096, HGNC:3771, HGNC:28242, HGNC:24374, HGNC:18572, HGNC:19708, HGNC:16445, HGNC:25832, HGNC:405, HGNC:24056, HGNC:30437, HGNC:26820, HGNC:22945, HGNC:29958, HGNC:23437, HGNC:21524, HGNC:27622, HGNC:28114, HGNC:20244, HGNC:2644, HGNC:30253
organonitrogen compound metabolic process 233 of 547 genes, 42.6% 6863 of 19499 genes, 35.2% 0.05431 2.64% 0.66 HGNC:20479, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17910, HGNC:18583, HGNC:723, HGNC:29995, HGNC:30790, HGNC:15478, HGNC:31932, HGNC:16233, HGNC:11780, HGNC:18981, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:16646, HGNC:20453, HGNC:21480, HGNC:9659, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16244, HGNC:25297, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26906, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:25100, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:30717, HGNC:16663, HGNC:9657, HGNC:13249, HGNC:9278, HGNC:26576, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15722, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:27080, HGNC:30437, HGNC:23530, HGNC:30476, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24635, HGNC:14953, HGNC:18449, HGNC:25700, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:3008, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:6357, HGNC:22030, HGNC:25220, HGNC:23703, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:30824, HGNC:6359, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:14120, HGNC:28041, HGNC:16164, HGNC:30079, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:6358, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16249, HGNC:13568, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:24446, HGNC:15475, HGNC:20785, HGNC:14370, HGNC:33787, HGNC:26504, HGNC:19295, HGNC:27351, HGNC:26594, HGNC:214, HGNC:29165, HGNC:17377, HGNC:11398, HGNC:4894, HGNC:15833, HGNC:24239, HGNC:9661, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:16130, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28368, HGNC:16139, HGNC:29970, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:17111, HGNC:8750, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:6370, HGNC:16118, HGNC:23028, HGNC:33821, HGNC:28320, HGNC:1478, HGNC:32221, HGNC:15566, HGNC:30483, HGNC:26336, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24264, HGNC:1167, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20096, HGNC:9656, HGNC:11248, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2296, HGNC:2477, HGNC:25934, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21211, HGNC:21011, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:24577, HGNC:25952, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25034, HGNC:14668, HGNC:23080, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29625, HGNC:22231, HGNC:16255, HGNC:20565, HGNC:16305, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:24049, HGNC:20097, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28974, HGNC:9358, HGNC:15995, HGNC:26296, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:31092, HGNC:27981, HGNC:28779, HGNC:14221, HGNC:30252, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:3095, HGNC:18961, HGNC:3066, HGNC:33237, HGNC:7171, HGNC:19262, HGNC:21916, HGNC:18648, HGNC:30231, HGNC:23082, HGNC:14368, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:23536, HGNC:34407, HGNC:30135, HGNC:24923, HGNC:23423, HGNC:4711, HGNC:2299, HGNC:16131, HGNC:17109, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14118, HGNC:1458, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:29994, HGNC:9470, HGNC:20415, HGNC:18387, HGNC:30716, HGNC:222, HGNC:25398, HGNC:24774, HGNC:9651, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:11296, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:19038, HGNC:8945, HGNC:30405, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:21212, HGNC:28669, HGNC:16664
protein side chain deglutamylation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 5 of 19499 genes, 0.0% 0.0682 4.00% 1.04 HGNC:27981, HGNC:26504, HGNC:26296
nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 20 of 547 genes, 3.7% 298 of 19499 genes, 1.5% 0.09939 4.89% 1.32 HGNC:17407, HGNC:27010, HGNC:3347, HGNC:26023, HGNC:17276, HGNC:24211, HGNC:10044, HGNC:24220, HGNC:29851, HGNC:29362, HGNC:26522, HGNC:19269, HGNC:30541, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24616, HGNC:19405, HGNC:33911, HGNC:28424, HGNC:18512, HGNC:11407
regulation of peptidase activity 25 of 547 genes, 4.6% 421 of 19499 genes, 2.2% 0.1225 5.21% 1.46 HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16233, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:2477, HGNC:8739, HGNC:8945, HGNC:16646, HGNC:15958, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:16249, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957
peptidyl-glutamic acid modification 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 35 of 19499 genes, 0.2% 0.12473 5.10% 1.48 HGNC:28976, HGNC:27981, HGNC:26504, HGNC:34000, HGNC:26296, HGNC:26693
biological_process 33 of 547 genes, 6.0% 627 of 19499 genes, 3.2% 0.13972 5.80% 1.74 HGNC:7648, HGNC:26804, HGNC:17910, HGNC:18583, HGNC:26228, HGNC:31959, HGNC:15478, HGNC:11780, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26506, HGNC:14169, HGNC:269, HGNC:24936, HGNC:19405, HGNC:30179, HGNC:5248, HGNC:21314, HGNC:24721, HGNC:14185, HGNC:24748, HGNC:28995, HGNC:4107, HGNC:25561, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:21096, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:30717, HGNC:16663, HGNC:15593, HGNC:9278, HGNC:2981, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:32681, HGNC:1866, HGNC:180, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24635, HGNC:28326, HGNC:21408, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:16813, HGNC:28243, HGNC:24001, HGNC:7394, HGNC:14120, HGNC:29587, HGNC:28041, HGNC:8739, HGNC:24248, HGNC:28343, HGNC:6358, HGNC:30419, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:24446, HGNC:29366, HGNC:12014, HGNC:13717, HGNC:14370, HGNC:11398, HGNC:2899, HGNC:18572, HGNC:24056, HGNC:11350, HGNC:20359, HGNC:20441, HGNC:13943, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:17111, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:20275, HGNC:29953, HGNC:7751, HGNC:28316, HGNC:16118, HGNC:25521, HGNC:33821, HGNC:26174, HGNC:29472, HGNC:15805, HGNC:19193, HGNC:9656, HGNC:26233, HGNC:29150, HGNC:2296, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21211, HGNC:21011, HGNC:25952, HGNC:25034, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29209, HGNC:3335, HGNC:29625, HGNC:16255, HGNC:2721, HGNC:16445, HGNC:28974, HGNC:9358, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:5177, HGNC:16938, HGNC:24197, HGNC:26045, HGNC:30252, HGNC:2644, HGNC:25717, HGNC:25364, HGNC:3066, HGNC:27607, HGNC:25499, HGNC:23536, HGNC:24427, HGNC:17450, HGNC:20673, HGNC:4711, HGNC:24616, HGNC:33758, HGNC:33911, HGNC:28106, HGNC:24547, HGNC:20583, HGNC:1458, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29284, HGNC:17590, HGNC:18387, HGNC:30716, HGNC:25398, HGNC:32038, HGNC:35428, HGNC:25856, HGNC:30405, HGNC:20165, HGNC:28359, HGNC:2315, HGNC:17276, HGNC:30790, HGNC:10044, HGNC:27678, HGNC:9867, HGNC:21304, HGNC:18981, HGNC:29373, HGNC:30826, HGNC:26510, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:27010, HGNC:1587, HGNC:4098, HGNC:25297, HGNC:21052, HGNC:27038, HGNC:26576, HGNC:27080, HGNC:21445, HGNC:23530, HGNC:22945, HGNC:25687, HGNC:20244, HGNC:30890, HGNC:17407, HGNC:18636, HGNC:28268, HGNC:35463, HGNC:17452, HGNC:20477, HGNC:9667, HGNC:3008, HGNC:23703, HGNC:24974, HGNC:25090, HGNC:24470, HGNC:20083, HGNC:13568, HGNC:21027, HGNC:15475, HGNC:19295, HGNC:23014, HGNC:26594, HGNC:214, HGNC:32037, HGNC:4894, HGNC:26102, HGNC:7828, HGNC:30695, HGNC:19708, HGNC:26625, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:16130, HGNC:21556, HGNC:25595, HGNC:21365, HGNC:28982, HGNC:28368, HGNC:13266, HGNC:7423, HGNC:30253, HGNC:16001, HGNC:24211, HGNC:6370, HGNC:1478, HGNC:15566, HGNC:37931, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:24434, HGNC:32388, HGNC:20096, HGNC:179, HGNC:11248, HGNC:9892, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:28406, HGNC:27266, HGNC:29089, HGNC:3772, HGNC:25619, HGNC:29325, HGNC:26110, HGNC:28505, HGNC:20565, HGNC:16305, HGNC:16002, HGNC:30714, HGNC:18319, HGNC:24374, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28779, HGNC:7645, HGNC:6062, HGNC:21557, HGNC:28309, HGNC:18961, HGNC:19262, HGNC:33237, HGNC:28793, HGNC:17866, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:23423, HGNC:34391, HGNC:439, HGNC:2299, HGNC:19123, HGNC:16131, HGNC:33841, HGNC:26355, HGNC:25624, HGNC:17497, HGNC:14118, HGNC:16408, HGNC:29994, HGNC:23489, HGNC:222, HGNC:16200, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:28242, HGNC:9651, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20917, HGNC:20086, HGNC:35465, HGNC:18010, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:21101, HGNC:21212, HGNC:28669, HGNC:26928, HGNC:25022, HGNC:13238, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:23466, HGNC:33910, HGNC:21444, HGNC:19039, HGNC:23658, HGNC:21191, HGNC:21480, HGNC:25474, HGNC:29315, HGNC:16143, HGNC:29612, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26522, HGNC:13249, HGNC:15722, HGNC:32222, HGNC:25171, HGNC:2879, HGNC:28110, HGNC:13680, HGNC:26192, HGNC:21, HGNC:27009, HGNC:5247, HGNC:19956, HGNC:24252, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7400, HGNC:26230, HGNC:20675, HGNC:16164, HGNC:27380, HGNC:30079, HGNC:24104, HGNC:13796, HGNC:14941, HGNC:2735, HGNC:19287, HGNC:19155, HGNC:3347, HGNC:27351, HGNC:28897, HGNC:18677, HGNC:17377, HGNC:29165, HGNC:28204, HGNC:28276, HGNC:15833, HGNC:21067, HGNC:21269, HGNC:14620, HGNC:26487, HGNC:14446, HGNC:21524, HGNC:29970, HGNC:8750, HGNC:10750, HGNC:33280, HGNC:13740, HGNC:30664, HGNC:7126, HGNC:23028, HGNC:2741, HGNC:32221, HGNC:28320, HGNC:20958, HGNC:22940, HGNC:30483, HGNC:35462, HGNC:26658, HGNC:23788, HGNC:23989, HGNC:1593, HGNC:23459, HGNC:22923, HGNC:20081, HGNC:26225, HGNC:16163, HGNC:20097, HGNC:26430, HGNC:26820, HGNC:28042, HGNC:24912, HGNC:15958, HGNC:20352, HGNC:16754, HGNC:28424, HGNC:3095, HGNC:7171, HGNC:21916, HGNC:14349, HGNC:16258, HGNC:30231, HGNC:14368, HGNC:23082, HGNC:24781, HGNC:26309, HGNC:35464, HGNC:34407, HGNC:25082, HGNC:24923, HGNC:28194, HGNC:27000, HGNC:17109, HGNC:21738, HGNC:6377, HGNC:15528, HGNC:30827, HGNC:15597, HGNC:23517, HGNC:7397, HGNC:6741, HGNC:21566, HGNC:24774, HGNC:24078, HGNC:405, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:29958, HGNC:24793, HGNC:28114, HGNC:16664, HGNC:20479, HGNC:16955, HGNC:1914, HGNC:723, HGNC:30209, HGNC:29995, HGNC:14296, HGNC:16233, HGNC:31932, HGNC:23467, HGNC:25823, HGNC:751, HGNC:9952, HGNC:20453, HGNC:26162, HGNC:16646, HGNC:24588, HGNC:20487, HGNC:9659, HGNC:30719, HGNC:21000, HGNC:7539, HGNC:16244, HGNC:23396, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25959, HGNC:25857, HGNC:26906, HGNC:25100, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:25313, HGNC:26683, HGNC:28118, HGNC:24254, HGNC:33739, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7646, HGNC:30476, HGNC:14953, HGNC:18449, HGNC:25700, HGNC:9909, HGNC:7142, HGNC:6357, HGNC:22030, HGNC:2983, HGNC:23030, HGNC:30824, HGNC:6359, HGNC:2480, HGNC:25828, HGNC:30339, HGNC:33234, HGNC:20785, HGNC:18868, HGNC:33787, HGNC:26504, HGNC:22917, HGNC:24726, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24239, HGNC:24099, HGNC:32311, HGNC:23437, HGNC:25483, HGNC:9903, HGNC:16139, HGNC:28171, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:30171, HGNC:30773, HGNC:25128, HGNC:14352, HGNC:25006, HGNC:26336, HGNC:24264, HGNC:1167, HGNC:28328, HGNC:37243, HGNC:2477, HGNC:25934, HGNC:122, HGNC:24577, HGNC:25102, HGNC:20290, HGNC:14668, HGNC:23080, HGNC:22231, HGNC:29916, HGNC:3773, HGNC:23336, HGNC:24049, HGNC:25360, HGNC:16842, HGNC:32690, HGNC:25832, HGNC:26296, HGNC:37219, HGNC:27981, HGNC:31092, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:14871, HGNC:18648, HGNC:19731, HGNC:20085, HGNC:24220, HGNC:1189, HGNC:20576, HGNC:29838, HGNC:7405, HGNC:18441, HGNC:11649, HGNC:21706, HGNC:24203, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:23463, HGNC:9470, HGNC:17649, HGNC:20415, HGNC:3771, HGNC:33747, HGNC:19269, HGNC:8992, HGNC:25778, HGNC:11296, HGNC:16469, HGNC:27622, HGNC:25318, HGNC:8751, HGNC:18512
response to zinc ion 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 53 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 0.21477 8.45% 2.62 HGNC:14296, HGNC:7397, HGNC:7405, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7394
protein deglutamylation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 8 of 19499 genes, 0.0% 0.35854 20.25% 6.48 HGNC:27981, HGNC:26504, HGNC:26296
negative regulation of molecular function 48 of 547 genes, 8.8% 1087 of 19499 genes, 5.6% 0.41519 20.55% 6.78 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:25499, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:21191, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:19295, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
protein methylation 13 of 547 genes, 2.4% 175 of 19499 genes, 0.9% 0.44025 20.35% 6.92 HGNC:33113, HGNC:33787, HGNC:15882, HGNC:24923, HGNC:27351, HGNC:17872, HGNC:24936, HGNC:30476, HGNC:32221, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28368, HGNC:31932, HGNC:30483
protein alkylation 13 of 547 genes, 2.4% 175 of 19499 genes, 0.9% 0.44025 19.77% 6.92 HGNC:33113, HGNC:33787, HGNC:15882, HGNC:24923, HGNC:27351, HGNC:17872, HGNC:24936, HGNC:30476, HGNC:32221, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28368, HGNC:31932, HGNC:30483
cellular response to cadmium ion 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 31 of 19499 genes, 0.2% 0.51335 21.28% 7.66 HGNC:7397, HGNC:7405, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7398
regulation of endopeptidase activity 21 of 547 genes, 3.8% 394 of 19499 genes, 2.0% 1 51.41% 19.02 HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16233, HGNC:24774, HGNC:15995, HGNC:19193, HGNC:16130, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:2477, HGNC:8945, HGNC:16646, HGNC:11248, HGNC:15958, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957
protein polyglycylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 4 of 19499 genes, 0.0% 1 67.21% 25.54 HGNC:34000, HGNC:26693
xenobiotic metabolic process 9 of 547 genes, 1.6% 113 of 19499 genes, 0.6% 1 65.59% 25.58 HGNC:25090, HGNC:17452, HGNC:405, HGNC:24056, HGNC:7646, HGNC:24104, HGNC:3771, HGNC:7645, HGNC:24374
regulation of catalytic activity 81 of 547 genes, 14.8% 2229 of 19499 genes, 11.4% 1 100.00% 40 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:23466, HGNC:30209, HGNC:28320, HGNC:16233, HGNC:23467, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:21191, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29089, HGNC:23459, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:20097, HGNC:2721, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:5177, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16754, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:14871, HGNC:18636, HGNC:19262, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:5247, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:25499, HGNC:1189, HGNC:25082, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:19123, HGNC:16131, HGNC:8739, HGNC:14941, HGNC:30339, HGNC:33841, HGNC:29411, HGNC:11649, HGNC:25624, HGNC:16249, HGNC:32390, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:23463, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:35465, HGNC:16469, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
macromolecule methylation 15 of 547 genes, 2.7% 283 of 19499 genes, 1.5% 1 100.00% 41 HGNC:33113, HGNC:33787, HGNC:15882, HGNC:24923, HGNC:27351, HGNC:17872, HGNC:24936, HGNC:30476, HGNC:32221, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28368, HGNC:24974, HGNC:31932, HGNC:24726, HGNC:30483
peptidyl-lysine methylation 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 116 of 19499 genes, 0.6% 1 100.00% 42 HGNC:33113, HGNC:33787, HGNC:27351, HGNC:24936, HGNC:30476, HGNC:32221, HGNC:28368, HGNC:20352
negative regulation of cellular protein metabolic process 39 of 547 genes, 7.1% 994 of 19499 genes, 5.1% 1 100.00% 43 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16249, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15833, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:15995, HGNC:16130, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
response to cadmium ion 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 58 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 44 HGNC:7397, HGNC:7405, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7398
cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus 9 of 547 genes, 1.6% 165 of 19499 genes, 0.8% 1 100.00% 45 HGNC:25090, HGNC:17452, HGNC:405, HGNC:24056, HGNC:7646, HGNC:24104, HGNC:3771, HGNC:7645, HGNC:24374
protein ADP-ribosylation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 29 of 19499 genes, 0.1% 1 100.00% 46 HGNC:26051, HGNC:24049, HGNC:723
negative regulation of protein metabolic process 39 of 547 genes, 7.1% 1053 of 19499 genes, 5.4% 1 100.00% 47 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16249, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15833, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:15995, HGNC:16130, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
response to phorbol 13-acetate 12-myristate 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 14 of 19499 genes, 0.1% 1 100.00% 48 HGNC:30405, HGNC:33747
negative regulation of phosphate metabolic process 22 of 547 genes, 4.0% 553 of 19499 genes, 2.8% 1 100.00% 49 HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:19295, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:20097, HGNC:25499, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30719, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:29396
negative regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 22 of 547 genes, 4.0% 554 of 19499 genes, 2.8% 1 100.00% 50 HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:19295, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:20097, HGNC:25499, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30719, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:29396
cellular response to metal ion 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 154 of 19499 genes, 0.8% 1 100.00% 51 HGNC:2315, HGNC:14296, HGNC:7397, HGNC:7405, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7394
macromolecule metabolic process 281 of 547 genes, 51.4% 9405 of 19499 genes, 48.2% 1 100.00% 52 HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17910, HGNC:18583, HGNC:15478, HGNC:11780, HGNC:21444, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:21480, HGNC:19405, HGNC:24721, HGNC:14185, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:30717, HGNC:26522, HGNC:16663, HGNC:15593, HGNC:13249, HGNC:9278, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15722, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24635, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:20675, HGNC:14120, HGNC:28041, HGNC:16164, HGNC:30079, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:6358, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16249, HGNC:2735, HGNC:19287, HGNC:24446, HGNC:14370, HGNC:3347, HGNC:27351, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29970, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:17111, HGNC:8750, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:16118, HGNC:23028, HGNC:33821, HGNC:28320, HGNC:2741, HGNC:32221, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30483, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:9656, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2296, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21211, HGNC:21011, HGNC:25952, HGNC:25034, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29625, HGNC:16255, HGNC:16163, HGNC:20097, HGNC:28974, HGNC:9358, HGNC:15995, HGNC:28042, HGNC:24912, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28424, HGNC:30252, HGNC:3095, HGNC:3066, HGNC:7171, HGNC:21916, HGNC:30231, HGNC:23082, HGNC:14368, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:23536, HGNC:34407, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:4711, HGNC:24616, HGNC:17109, HGNC:33911, HGNC:21738, HGNC:1458, HGNC:18387, HGNC:30716, HGNC:25398, HGNC:24774, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:30405, HGNC:24793, HGNC:20165, HGNC:16664, HGNC:20479, HGNC:17276, HGNC:723, HGNC:29995, HGNC:10044, HGNC:30790, HGNC:16233, HGNC:31932, HGNC:18981, HGNC:20453, HGNC:16646, HGNC:9659, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16244, HGNC:27010, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25297, HGNC:25959, HGNC:26906, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:26576, HGNC:27080, HGNC:30476, HGNC:23530, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:18449, HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:3008, HGNC:6357, HGNC:22030, HGNC:23703, HGNC:24974, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30824, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20083, HGNC:6359, HGNC:13568, HGNC:21027, HGNC:20785, HGNC:15475, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:214, HGNC:4894, HGNC:24726, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24239, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:24099, HGNC:16130, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28368, HGNC:9903, HGNC:16139, HGNC:13266, HGNC:7423, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:24211, HGNC:6370, HGNC:1478, HGNC:15566, HGNC:37931, HGNC:30773, HGNC:30541, HGNC:26336, HGNC:24264, HGNC:1167, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20096, HGNC:28328, HGNC:37243, HGNC:25934, HGNC:2477, HGNC:11248, HGNC:14862, HGNC:17981, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:24577, HGNC:14668, HGNC:29089, HGNC:23080, HGNC:22231, HGNC:16305, HGNC:20565, HGNC:23336, HGNC:30714, HGNC:24049, HGNC:25360, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:26296, HGNC:27981, HGNC:31092, HGNC:14221, HGNC:28779, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:18961, HGNC:33237, HGNC:19262, HGNC:18648, HGNC:20085, HGNC:24220, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:23423, HGNC:2299, HGNC:16131, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14118, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:9470, HGNC:29994, HGNC:20415, HGNC:222, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:21245, HGNC:9651, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:35465, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:21212, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:18512
cellular defense response 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 58 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 53 HGNC:31959, HGNC:4098, HGNC:4107, HGNC:6377
type B pancreatic cell proliferation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 18 of 19499 genes, 0.1% 1 100.00% 54 HGNC:14352, HGNC:21445
peptidyl-lysine trimethylation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 39 of 19499 genes, 0.2% 1 100.00% 55 HGNC:33113, HGNC:32221, HGNC:20352
DNA integration 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 19 of 19499 genes, 0.1% 1 100.00% 56 HGNC:25959, HGNC:20165
cellular response to inorganic substance 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 178 of 19499 genes, 0.9% 1 100.00% 57 HGNC:2315, HGNC:14296, HGNC:7397, HGNC:7405, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7394
transposition 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 25 of 19499 genes, 0.1% 1 100.00% 58 HGNC:19405, HGNC:25595
regulation of proteolysis 27 of 547 genes, 4.9% 783 of 19499 genes, 4.0% 1 100.00% 59 HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:2477, HGNC:28042, HGNC:8739, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:16249, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957
negative regulation of growth 9 of 547 genes, 1.6% 225 of 19499 genes, 1.2% 1 100.00% 60 HGNC:7398, HGNC:7397, HGNC:14296, HGNC:7405, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7400, HGNC:18441, HGNC:6062, HGNC:7394
phosphate-containing compound metabolic process 98 of 547 genes, 17.9% 3235 of 19499 genes, 16.6% 1 100.00% 61 HGNC:28045, HGNC:9635, HGNC:18583, HGNC:28316, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27678, HGNC:15566, HGNC:18981, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:26506, HGNC:19039, HGNC:9656, HGNC:179, HGNC:23788, HGNC:21480, HGNC:30826, HGNC:30719, HGNC:9659, HGNC:14952, HGNC:28406, HGNC:122, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25034, HGNC:25297, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:23481, HGNC:20565, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:33732, HGNC:21445, HGNC:23530, HGNC:180, HGNC:24197, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:25717, HGNC:3095, HGNC:14871, HGNC:35463, HGNC:3066, HGNC:33237, HGNC:25364, HGNC:21, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:25499, HGNC:23423, HGNC:439, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:29411, HGNC:11649, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:32390, HGNC:20785, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:29165, HGNC:28204, HGNC:11398, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:9661, HGNC:9651, HGNC:30695, HGNC:20917, HGNC:35465, HGNC:21556, HGNC:19038, HGNC:28982, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:8750
peptidyl-proline modification 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 57 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 62 HGNC:8992, HGNC:30135, HGNC:21557
response to xenobiotic stimulus 10 of 547 genes, 1.8% 269 of 19499 genes, 1.4% 1 100.00% 63 HGNC:25090, HGNC:17452, HGNC:405, HGNC:24056, HGNC:7646, HGNC:24104, HGNC:33747, HGNC:3771, HGNC:7645, HGNC:24374
peptide cross-linking 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 59 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 64 HGNC:30790, HGNC:11780, HGNC:16255
phosphorus metabolic process 98 of 547 genes, 17.9% 3256 of 19499 genes, 16.7% 1 100.00% 65 HGNC:28045, HGNC:9635, HGNC:18583, HGNC:28316, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27678, HGNC:15566, HGNC:18981, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:26506, HGNC:19039, HGNC:9656, HGNC:179, HGNC:23788, HGNC:21480, HGNC:30826, HGNC:30719, HGNC:9659, HGNC:14952, HGNC:28406, HGNC:122, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25034, HGNC:25297, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:23481, HGNC:20565, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:33732, HGNC:21445, HGNC:23530, HGNC:180, HGNC:24197, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:25717, HGNC:3095, HGNC:14871, HGNC:35463, HGNC:3066, HGNC:33237, HGNC:25364, HGNC:21, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:25499, HGNC:23423, HGNC:439, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:29411, HGNC:11649, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:32390, HGNC:20785, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:29165, HGNC:28204, HGNC:11398, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:9661, HGNC:9651, HGNC:30695, HGNC:20917, HGNC:35465, HGNC:21556, HGNC:19038, HGNC:28982, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:8750
peptide catabolic process 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 33 of 19499 genes, 0.2% 1 100.00% 66 HGNC:10079, HGNC:12822
response to X-ray 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 35 of 19499 genes, 0.2% 1 100.00% 67 HGNC:26430, HGNC:18868
response to leukemia inhibitory factor 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 95 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 68 HGNC:11296, HGNC:29612, HGNC:8739, HGNC:26233
cellular response to leukemia inhibitory factor 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 95 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 69 HGNC:11296, HGNC:29612, HGNC:8739, HGNC:26233
cellular protein metabolic process 149 of 547 genes, 27.2% 5121 of 19499 genes, 26.3% 1 100.00% 70 HGNC:20479, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:18583, HGNC:723, HGNC:30790, HGNC:31932, HGNC:16233, HGNC:11780, HGNC:18981, HGNC:26868, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:16646, HGNC:21480, HGNC:9659, HGNC:14952, HGNC:25297, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:9657, HGNC:9278, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:23530, HGNC:30476, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:22030, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16249, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:20785, HGNC:14370, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:27351, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:9661, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:16130, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28368, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:8750, HGNC:29396, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:16118, HGNC:32221, HGNC:28320, HGNC:15566, HGNC:30483, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20096, HGNC:9656, HGNC:2477, HGNC:23788, HGNC:11248, HGNC:21211, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:25034, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25952, HGNC:16255, HGNC:20565, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:24049, HGNC:14434, HGNC:20097, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28974, HGNC:26296, HGNC:15995, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:31092, HGNC:27981, HGNC:14221, HGNC:30252, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:3095, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19262, HGNC:33237, HGNC:3066, HGNC:30231, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:24923, HGNC:23423, HGNC:16131, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:1458, HGNC:16408, HGNC:20415, HGNC:18387, HGNC:21245, HGNC:9651, HGNC:24774, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:19038, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669
DNA modification 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 101 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 71 HGNC:2983, HGNC:24923, HGNC:15805, HGNC:24726
cellular protein modification process 120 of 547 genes, 21.9% 4114 of 19499 genes, 21.1% 1 100.00% 72 HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:34000, HGNC:18583, HGNC:16118, HGNC:723, HGNC:30790, HGNC:28320, HGNC:32221, HGNC:31932, HGNC:15566, HGNC:11780, HGNC:18981, HGNC:30483, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:20096, HGNC:9656, HGNC:24936, HGNC:23788, HGNC:21480, HGNC:9659, HGNC:21211, HGNC:14952, HGNC:28406, HGNC:122, HGNC:25952, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25034, HGNC:25297, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:16255, HGNC:23481, HGNC:20565, HGNC:9657, HGNC:24049, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28974, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:26296, HGNC:30437, HGNC:23530, HGNC:30476, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28110, HGNC:31092, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:27981, HGNC:30252, HGNC:25700, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:3095, HGNC:35463, HGNC:3066, HGNC:33237, HGNC:21, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:22030, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:24923, HGNC:23423, HGNC:27380, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14941, HGNC:11649, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:1458, HGNC:20785, HGNC:16408, HGNC:14370, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:27351, HGNC:19295, HGNC:20415, HGNC:26594, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:9661, HGNC:9651, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:28976, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:32311, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:28368, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:8750, HGNC:29396
protein modification process 120 of 547 genes, 21.9% 4114 of 19499 genes, 21.1% 1 100.00% 73 HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:34000, HGNC:18583, HGNC:16118, HGNC:723, HGNC:30790, HGNC:28320, HGNC:32221, HGNC:31932, HGNC:15566, HGNC:11780, HGNC:18981, HGNC:30483, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:20096, HGNC:9656, HGNC:24936, HGNC:23788, HGNC:21480, HGNC:9659, HGNC:21211, HGNC:14952, HGNC:28406, HGNC:122, HGNC:25952, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25034, HGNC:25297, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:16255, HGNC:23481, HGNC:20565, HGNC:9657, HGNC:24049, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28974, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:26296, HGNC:30437, HGNC:23530, HGNC:30476, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28110, HGNC:31092, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:27981, HGNC:30252, HGNC:25700, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:3095, HGNC:35463, HGNC:3066, HGNC:33237, HGNC:21, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:22030, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:24923, HGNC:23423, HGNC:27380, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14941, HGNC:11649, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:1458, HGNC:20785, HGNC:16408, HGNC:14370, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:27351, HGNC:19295, HGNC:20415, HGNC:26594, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:9661, HGNC:9651, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:28976, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:32311, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:28368, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:8750, HGNC:29396
response to metal ion 11 of 547 genes, 2.0% 332 of 19499 genes, 1.7% 1 100.00% 74 HGNC:2315, HGNC:7398, HGNC:14296, HGNC:21101, HGNC:7397, HGNC:7405, HGNC:33747, HGNC:20441, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7394
protein peptidyl-prolyl isomerization 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 42 of 19499 genes, 0.2% 1 100.00% 75 HGNC:8992, HGNC:21557
amyloid precursor protein metabolic process 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 44 of 19499 genes, 0.2% 1 100.00% 76 HGNC:24239, HGNC:28042
regulation of ATPase activity 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 75 of 19499 genes, 0.4% 1 100.00% 77 HGNC:20352, HGNC:1189, HGNC:19123
negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 108 of 19499 genes, 0.6% 1 100.00% 78 HGNC:15958, HGNC:16233, HGNC:2480, HGNC:2477
DNA methylation or demethylation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 79 of 19499 genes, 0.4% 1 100.00% 79 HGNC:24923, HGNC:15805, HGNC:24726
RNA phosphodiester bond hydrolysis, endonucleolytic 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 80 of 19499 genes, 0.4% 1 100.00% 80 HGNC:33911, HGNC:10044, HGNC:18512
social behavior 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 51 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 81 HGNC:21000, HGNC:19123
intraspecies interaction between organisms 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 51 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 82 HGNC:21000, HGNC:19123
drug catabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 118 of 19499 genes, 0.6% 1 100.00% 83 HGNC:3772, HGNC:17377, HGNC:12822, HGNC:2644
regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 85 of 19499 genes, 0.4% 1 100.00% 84 HGNC:25220, HGNC:1592, HGNC:26868
positive regulation of ATPase activity 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 53 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 85 HGNC:1189, HGNC:19123
cell division 17 of 547 genes, 3.1% 581 of 19499 genes, 3.0% 1 100.00% 86 HGNC:10750, HGNC:14349, HGNC:14623, HGNC:28505, HGNC:33280, HGNC:16002, HGNC:29373, HGNC:25171, HGNC:27000, HGNC:1866, HGNC:1592, HGNC:25483, HGNC:30179, HGNC:2879, HGNC:14446, HGNC:16143, HGNC:1593
regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activity 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 90 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 87 HGNC:25220, HGNC:1592, HGNC:26868
macromolecule modification 124 of 547 genes, 22.7% 4381 of 19499 genes, 22.5% 1 100.00% 88 HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:34000, HGNC:18583, HGNC:16118, HGNC:723, HGNC:30790, HGNC:28320, HGNC:32221, HGNC:31932, HGNC:15566, HGNC:11780, HGNC:15805, HGNC:18981, HGNC:30483, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:20096, HGNC:9656, HGNC:24936, HGNC:23788, HGNC:21480, HGNC:9659, HGNC:21211, HGNC:14952, HGNC:28406, HGNC:122, HGNC:25952, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25034, HGNC:25297, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:16255, HGNC:23481, HGNC:20565, HGNC:9657, HGNC:24049, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28974, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:26296, HGNC:30437, HGNC:23530, HGNC:30476, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28110, HGNC:31092, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:27981, HGNC:30252, HGNC:25700, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:3095, HGNC:35463, HGNC:3066, HGNC:33237, HGNC:21, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:22030, HGNC:24974, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30135, HGNC:24923, HGNC:23423, HGNC:27380, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14941, HGNC:11649, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:1458, HGNC:20785, HGNC:16408, HGNC:14370, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:27351, HGNC:19295, HGNC:20415, HGNC:26594, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24726, HGNC:9651, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:8992, HGNC:20917, HGNC:28976, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:32311, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:28368, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:8750, HGNC:29396
response to antineoplastic agent 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 96 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 89 HGNC:30405, HGNC:33747, HGNC:27266
DNA alkylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 63 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 90 HGNC:24923, HGNC:24726
DNA methylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 63 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 91 HGNC:24923, HGNC:24726
multi-organism behavior 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 67 of 19499 genes, 0.3% 1 100.00% 92 HGNC:21000, HGNC:19123
nitrogen compound metabolic process 284 of 547 genes, 51.9% 10197 of 19499 genes, 52.3% 1 100.00% 93 HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17910, HGNC:18583, HGNC:15478, HGNC:11780, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:21480, HGNC:19405, HGNC:24721, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:30717, HGNC:26522, HGNC:16663, HGNC:15593, HGNC:13249, HGNC:9278, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15722, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24635, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:20675, HGNC:14120, HGNC:28041, HGNC:16164, HGNC:30079, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:6358, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16249, HGNC:2735, HGNC:19287, HGNC:24446, HGNC:12014, HGNC:14370, HGNC:3347, HGNC:27351, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29165, HGNC:17377, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29970, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:17111, HGNC:8750, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:16118, HGNC:25521, HGNC:23028, HGNC:33821, HGNC:28320, HGNC:2741, HGNC:32221, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30483, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:9656, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2296, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21211, HGNC:21011, HGNC:25952, HGNC:25034, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29625, HGNC:16255, HGNC:16163, HGNC:20097, HGNC:28974, HGNC:9358, HGNC:15995, HGNC:28042, HGNC:24912, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28424, HGNC:30252, HGNC:3095, HGNC:3066, HGNC:7171, HGNC:21916, HGNC:30231, HGNC:23082, HGNC:14368, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:23536, HGNC:34407, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:4711, HGNC:24616, HGNC:17109, HGNC:33911, HGNC:21738, HGNC:1458, HGNC:18387, HGNC:30716, HGNC:25398, HGNC:24774, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:30405, HGNC:24793, HGNC:20165, HGNC:16664, HGNC:20479, HGNC:17276, HGNC:723, HGNC:29995, HGNC:10044, HGNC:30790, HGNC:16233, HGNC:31932, HGNC:18981, HGNC:20453, HGNC:16646, HGNC:9659, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16244, HGNC:27010, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25297, HGNC:25959, HGNC:26906, HGNC:25100, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:26576, HGNC:27080, HGNC:30476, HGNC:23530, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:18449, HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:3008, HGNC:6357, HGNC:22030, HGNC:23703, HGNC:24974, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30824, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20083, HGNC:6359, HGNC:13568, HGNC:21027, HGNC:20785, HGNC:15475, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:214, HGNC:4894, HGNC:24726, HGNC:7828, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24239, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:24099, HGNC:16130, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28368, HGNC:9903, HGNC:16139, HGNC:13266, HGNC:7423, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:24211, HGNC:6370, HGNC:1478, HGNC:15566, HGNC:30773, HGNC:30541, HGNC:26336, HGNC:24264, HGNC:1167, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20096, HGNC:28328, HGNC:37243, HGNC:25934, HGNC:2477, HGNC:11248, HGNC:14862, HGNC:17981, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:24577, HGNC:14668, HGNC:29089, HGNC:23080, HGNC:22231, HGNC:16305, HGNC:20565, HGNC:23336, HGNC:30714, HGNC:24049, HGNC:25360, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:26296, HGNC:27981, HGNC:31092, HGNC:14221, HGNC:28779, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:18961, HGNC:33237, HGNC:19262, HGNC:18648, HGNC:20085, HGNC:24220, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:23423, HGNC:2299, HGNC:16131, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14118, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:9470, HGNC:29994, HGNC:20415, HGNC:222, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:21245, HGNC:9651, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:11296, HGNC:35465, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:21212, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:18512
RNA phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 147 of 19499 genes, 0.8% 1 100.00% 94 HGNC:33911, HGNC:10044, HGNC:28424, HGNC:18512
positive regulation of GTPase activity 11 of 547 genes, 2.0% 409 of 19499 genes, 2.1% 1 100.00% 95 HGNC:18636, HGNC:23459, HGNC:25082, HGNC:5177, HGNC:23466, HGNC:23463, HGNC:16469, HGNC:16754, HGNC:25624, HGNC:23467, HGNC:2721
cellular response to heat 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 114 of 19499 genes, 0.6% 1 100.00% 96 HGNC:30171, HGNC:1866, HGNC:30664
regulation of viral genome replication 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 85 of 19499 genes, 0.4% 1 100.00% 97 HGNC:24721, HGNC:33758
cell cycle arrest 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 249 of 19499 genes, 1.3% 1 100.00% 98 HGNC:13417, HGNC:20290, HGNC:25619, HGNC:16955, HGNC:9278, HGNC:15528
regulation of molecular function 88 of 547 genes, 16.1% 3294 of 19499 genes, 16.9% 1 100.00% 99 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:23466, HGNC:1914, HGNC:30209, HGNC:28320, HGNC:16233, HGNC:23467, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:21191, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14952, HGNC:24748, HGNC:29089, HGNC:23459, HGNC:26225, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:20097, HGNC:2721, HGNC:32690, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:5177, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16754, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:14871, HGNC:18636, HGNC:35463, HGNC:19262, HGNC:26192, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:5247, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:25499, HGNC:1189, HGNC:25082, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:19123, HGNC:16131, HGNC:8739, HGNC:25828, HGNC:14941, HGNC:30339, HGNC:33841, HGNC:29411, HGNC:11649, HGNC:25624, HGNC:16249, HGNC:32390, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:23463, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:35465, HGNC:16469, HGNC:11350, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
negative regulation of protein modification process 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 573 of 19499 genes, 2.9% 1 100.00% 100 HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:14952, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29396, HGNC:20097
response to inorganic substance 12 of 547 genes, 2.2% 502 of 19499 genes, 2.6% 1 100.00% 101 HGNC:2315, HGNC:7398, HGNC:14296, HGNC:21101, HGNC:7397, HGNC:7405, HGNC:21304, HGNC:33747, HGNC:20441, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7394
pigmentation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 98 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 102 HGNC:15597, HGNC:17590
positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 99 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 103 HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423
cellular response to ketone 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 100 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 104 HGNC:29838, HGNC:27266
response to retinoic acid 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 103 of 19499 genes, 0.5% 1 100.00% 105 HGNC:24203, HGNC:18010
regulation of GTPase activity 11 of 547 genes, 2.0% 479 of 19499 genes, 2.5% 1 100.00% 106 HGNC:18636, HGNC:23459, HGNC:25082, HGNC:5177, HGNC:23466, HGNC:23463, HGNC:16469, HGNC:16754, HGNC:25624, HGNC:23467, HGNC:2721
response to ionizing radiation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 149 of 19499 genes, 0.8% 1 100.00% 107 HGNC:26430, HGNC:18868, HGNC:17497
response to ketone 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 197 of 19499 genes, 1.0% 1 100.00% 108 HGNC:30405, HGNC:29838, HGNC:33747, HGNC:27266
response to heat 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 157 of 19499 genes, 0.8% 1 100.00% 109 HGNC:30171, HGNC:1866, HGNC:30664
viral genome replication 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 112 of 19499 genes, 0.6% 1 100.00% 110 HGNC:24721, HGNC:33758
regulation of phosphate metabolic process 41 of 547 genes, 7.5% 1671 of 19499 genes, 8.6% 1 100.00% 111 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:25499, HGNC:35462, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30719, HGNC:33841, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:11649, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:14623, HGNC:21052, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:20097, HGNC:35465, HGNC:33732, HGNC:21445, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:14953, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 41 of 547 genes, 7.5% 1673 of 19499 genes, 8.6% 1 100.00% 112 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:25499, HGNC:35462, HGNC:23788, HGNC:30719, HGNC:33841, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:11649, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:14623, HGNC:21052, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:20097, HGNC:35465, HGNC:33732, HGNC:21445, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:14953, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
peptidyl-lysine modification 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 383 of 19499 genes, 2.0% 1 100.00% 113 HGNC:33113, HGNC:33787, HGNC:27351, HGNC:24936, HGNC:30476, HGNC:32221, HGNC:28368, HGNC:20352
response to calcium ion 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 121 of 19499 genes, 0.6% 1 100.00% 114 HGNC:2315, HGNC:20441
post-translational protein modification 9 of 547 genes, 1.6% 441 of 19499 genes, 2.3% 1 100.00% 115 HGNC:29119, HGNC:9635, HGNC:14370, HGNC:26504, HGNC:20096, HGNC:20415, HGNC:31092, HGNC:25700, HGNC:1458
regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 131 of 19499 genes, 0.7% 1 100.00% 116 HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423
response to UV 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 134 of 19499 genes, 0.7% 1 100.00% 117 HGNC:21314, HGNC:25102
regulation of viral life cycle 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 134 of 19499 genes, 0.7% 1 100.00% 118 HGNC:24721, HGNC:33758
regulation of growth 13 of 547 genes, 2.4% 627 of 19499 genes, 3.2% 1 100.00% 119 HGNC:21706, HGNC:30827, HGNC:7398, HGNC:20081, HGNC:14296, HGNC:7397, HGNC:28106, HGNC:7405, HGNC:18441, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:6062, HGNC:7394
regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 237 of 19499 genes, 1.2% 1 100.00% 120 HGNC:15958, HGNC:16233, HGNC:2480, HGNC:2477
regulation of cellular protein metabolic process 58 of 547 genes, 10.6% 2437 of 19499 genes, 12.5% 1 100.00% 121 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:35463, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:8739, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:11649, HGNC:16249, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16408, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15833, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:16130, HGNC:35465, HGNC:15995, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:7423, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
peptidyl-serine modification 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 306 of 19499 genes, 1.6% 1 100.00% 122 HGNC:17699, HGNC:26051, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:32311
peptidyl-amino acid modification 27 of 547 genes, 4.9% 1240 of 19499 genes, 6.4% 1 100.00% 123 HGNC:25952, HGNC:3095, HGNC:33113, HGNC:33787, HGNC:26504, HGNC:34000, HGNC:27351, HGNC:26594, HGNC:26693, HGNC:32221, HGNC:17699, HGNC:8992, HGNC:28976, HGNC:30135, HGNC:26296, HGNC:26051, HGNC:30437, HGNC:32311, HGNC:27380, HGNC:24936, HGNC:30476, HGNC:20352, HGNC:27981, HGNC:28368, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:21557
negative regulation of cell growth 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 156 of 19499 genes, 0.8% 1 100.00% 124 HGNC:18441, HGNC:6062
organic substance metabolic process 291 of 547 genes, 53.2% 11012 of 19499 genes, 56.5% 1 100.00% 125 HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17910, HGNC:18583, HGNC:15478, HGNC:11780, HGNC:21444, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:21480, HGNC:19405, HGNC:24721, HGNC:14185, HGNC:28995, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:30717, HGNC:26522, HGNC:16663, HGNC:15593, HGNC:13249, HGNC:9278, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15722, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24635, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:20675, HGNC:14120, HGNC:28041, HGNC:16164, HGNC:30079, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:6358, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16249, HGNC:2735, HGNC:19287, HGNC:24446, HGNC:12014, HGNC:14370, HGNC:3347, HGNC:27351, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29165, HGNC:17377, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29970, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:17111, HGNC:8750, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:16118, HGNC:25521, HGNC:23028, HGNC:33821, HGNC:28320, HGNC:2741, HGNC:32221, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30483, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:9656, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2296, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21211, HGNC:21011, HGNC:25952, HGNC:25034, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29625, HGNC:16255, HGNC:16163, HGNC:20097, HGNC:28974, HGNC:9358, HGNC:15995, HGNC:26820, HGNC:28042, HGNC:24912, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28424, HGNC:30252, HGNC:2644, HGNC:3095, HGNC:7171, HGNC:3066, HGNC:21916, HGNC:30231, HGNC:23082, HGNC:14368, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:23536, HGNC:34407, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:4711, HGNC:24616, HGNC:17109, HGNC:33911, HGNC:21738, HGNC:1458, HGNC:18387, HGNC:30716, HGNC:25398, HGNC:24774, HGNC:405, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:30405, HGNC:24793, HGNC:20165, HGNC:16664, HGNC:20479, HGNC:17276, HGNC:723, HGNC:29995, HGNC:10044, HGNC:30790, HGNC:16233, HGNC:31932, HGNC:18981, HGNC:20453, HGNC:16646, HGNC:9659, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16244, HGNC:27010, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25297, HGNC:25959, HGNC:26906, HGNC:25100, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:26576, HGNC:27080, HGNC:30476, HGNC:23530, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:18449, HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:35463, HGNC:17452, HGNC:20477, HGNC:3008, HGNC:6357, HGNC:22030, HGNC:23703, HGNC:24974, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30824, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20083, HGNC:6359, HGNC:13568, HGNC:21027, HGNC:20785, HGNC:15475, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:214, HGNC:4894, HGNC:24726, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24239, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:24099, HGNC:16130, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28368, HGNC:9903, HGNC:16139, HGNC:13266, HGNC:7423, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:24211, HGNC:6370, HGNC:1478, HGNC:15566, HGNC:37931, HGNC:30773, HGNC:30541, HGNC:26336, HGNC:24264, HGNC:1167, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20096, HGNC:28328, HGNC:37243, HGNC:2477, HGNC:25934, HGNC:11248, HGNC:14862, HGNC:17981, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:24577, HGNC:14668, HGNC:29089, HGNC:23080, HGNC:22231, HGNC:16305, HGNC:20565, HGNC:23336, HGNC:30714, HGNC:24049, HGNC:25360, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:26296, HGNC:27981, HGNC:31092, HGNC:28779, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:18961, HGNC:33237, HGNC:19262, HGNC:18648, HGNC:20085, HGNC:24220, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:23423, HGNC:2299, HGNC:16131, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14118, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:29994, HGNC:9470, HGNC:20415, HGNC:222, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:21245, HGNC:9651, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:11296, HGNC:35465, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:21212, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:18512
response to temperature stimulus 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 220 of 19499 genes, 1.1% 1 100.00% 126 HGNC:30171, HGNC:1866, HGNC:30664
protein acylation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 223 of 19499 genes, 1.1% 1 100.00% 127 HGNC:22030, HGNC:30252, HGNC:32311
positive regulation of hydrolase activity 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 733 of 19499 genes, 3.8% 1 100.00% 128 HGNC:18636, HGNC:23459, HGNC:25082, HGNC:1189, HGNC:5177, HGNC:23466, HGNC:23463, HGNC:19123, HGNC:16469, HGNC:8739, HGNC:16754, HGNC:25624, HGNC:23467, HGNC:2721
response to unfolded protein 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 172 of 19499 genes, 0.9% 1 100.00% 129 HGNC:5248, HGNC:5247
primary metabolic process 280 of 547 genes, 51.2% 10668 of 19499 genes, 54.7% 1 100.00% 130 HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17910, HGNC:18583, HGNC:15478, HGNC:11780, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14134, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:21480, HGNC:19405, HGNC:24721, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:14633, HGNC:17245, HGNC:30717, HGNC:26522, HGNC:16663, HGNC:15593, HGNC:13249, HGNC:9278, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15722, HGNC:13201, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24635, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:20675, HGNC:14120, HGNC:28041, HGNC:16164, HGNC:30079, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:6358, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16249, HGNC:2735, HGNC:19287, HGNC:24446, HGNC:12014, HGNC:14370, HGNC:3347, HGNC:27351, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:29970, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:17111, HGNC:8750, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:16118, HGNC:25521, HGNC:23028, HGNC:33821, HGNC:28320, HGNC:2741, HGNC:32221, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30483, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:9656, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2296, HGNC:15479, HGNC:21211, HGNC:21011, HGNC:25952, HGNC:25034, HGNC:31397, HGNC:29625, HGNC:16255, HGNC:16163, HGNC:20097, HGNC:28974, HGNC:9358, HGNC:15995, HGNC:28042, HGNC:24912, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28424, HGNC:30252, HGNC:3095, HGNC:3066, HGNC:7171, HGNC:21916, HGNC:30231, HGNC:23082, HGNC:14368, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:23536, HGNC:34407, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:4711, HGNC:24616, HGNC:17109, HGNC:33911, HGNC:21738, HGNC:1458, HGNC:18387, HGNC:30716, HGNC:25398, HGNC:24774, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:30405, HGNC:24793, HGNC:20165, HGNC:16664, HGNC:20479, HGNC:17276, HGNC:723, HGNC:29995, HGNC:10044, HGNC:30790, HGNC:16233, HGNC:31932, HGNC:18981, HGNC:20453, HGNC:16646, HGNC:9659, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16244, HGNC:27010, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25297, HGNC:25959, HGNC:26906, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:26576, HGNC:27080, HGNC:30476, HGNC:23530, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:18449, HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:3008, HGNC:6357, HGNC:22030, HGNC:23703, HGNC:24974, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30824, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20083, HGNC:6359, HGNC:13568, HGNC:21027, HGNC:20785, HGNC:15475, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:214, HGNC:4894, HGNC:24726, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24239, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:24099, HGNC:16130, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28368, HGNC:9903, HGNC:16139, HGNC:13266, HGNC:7423, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:24211, HGNC:6370, HGNC:1478, HGNC:15566, HGNC:30773, HGNC:30541, HGNC:26336, HGNC:24264, HGNC:1167, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20096, HGNC:28328, HGNC:37243, HGNC:25934, HGNC:2477, HGNC:11248, HGNC:14862, HGNC:17981, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:24577, HGNC:14668, HGNC:29089, HGNC:23080, HGNC:22231, HGNC:16305, HGNC:20565, HGNC:23336, HGNC:30714, HGNC:24049, HGNC:25360, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:26296, HGNC:27981, HGNC:31092, HGNC:14221, HGNC:28779, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:18961, HGNC:33237, HGNC:19262, HGNC:18648, HGNC:20085, HGNC:24220, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:23423, HGNC:2299, HGNC:16131, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14118, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:30846, HGNC:9470, HGNC:29994, HGNC:20415, HGNC:222, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:21245, HGNC:9651, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:35465, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:21212, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:18512
protein acetylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 184 of 19499 genes, 0.9% 1 100.00% 131 HGNC:22030, HGNC:30252
negative regulation of neuron death 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 187 of 19499 genes, 1.0% 1 100.00% 132 HGNC:29325, HGNC:21445
response to topologically incorrect protein 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 191 of 19499 genes, 1.0% 1 100.00% 133 HGNC:5248, HGNC:5247
regulation of viral process 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 191 of 19499 genes, 1.0% 1 100.00% 134 HGNC:24721, HGNC:33758
regulation of protein kinase activity 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 777 of 19499 genes, 4.0% 1 100.00% 135 HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:35462, HGNC:16408, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26594, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:25220, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868
response to virus 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 307 of 19499 genes, 1.6% 1 100.00% 136 HGNC:26487, HGNC:28118, HGNC:16938, HGNC:33758
cell cycle 38 of 547 genes, 6.9% 1796 of 19499 genes, 9.2% 1 100.00% 137 HGNC:27954, HGNC:10750, HGNC:16955, HGNC:14349, HGNC:33280, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:26868, HGNC:29373, HGNC:26658, HGNC:28194, HGNC:27000, HGNC:30179, HGNC:6358, HGNC:33234, HGNC:16143, HGNC:25102, HGNC:1593, HGNC:19287, HGNC:15528, HGNC:20290, HGNC:1587, HGNC:25619, HGNC:14623, HGNC:28505, HGNC:16002, HGNC:14434, HGNC:9278, HGNC:25171, HGNC:1866, HGNC:32681, HGNC:1592, HGNC:25483, HGNC:2879, HGNC:14446, HGNC:6062, HGNC:30890
neuron death 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 315 of 19499 genes, 1.6% 1 100.00% 138 HGNC:21269, HGNC:29325, HGNC:22940, HGNC:21445
regulation of kinase activity 15 of 547 genes, 2.7% 837 of 19499 genes, 4.3% 1 100.00% 139 HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:35462, HGNC:16408, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26594, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868
regulation of cell growth 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 378 of 19499 genes, 1.9% 1 100.00% 140 HGNC:30827, HGNC:28106, HGNC:18441, HGNC:6062, HGNC:20081
cellular response to oxidative stress 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 271 of 19499 genes, 1.4% 1 100.00% 141 HGNC:29325, HGNC:21304, HGNC:26162
regulation of protein metabolic process 59 of 547 genes, 10.8% 2672 of 19499 genes, 13.7% 1 100.00% 142 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:35463, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:8739, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:11649, HGNC:16249, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16408, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15833, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:16130, HGNC:35465, HGNC:15995, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:7423, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
DNA biosynthetic process 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 215 of 19499 genes, 1.1% 1 100.00% 143 HGNC:2983, HGNC:24536
regulation of symbiosis, encompassing mutualism through parasitism 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 218 of 19499 genes, 1.1% 1 100.00% 144 HGNC:24721, HGNC:33758
peptidyl-serine phosphorylation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 287 of 19499 genes, 1.5% 1 100.00% 145 HGNC:17699, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423
regulation of transferase activity 16 of 547 genes, 2.9% 935 of 19499 genes, 4.8% 1 100.00% 146 HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:16408, HGNC:26594, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:24536, HGNC:35462, HGNC:35465, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24197, HGNC:33841, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11649
negative regulation of cell proliferation 10 of 547 genes, 1.8% 658 of 19499 genes, 3.4% 1 100.00% 147 HGNC:14352, HGNC:14620, HGNC:3335, HGNC:23658, HGNC:13796, HGNC:9867, HGNC:2899, HGNC:16842, HGNC:6062, HGNC:15528
cell growth 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 462 of 19499 genes, 2.4% 1 100.00% 148 HGNC:30827, HGNC:28106, HGNC:3335, HGNC:18441, HGNC:6062, HGNC:20081
response to alcohol 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 235 of 19499 genes, 1.2% 1 100.00% 149 HGNC:30405, HGNC:33747
regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 479 of 19499 genes, 2.5% 1 100.00% 150 HGNC:28045, HGNC:25220, HGNC:1592, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26868
viral life cycle 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 313 of 19499 genes, 1.6% 1 100.00% 151 HGNC:24721, HGNC:33758, HGNC:17866
negative regulation of protein kinase activity 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 251 of 19499 genes, 1.3% 1 100.00% 152 HGNC:28045, HGNC:24197
response to radiation 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 439 of 19499 genes, 2.3% 1 100.00% 153 HGNC:26430, HGNC:18868, HGNC:21314, HGNC:17497, HGNC:25102
negative regulation of cell cycle 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 600 of 19499 genes, 3.1% 1 100.00% 154 HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:20290, HGNC:25619, HGNC:16955, HGNC:25102, HGNC:9278, HGNC:15528
cellular response to drug 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 333 of 19499 genes, 1.7% 1 100.00% 155 HGNC:14871, HGNC:29838, HGNC:27266
negative regulation of kinase activity 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 269 of 19499 genes, 1.4% 1 100.00% 156 HGNC:28045, HGNC:24197
negative regulation of cellular metabolic process 48 of 547 genes, 8.8% 2387 of 19499 genes, 12.2% 1 100.00% 157 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:25499, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:37243, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:19295, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
rhythmic process 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 277 of 19499 genes, 1.4% 1 100.00% 158 HGNC:33910, HGNC:25474
growth 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 922 of 19499 genes, 4.7% 1 100.00% 159 HGNC:21706, HGNC:30827, HGNC:3335, HGNC:7398, HGNC:20081, HGNC:14296, HGNC:7397, HGNC:28106, HGNC:7405, HGNC:18441, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:6062, HGNC:7394
protein phosphorylation 36 of 547 genes, 6.6% 1902 of 19499 genes, 9.8% 1 100.00% 160 HGNC:3095, HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:21, HGNC:25220, HGNC:18981, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:17699, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19039, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:25297, HGNC:26594, HGNC:20565, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:14434, HGNC:20917, HGNC:35465, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24197, HGNC:16254, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:7423, HGNC:8750, HGNC:11407
regulation of neuron death 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 280 of 19499 genes, 1.4% 1 100.00% 161 HGNC:29325, HGNC:21445
response to oxidative stress 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 420 of 19499 genes, 2.2% 1 100.00% 162 HGNC:24078, HGNC:29325, HGNC:21304, HGNC:26162
negative regulation of transferase activity 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 295 of 19499 genes, 1.5% 1 100.00% 163 HGNC:28045, HGNC:24197
phosphorylation 45 of 547 genes, 8.2% 2328 of 19499 genes, 11.9% 1 100.00% 164 HGNC:14871, HGNC:3095, HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:21, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:18981, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:17699, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19039, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14952, HGNC:11649, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:25297, HGNC:21052, HGNC:26594, HGNC:20565, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:29851, HGNC:14434, HGNC:20917, HGNC:35465, HGNC:21445, HGNC:19038, HGNC:28982, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24197, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:25700, HGNC:28669, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:8750
response to light stimulus 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 302 of 19499 genes, 1.5% 1 100.00% 165 HGNC:21314, HGNC:25102
RNA catabolic process 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 380 of 19499 genes, 1.9% 1 100.00% 166 HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:11407
regulation of protein modification process 30 of 547 genes, 5.5% 1717 of 19499 genes, 8.8% 1 100.00% 167 HGNC:29089, HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:16408, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:15833, HGNC:35464, HGNC:20097, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:23788, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
response to acid chemical 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 322 of 19499 genes, 1.7% 1 100.00% 168 HGNC:24203, HGNC:18010
regulation of cell cycle 17 of 547 genes, 3.1% 1152 of 19499 genes, 5.9% 1 100.00% 169 HGNC:20290, HGNC:25619, HGNC:1587, HGNC:16955, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:9278, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14434, HGNC:1592, HGNC:16143, HGNC:33234, HGNC:25102, HGNC:19287, HGNC:1593, HGNC:15528
positive regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 334 of 19499 genes, 1.7% 1 100.00% 170 HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423
positive regulation of catalytic activity 21 of 547 genes, 3.8% 1363 of 19499 genes, 7.0% 1 100.00% 171 HGNC:18636, HGNC:23459, HGNC:23466, HGNC:23463, HGNC:26594, HGNC:27009, HGNC:5247, HGNC:23467, HGNC:2721, HGNC:25082, HGNC:1189, HGNC:24536, HGNC:5177, HGNC:16469, HGNC:21191, HGNC:19123, HGNC:8739, HGNC:16754, HGNC:11649, HGNC:25624, HGNC:7423
epithelial cell proliferation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 356 of 19499 genes, 1.8% 1 100.00% 172 HGNC:14352, HGNC:21445
negative regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 40 of 547 genes, 7.3% 2238 of 19499 genes, 11.5% 1 100.00% 173 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:37243, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16249, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15833, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:15995, HGNC:16130, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 371 of 19499 genes, 1.9% 1 100.00% 174 HGNC:3095, HGNC:26594
peptidyl-tyrosine modification 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 374 of 19499 genes, 1.9% 1 100.00% 175 HGNC:3095, HGNC:26594
regulation of multi-organism process 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 386 of 19499 genes, 2.0% 1 100.00% 176 HGNC:24721, HGNC:33758
RNA processing 11 of 547 genes, 2.0% 950 of 19499 genes, 4.9% 1 100.00% 177 HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:28328, HGNC:24912, HGNC:9903, HGNC:24974, HGNC:17981, HGNC:24721, HGNC:30714
positive regulation of kinase activity 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 543 of 19499 genes, 2.8% 1 100.00% 178 HGNC:27009, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594
positive regulation of transferase activity 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 616 of 19499 genes, 3.2% 1 100.00% 179 HGNC:27009, HGNC:24536, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594
negative regulation of metabolic process 50 of 547 genes, 9.1% 2779 of 19499 genes, 14.3% 1 100.00% 180 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:21444, HGNC:25499, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:37243, HGNC:16164, HGNC:21191, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29089, HGNC:19295, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:15995, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
negative regulation of protein phosphorylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 412 of 19499 genes, 2.1% 1 100.00% 181 HGNC:28045, HGNC:24197
positive regulation of protein kinase activity 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 509 of 19499 genes, 2.6% 1 100.00% 182 HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594
heterocycle catabolic process 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 651 of 19499 genes, 3.3% 1 100.00% 183 HGNC:17377, HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:11407
cellular nitrogen compound catabolic process 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 653 of 19499 genes, 3.3% 1 100.00% 184 HGNC:17377, HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:11407
regulation of phosphorylation 20 of 547 genes, 3.7% 1472 of 19499 genes, 7.5% 1 100.00% 185 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:16408, HGNC:21052, HGNC:26594, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:35465, HGNC:21445, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14952, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423
negative regulation of phosphorylation 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 450 of 19499 genes, 2.3% 1 100.00% 186 HGNC:28045, HGNC:24197
response to nutrient levels 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 454 of 19499 genes, 2.3% 1 100.00% 187 HGNC:2983, HGNC:16955
nucleobase-containing compound catabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 606 of 19499 genes, 3.1% 1 100.00% 188 HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:11407
DNA metabolic process 10 of 547 genes, 1.8% 982 of 19499 genes, 5.0% 1 100.00% 189 HGNC:30541, HGNC:2983, HGNC:24536, HGNC:24923, HGNC:17276, HGNC:25959, HGNC:24220, HGNC:15805, HGNC:24726, HGNC:20165
organic cyclic compound catabolic process 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 696 of 19499 genes, 3.6% 1 100.00% 190 HGNC:17377, HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:11407
response to drug 9 of 547 genes, 1.6% 945 of 19499 genes, 4.8% 1 100.00% 191 HGNC:14871, HGNC:2983, HGNC:29838, HGNC:16646, HGNC:30405, HGNC:33747, HGNC:27266, HGNC:2644, HGNC:25102
response to extracellular stimulus 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 484 of 19499 genes, 2.5% 1 100.00% 192 HGNC:2983, HGNC:16955
behavior 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 569 of 19499 genes, 2.9% 1 100.00% 193 HGNC:21000, HGNC:19123, HGNC:17590
viral process 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 781 of 19499 genes, 4.0% 1 100.00% 194 HGNC:24104, HGNC:24721, HGNC:25687, HGNC:33758, HGNC:17866, HGNC:28359
aromatic compound catabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 665 of 19499 genes, 3.4% 1 100.00% 195 HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:11407
negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 41 of 547 genes, 7.5% 2584 of 19499 genes, 13.3% 1 100.00% 196 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:30231, HGNC:28320, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:21444, HGNC:19193, HGNC:2480, HGNC:37243, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16249, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15833, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:24774, HGNC:15995, HGNC:16130, HGNC:8945, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
response to biotic stimulus 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 934 of 19499 genes, 4.8% 1 100.00% 197 HGNC:26487, HGNC:28118, HGNC:32388, HGNC:16938, HGNC:13943, HGNC:37219, HGNC:20081, HGNC:33758
cellular response to cytokine stimulus 10 of 547 genes, 1.8% 1060 of 19499 genes, 5.4% 1 100.00% 198 HGNC:11296, HGNC:29612, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:8739, HGNC:26233, HGNC:9659, HGNC:7405, HGNC:9657, HGNC:9661
interspecies interaction between organisms 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 880 of 19499 genes, 4.5% 1 100.00% 199 HGNC:24104, HGNC:20958, HGNC:24721, HGNC:25687, HGNC:33758, HGNC:17866, HGNC:28359
response to cytokine 11 of 547 genes, 2.0% 1142 of 19499 genes, 5.9% 1 100.00% 200 HGNC:11296, HGNC:29612, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:8739, HGNC:26233, HGNC:9659, HGNC:7405, HGNC:24721, HGNC:9657, HGNC:9661
symbiont process 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 841 of 19499 genes, 4.3% 1 100.00% 201 HGNC:24104, HGNC:24721, HGNC:25687, HGNC:33758, HGNC:17866, HGNC:28359
regulation of cellular response to stress 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 629 of 19499 genes, 3.2% 1 100.00% 202 HGNC:17872, HGNC:29325, HGNC:30171
positive regulation of molecular function 21 of 547 genes, 3.8% 1688 of 19499 genes, 8.7% 1 100.00% 203 HGNC:18636, HGNC:23459, HGNC:23466, HGNC:23463, HGNC:26594, HGNC:27009, HGNC:5247, HGNC:23467, HGNC:2721, HGNC:25082, HGNC:1189, HGNC:24536, HGNC:5177, HGNC:16469, HGNC:21191, HGNC:19123, HGNC:8739, HGNC:16754, HGNC:11649, HGNC:25624, HGNC:7423
cellular response to organic cyclic compound 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 566 of 19499 genes, 2.9% 1 100.00% 204 HGNC:2741, HGNC:27266
cellular response to DNA damage stimulus 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 802 of 19499 genes, 4.1% 1 100.00% 205 HGNC:30231, HGNC:19956, HGNC:17872, HGNC:26051, HGNC:25022
regulation of protein phosphorylation 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 1349 of 19499 genes, 6.9% 1 100.00% 206 HGNC:28045, HGNC:35463, HGNC:35462, HGNC:16408, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26594, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:25220, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868
cellular response to hormone stimulus 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 684 of 19499 genes, 3.5% 1 100.00% 207 HGNC:2741, HGNC:16955, HGNC:27266
regulation of cell proliferation 17 of 547 genes, 3.1% 1562 of 19499 genes, 8.0% 1 100.00% 208 HGNC:28309, HGNC:3335, HGNC:7142, HGNC:9867, HGNC:2899, HGNC:16842, HGNC:14352, HGNC:14620, HGNC:23658, HGNC:33739, HGNC:24588, HGNC:9892, HGNC:13796, HGNC:21314, HGNC:26045, HGNC:6062, HGNC:15528
peptide metabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 778 of 19499 genes, 4.0% 1 100.00% 209 HGNC:10079, HGNC:12822, HGNC:28042, HGNC:2981
drug metabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 783 of 19499 genes, 4.0% 1 100.00% 210 HGNC:3772, HGNC:17377, HGNC:12822, HGNC:2644
cellular metabolic process 241 of 547 genes, 44.1% 10677 of 19499 genes, 54.8% 1 100.00% 211 HGNC:20479, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17276, HGNC:18583, HGNC:723, HGNC:30790, HGNC:10044, HGNC:27678, HGNC:31932, HGNC:16233, HGNC:11780, HGNC:18981, HGNC:26868, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:16646, HGNC:21480, HGNC:19405, HGNC:30826, HGNC:30719, HGNC:9659, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:24721, HGNC:28995, HGNC:27010, HGNC:25297, HGNC:26023, HGNC:21052, HGNC:25959, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:29851, HGNC:26522, HGNC:9657, HGNC:15593, HGNC:9278, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:7646, HGNC:21445, HGNC:23530, HGNC:30476, HGNC:180, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:17407, HGNC:35463, HGNC:9909, HGNC:17452, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:22030, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:24974, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:25090, HGNC:2983, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20083, HGNC:16164, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:24104, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:2735, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:20785, HGNC:12014, HGNC:14370, HGNC:3347, HGNC:33787, HGNC:26504, HGNC:19295, HGNC:27351, HGNC:18677, HGNC:26594, HGNC:29165, HGNC:17377, HGNC:28204, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24726, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:24099, HGNC:16130, HGNC:21556, HGNC:24056, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28982, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28368, HGNC:16139, HGNC:13266, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:8750, HGNC:10079, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:24211, HGNC:28316, HGNC:16118, HGNC:25521, HGNC:28320, HGNC:2741, HGNC:32221, HGNC:15566, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30773, HGNC:30483, HGNC:30541, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20096, HGNC:28328, HGNC:9656, HGNC:37243, HGNC:179, HGNC:11248, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:21211, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:28406, HGNC:122, HGNC:25952, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25034, HGNC:3772, HGNC:16255, HGNC:20565, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:24049, HGNC:30714, HGNC:18319, HGNC:24374, HGNC:25360, HGNC:20097, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28974, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:26296, HGNC:26820, HGNC:28042, HGNC:24912, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:31092, HGNC:27981, HGNC:28424, HGNC:14221, HGNC:30252, HGNC:8985, HGNC:7645, HGNC:15957, HGNC:2644, HGNC:21557, HGNC:25717, HGNC:14871, HGNC:3095, HGNC:3066, HGNC:33237, HGNC:25364, HGNC:19262, HGNC:30231, HGNC:24220, HGNC:27607, HGNC:20085, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:25499, HGNC:30135, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:23423, HGNC:24616, HGNC:439, HGNC:16131, HGNC:33911, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:1458, HGNC:32390, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:20415, HGNC:18387, HGNC:16200, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:3771, HGNC:24774, HGNC:9651, HGNC:21245, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:11296, HGNC:35465, HGNC:405, HGNC:26051, HGNC:19038, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:18512, HGNC:20165
response to lipid 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 892 of 19499 genes, 4.6% 1 100.00% 212 HGNC:30405, HGNC:24203, HGNC:2741, HGNC:33747, HGNC:18010
positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 1030 of 19499 genes, 5.3% 1 100.00% 213 HGNC:27009, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594, HGNC:21445
positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 1030 of 19499 genes, 5.3% 1 100.00% 214 HGNC:27009, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594, HGNC:21445
positive regulation of phosphorylation 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 966 of 19499 genes, 5.0% 1 100.00% 215 HGNC:27009, HGNC:21052, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594, HGNC:21445
response to growth factor 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 660 of 19499 genes, 3.4% 1 100.00% 216 HGNC:7539, HGNC:16469
response to abiotic stimulus 9 of 547 genes, 1.6% 1176 of 19499 genes, 6.0% 1 100.00% 217 HGNC:26430, HGNC:18868, HGNC:24470, HGNC:30171, HGNC:1866, HGNC:30664, HGNC:21314, HGNC:17497, HGNC:25102
cell proliferation 23 of 547 genes, 4.2% 1973 of 19499 genes, 10.1% 1 100.00% 218 HGNC:28309, HGNC:3335, HGNC:7142, HGNC:9867, HGNC:2899, HGNC:16842, HGNC:26683, HGNC:14352, HGNC:14620, HGNC:9952, HGNC:35428, HGNC:33739, HGNC:23658, HGNC:21445, HGNC:9892, HGNC:24588, HGNC:13796, HGNC:21314, HGNC:26045, HGNC:26928, HGNC:7423, HGNC:6062, HGNC:15528
response to organic cyclic compound 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 929 of 19499 genes, 4.8% 1 100.00% 219 HGNC:2983, HGNC:2741, HGNC:33747, HGNC:27266, HGNC:25102
response to hormone 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 954 of 19499 genes, 4.9% 1 100.00% 220 HGNC:2741, HGNC:16955, HGNC:27038, HGNC:33747, HGNC:27266
response to other organism 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 886 of 19499 genes, 4.5% 1 100.00% 221 HGNC:26487, HGNC:28118, HGNC:16938, HGNC:33758
response to external biotic stimulus 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 888 of 19499 genes, 4.6% 1 100.00% 222 HGNC:26487, HGNC:28118, HGNC:16938, HGNC:33758
positive regulation of cell proliferation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 854 of 19499 genes, 4.4% 1 100.00% 223 HGNC:21314, HGNC:33739, HGNC:7142
cellular amide metabolic process 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 1036 of 19499 genes, 5.3% 1 100.00% 224 HGNC:10079, HGNC:17377, HGNC:12822, HGNC:28042, HGNC:2981
protein localization to organelle 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 820 of 19499 genes, 4.2% 1 100.00% 225 HGNC:6741, HGNC:16469
cellular response to oxygen-containing compound 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 1015 of 19499 genes, 5.2% 1 100.00% 226 HGNC:2741, HGNC:29838, HGNC:21304, HGNC:27266
positive regulation of protein phosphorylation 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 925 of 19499 genes, 4.7% 1 100.00% 227 HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594
organic acid metabolic process 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 1142 of 19499 genes, 5.9% 1 100.00% 228 HGNC:17452, HGNC:26820, HGNC:28995
nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 53 of 547 genes, 9.7% 5940 of 19499 genes, 30.5% 1 100.00% 229 HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:17276, HGNC:24211, HGNC:25521, HGNC:10044, HGNC:2741, HGNC:24974, HGNC:24220, HGNC:20085, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30773, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:20083, HGNC:28328, HGNC:24616, HGNC:37243, HGNC:19405, HGNC:33911, HGNC:24116, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:24721, HGNC:2735, HGNC:12014, HGNC:27010, HGNC:3347, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25959, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29851, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:26522, HGNC:30714, HGNC:15593, HGNC:25360, HGNC:24726, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:24912, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28424, HGNC:13266, HGNC:11407, HGNC:18512, HGNC:20165
cellular aromatic compound metabolic process 54 of 547 genes, 9.9% 6141 of 19499 genes, 31.5% 1 100.00% 230 HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:17276, HGNC:24211, HGNC:25521, HGNC:10044, HGNC:2741, HGNC:24974, HGNC:24220, HGNC:20085, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30773, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:20083, HGNC:28328, HGNC:24616, HGNC:37243, HGNC:19405, HGNC:33911, HGNC:24116, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:24721, HGNC:2735, HGNC:12014, HGNC:27010, HGNC:3347, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25959, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29851, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:26522, HGNC:30714, HGNC:15593, HGNC:25360, HGNC:24726, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:24912, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28424, HGNC:13266, HGNC:11407, HGNC:2644, HGNC:18512, HGNC:20165
response to stress 24 of 547 genes, 4.4% 3825 of 19499 genes, 19.6% 1 100.00% 231 HGNC:16955, HGNC:4098, HGNC:29325, HGNC:4107, HGNC:30171, HGNC:9667, HGNC:7126, HGNC:30664, HGNC:30231, HGNC:31959, HGNC:19956, HGNC:5247, HGNC:21304, HGNC:24001, HGNC:1189, HGNC:24078, HGNC:17872, HGNC:26051, HGNC:1866, HGNC:26162, HGNC:5248, HGNC:26355, HGNC:6377, HGNC:25022
defense response 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 1676 of 19499 genes, 8.6% 1 100.00% 232 HGNC:31959, HGNC:4098, HGNC:4107, HGNC:9667, HGNC:6377, HGNC:7126
organelle organization 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 3697 of 19499 genes, 19.0% 1 100.00% 233 HGNC:29366, HGNC:15597, HGNC:26110
cell communication 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 6556 of 19499 genes, 33.6% 1 100.00% 234 HGNC:19155, HGNC:13717, HGNC:16955, HGNC:13740
protein localization 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 2530 of 19499 genes, 13.0% 1 100.00% 235 HGNC:13680, HGNC:7648, HGNC:21101, HGNC:6741, HGNC:20359, HGNC:16469
cell death 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 2130 of 19499 genes, 10.9% 1 100.00% 236 HGNC:21269, HGNC:29838, HGNC:29325, HGNC:3335, HGNC:21445, HGNC:19956, HGNC:22940, HGNC:6062
catabolic process 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 2476 of 19499 genes, 12.7% 1 100.00% 237 HGNC:10079, HGNC:3772, HGNC:24427, HGNC:12822, HGNC:32037, HGNC:25100, HGNC:17377, HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:11407, HGNC:2644, HGNC:18319, HGNC:32038
macromolecule catabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 1308 of 19499 genes, 6.7% 1 100.00% 238 HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:11407
biosynthetic process 12 of 547 genes, 2.2% 6416 of 19499 genes, 32.9% 1 100.00% 239 HGNC:2983, HGNC:13238, HGNC:11296, HGNC:24536, HGNC:32311, HGNC:37243, HGNC:34391, HGNC:22923, HGNC:14862, HGNC:23989, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
macromolecule biosynthetic process 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 5234 of 19499 genes, 26.8% 1 100.00% 240 HGNC:2983, HGNC:24536, HGNC:14862, HGNC:32311, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
response to external stimulus 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 2248 of 19499 genes, 11.5% 1 100.00% 241 HGNC:26487, HGNC:2983, HGNC:16955, HGNC:28118, HGNC:24470, HGNC:16938, HGNC:33758
response to endogenous stimulus 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 1547 of 19499 genes, 7.9% 1 100.00% 242 HGNC:7539, HGNC:2741, HGNC:16955, HGNC:27038, HGNC:33747, HGNC:27266, HGNC:16469
regulation of biosynthetic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 4363 of 19499 genes, 22.4% 1 100.00% 243 HGNC:24536, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
positive regulation of metabolic process 11 of 547 genes, 2.0% 3144 of 19499 genes, 16.1% 1 100.00% 244 HGNC:24536, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:21445, HGNC:8739, HGNC:28042, HGNC:27009, HGNC:14185, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423
cellular process 322 of 547 genes, 58.9% 15898 of 19499 genes, 81.5% 1 100.00% 245 HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:18583, HGNC:11780, HGNC:26868, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:23658, HGNC:24936, HGNC:21480, HGNC:19405, HGNC:30179, HGNC:21314, HGNC:24721, HGNC:16143, HGNC:28995, HGNC:29612, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:26522, HGNC:15593, HGNC:9278, HGNC:2981, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:25171, HGNC:30437, HGNC:32681, HGNC:1866, HGNC:180, HGNC:2879, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:19956, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7394, HGNC:20675, HGNC:16164, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:24104, HGNC:6358, HGNC:13796, HGNC:14941, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:2735, HGNC:19287, HGNC:29366, HGNC:12014, HGNC:19155, HGNC:13717, HGNC:14370, HGNC:3347, HGNC:27351, HGNC:28897, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29165, HGNC:17377, HGNC:28204, HGNC:11398, HGNC:2899, HGNC:15833, HGNC:14620, HGNC:21269, HGNC:24056, HGNC:14446, HGNC:11407, HGNC:29396, HGNC:8750, HGNC:27954, HGNC:10079, HGNC:10750, HGNC:7751, HGNC:13740, HGNC:33280, HGNC:28316, HGNC:16118, HGNC:30664, HGNC:25521, HGNC:28320, HGNC:2741, HGNC:32221, HGNC:15805, HGNC:22940, HGNC:30483, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:26658, HGNC:9656, HGNC:23788, HGNC:26233, HGNC:21211, HGNC:1593, HGNC:25952, HGNC:25034, HGNC:3335, HGNC:20081, HGNC:16255, HGNC:16163, HGNC:20097, HGNC:28974, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:26820, HGNC:28042, HGNC:24912, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:28424, HGNC:26045, HGNC:30252, HGNC:2644, HGNC:25717, HGNC:3095, HGNC:3066, HGNC:25364, HGNC:14349, HGNC:30231, HGNC:27607, HGNC:24781, HGNC:35464, HGNC:25499, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:28194, HGNC:24616, HGNC:27000, HGNC:33911, HGNC:21738, HGNC:28106, HGNC:15528, HGNC:1458, HGNC:32390, HGNC:30827, HGNC:15597, HGNC:18387, HGNC:7397, HGNC:24774, HGNC:405, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:24793, HGNC:20165, HGNC:2315, HGNC:20479, HGNC:16955, HGNC:17276, HGNC:723, HGNC:30790, HGNC:27678, HGNC:10044, HGNC:14296, HGNC:9867, HGNC:16233, HGNC:31932, HGNC:21304, HGNC:18981, HGNC:29373, HGNC:16646, HGNC:26162, HGNC:24588, HGNC:30826, HGNC:30719, HGNC:9659, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:27010, HGNC:1587, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25297, HGNC:25959, HGNC:21052, HGNC:29851, HGNC:9657, HGNC:33739, HGNC:21445, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7646, HGNC:30476, HGNC:23530, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:30890, HGNC:17407, HGNC:35463, HGNC:9909, HGNC:17452, HGNC:20477, HGNC:7142, HGNC:22030, HGNC:24974, HGNC:25090, HGNC:2983, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20083, HGNC:30339, HGNC:33234, HGNC:21027, HGNC:20785, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:24726, HGNC:9661, HGNC:26102, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:24099, HGNC:16130, HGNC:25595, HGNC:21556, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28982, HGNC:25483, HGNC:28368, HGNC:9903, HGNC:16139, HGNC:13266, HGNC:7423, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:30171, HGNC:24211, HGNC:15566, HGNC:30773, HGNC:14352, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20096, HGNC:28328, HGNC:37243, HGNC:179, HGNC:11248, HGNC:2477, HGNC:9892, HGNC:14862, HGNC:17981, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:27266, HGNC:25102, HGNC:3772, HGNC:20290, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25619, HGNC:29325, HGNC:26110, HGNC:28505, HGNC:20565, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16002, HGNC:30714, HGNC:24049, HGNC:16842, HGNC:25360, HGNC:24374, HGNC:18319, HGNC:14434, HGNC:26845, HGNC:26296, HGNC:31092, HGNC:27981, HGNC:14221, HGNC:7645, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:6062, HGNC:21557, HGNC:14871, HGNC:28309, HGNC:33237, HGNC:19262, HGNC:24220, HGNC:20085, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:29838, HGNC:23423, HGNC:439, HGNC:16131, HGNC:33841, HGNC:26355, HGNC:7405, HGNC:11649, HGNC:18441, HGNC:16408, HGNC:12822, HGNC:20415, HGNC:16200, HGNC:29362, HGNC:3771, HGNC:17906, HGNC:21245, HGNC:9651, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:11296, HGNC:35465, HGNC:16469, HGNC:19038, HGNC:1592, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:18512, HGNC:25022
response to organic substance 26 of 547 genes, 4.8% 3121 of 19499 genes, 16.0% 1 100.00% 246 HGNC:24203, HGNC:7539, HGNC:29612, HGNC:16955, HGNC:2741, HGNC:5247, HGNC:27038, HGNC:33747, HGNC:9657, HGNC:9661, HGNC:2983, HGNC:11296, HGNC:29838, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:18010, HGNC:16469, HGNC:26233, HGNC:8739, HGNC:9659, HGNC:30405, HGNC:5248, HGNC:7405, HGNC:24721, HGNC:27266, HGNC:25102
gene expression 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 5489 of 19499 genes, 28.2% 1 100.00% 247 HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:28328, HGNC:24912, HGNC:9903, HGNC:24974, HGNC:17981, HGNC:24721, HGNC:14185, HGNC:30714, HGNC:37931, HGNC:21444
regulation of gene expression 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 4597 of 19499 genes, 23.6% 1 100.00% 248 HGNC:14185, HGNC:37931, HGNC:21444
regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 4152 of 19499 genes, 21.3% 1 100.00% 249 HGNC:24536, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 2949 of 19499 genes, 15.1% 1 100.00% 250 HGNC:24536, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:8739, HGNC:28042, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14185
regulation of cell death 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 1609 of 19499 genes, 8.3% 1 100.00% 251 HGNC:29325, HGNC:6062, HGNC:21445
cellular component organization 11 of 547 genes, 2.0% 6061 of 19499 genes, 31.1% 1 100.00% 252 HGNC:29366, HGNC:15597, HGNC:30827, HGNC:26110, HGNC:3335, HGNC:20081, HGNC:27009, HGNC:28106, HGNC:18441, HGNC:24781, HGNC:6062
RNA metabolic process 29 of 547 genes, 5.3% 4754 of 19499 genes, 24.4% 1 100.00% 253 HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:18677, HGNC:10044, HGNC:2741, HGNC:24974, HGNC:20085, HGNC:17906, HGNC:30714, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593, HGNC:25360, HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:20083, HGNC:28328, HGNC:37243, HGNC:24912, HGNC:33911, HGNC:24116, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28424, HGNC:13266, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:24721, HGNC:2735, HGNC:11407, HGNC:18512
heterocycle biosynthetic process 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 4512 of 19499 genes, 23.1% 1 100.00% 254 HGNC:2983, HGNC:24536, HGNC:14862, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 4173 of 19499 genes, 21.4% 1 100.00% 255 HGNC:24536, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
regulation of metabolic process 79 of 547 genes, 14.4% 6568 of 19499 genes, 33.7% 1 100.00% 256 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:28320, HGNC:16233, HGNC:37931, HGNC:30773, HGNC:21444, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:37243, HGNC:21191, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14952, HGNC:14185, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14623, HGNC:21052, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15593, HGNC:20097, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:21445, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19262, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:26230, HGNC:35464, HGNC:25499, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20675, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:8739, HGNC:14941, HGNC:30339, HGNC:33841, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:11649, HGNC:32390, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:24774, HGNC:35465, HGNC:16130, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
aromatic compound biosynthetic process 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 4519 of 19499 genes, 23.2% 1 100.00% 257 HGNC:2983, HGNC:24536, HGNC:14862, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
carboxylic acid metabolic process 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 1036 of 19499 genes, 5.3% 1 100.00% 258 HGNC:17452, HGNC:26820, HGNC:28995
cell cycle process 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 1301 of 19499 genes, 6.7% 1 100.00% 259 HGNC:13417, HGNC:20290, HGNC:25619, HGNC:16955, HGNC:9278, HGNC:15528
cellular component assembly 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 2798 of 19499 genes, 14.3% 1 100.00% 260 HGNC:29366, HGNC:3335
cell projection organization 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 1413 of 19499 genes, 7.2% 1 100.00% 261 HGNC:27009, HGNC:3335, HGNC:24781
regulation of cellular metabolic process 75 of 547 genes, 13.7% 6081 of 19499 genes, 31.2% 1 100.00% 262 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:28320, HGNC:16233, HGNC:30773, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:37243, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14952, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14623, HGNC:21052, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15593, HGNC:20097, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:21445, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19262, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:13417, HGNC:30231, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:26230, HGNC:35464, HGNC:25499, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20675, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:8739, HGNC:14941, HGNC:30339, HGNC:33841, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:11649, HGNC:32390, HGNC:16408, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:24774, HGNC:35465, HGNC:16130, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 10 of 547 genes, 1.8% 2926 of 19499 genes, 15.0% 1 100.00% 263 HGNC:24536, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:21445, HGNC:8739, HGNC:28042, HGNC:27009, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423
regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 4296 of 19499 genes, 22.0% 1 100.00% 264 HGNC:24536, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
positive regulation of protein modification process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 1118 of 19499 genes, 5.7% 1 100.00% 265 HGNC:14623, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594
positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process 5 of 547 genes, 0.9% 1449 of 19499 genes, 7.4% 1 100.00% 266 HGNC:14623, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594, HGNC:8739
RNA biosynthetic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 3884 of 19499 genes, 19.9% 1 100.00% 267 HGNC:14862, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
macromolecule localization 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 2859 of 19499 genes, 14.7% 1 100.00% 268 HGNC:13680, HGNC:7648, HGNC:25778, HGNC:21101, HGNC:6741, HGNC:20359, HGNC:16469
cellular response to stress 13 of 547 genes, 2.4% 1876 of 19499 genes, 9.6% 1 100.00% 269 HGNC:16955, HGNC:17872, HGNC:29325, HGNC:30171, HGNC:26051, HGNC:1866, HGNC:26162, HGNC:30664, HGNC:30231, HGNC:19956, HGNC:26355, HGNC:21304, HGNC:25022
cellular protein localization 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 1643 of 19499 genes, 8.4% 1 100.00% 270 HGNC:6741, HGNC:16469
cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process 59 of 547 genes, 10.8% 6622 of 19499 genes, 34.0% 1 100.00% 271 HGNC:17407, HGNC:10079, HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:17276, HGNC:24211, HGNC:25521, HGNC:10044, HGNC:2741, HGNC:24974, HGNC:24220, HGNC:20085, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30773, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:20083, HGNC:28328, HGNC:24616, HGNC:37243, HGNC:19405, HGNC:33911, HGNC:24116, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:24721, HGNC:2735, HGNC:12014, HGNC:27010, HGNC:3347, HGNC:26023, HGNC:12822, HGNC:25959, HGNC:18677, HGNC:17377, HGNC:29851, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:26522, HGNC:30714, HGNC:15593, HGNC:25360, HGNC:24726, HGNC:2981, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:11296, HGNC:28042, HGNC:24912, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28424, HGNC:13266, HGNC:11407, HGNC:18512, HGNC:20165
cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 5108 of 19499 genes, 26.2% 1 100.00% 272 HGNC:2983, HGNC:24536, HGNC:32311
nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 4448 of 19499 genes, 22.8% 1 100.00% 273 HGNC:2983, HGNC:24536, HGNC:14862, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
response to chemical 50 of 547 genes, 9.1% 4528 of 19499 genes, 23.2% 1 100.00% 274 HGNC:14871, HGNC:2315, HGNC:16955, HGNC:17452, HGNC:2741, HGNC:14296, HGNC:5247, HGNC:21304, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7394, HGNC:25090, HGNC:2983, HGNC:29838, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:16646, HGNC:26162, HGNC:8739, HGNC:26233, HGNC:24104, HGNC:9659, HGNC:5248, HGNC:7405, HGNC:24721, HGNC:27266, HGNC:25102, HGNC:24203, HGNC:7539, HGNC:29612, HGNC:29325, HGNC:7397, HGNC:33747, HGNC:3771, HGNC:27038, HGNC:9657, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24374, HGNC:11296, HGNC:405, HGNC:24056, HGNC:18010, HGNC:16469, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7646, HGNC:30405, HGNC:21101, HGNC:20441, HGNC:7645, HGNC:2644
homeostatic process 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 1654 of 19499 genes, 8.5% 1 100.00% 275 HGNC:29953, HGNC:7751, HGNC:28106
oxoacid metabolic process 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 1126 of 19499 genes, 5.8% 1 100.00% 276 HGNC:17452, HGNC:26820, HGNC:28995
cellular component biogenesis 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 3071 of 19499 genes, 15.7% 1 100.00% 277 HGNC:29366, HGNC:3335
cellular catabolic process 10 of 547 genes, 1.8% 2181 of 19499 genes, 11.2% 1 100.00% 278 HGNC:10079, HGNC:3772, HGNC:12822, HGNC:17377, HGNC:24116, HGNC:24220, HGNC:28424, HGNC:2644, HGNC:18319, HGNC:11407
cellular biosynthetic process 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 6257 of 19499 genes, 32.1% 1 100.00% 279 HGNC:2983, HGNC:11296, HGNC:24536, HGNC:32311, HGNC:37243, HGNC:14862, HGNC:15593, HGNC:30773
cellular macromolecule metabolic process 161 of 547 genes, 29.4% 8291 of 19499 genes, 42.5% 1 100.00% 280 HGNC:20479, HGNC:25490, HGNC:9635, HGNC:17276, HGNC:18583, HGNC:723, HGNC:30790, HGNC:31932, HGNC:16233, HGNC:11780, HGNC:18981, HGNC:26868, HGNC:26506, HGNC:269, HGNC:19039, HGNC:24936, HGNC:16646, HGNC:21480, HGNC:9659, HGNC:24116, HGNC:14952, HGNC:25297, HGNC:25959, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26693, HGNC:23481, HGNC:9657, HGNC:9278, HGNC:15882, HGNC:17872, HGNC:30437, HGNC:23530, HGNC:30476, HGNC:28110, HGNC:16254, HGNC:14953, HGNC:25700, HGNC:35463, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:21, HGNC:13417, HGNC:22030, HGNC:25220, HGNC:24974, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:2983, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:27380, HGNC:8739, HGNC:14941, HGNC:16249, HGNC:21027, HGNC:19287, HGNC:20785, HGNC:14370, HGNC:26504, HGNC:33787, HGNC:27351, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:29165, HGNC:11398, HGNC:15833, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24726, HGNC:30695, HGNC:29119, HGNC:28976, HGNC:16130, HGNC:32311, HGNC:28368, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11407, HGNC:8750, HGNC:29396, HGNC:33113, HGNC:28045, HGNC:34000, HGNC:16118, HGNC:32221, HGNC:28320, HGNC:15566, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30483, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20096, HGNC:9656, HGNC:2477, HGNC:23788, HGNC:11248, HGNC:21211, HGNC:122, HGNC:28406, HGNC:25034, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25952, HGNC:16255, HGNC:20565, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:24049, HGNC:14434, HGNC:20097, HGNC:26845, HGNC:28974, HGNC:26296, HGNC:15995, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:31092, HGNC:27981, HGNC:28424, HGNC:14221, HGNC:30252, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:21557, HGNC:3095, HGNC:14871, HGNC:33237, HGNC:3066, HGNC:19262, HGNC:30231, HGNC:24220, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:17699, HGNC:30135, HGNC:24923, HGNC:23423, HGNC:16131, HGNC:21738, HGNC:33841, HGNC:11649, HGNC:1458, HGNC:16408, HGNC:20415, HGNC:18387, HGNC:21245, HGNC:9651, HGNC:24774, HGNC:20917, HGNC:8992, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:19038, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:24793, HGNC:8751, HGNC:28669, HGNC:20165
cellular macromolecule catabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 1080 of 19499 genes, 5.5% 1 100.00% 281 HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:11407
cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 5090 of 19499 genes, 26.1% 1 100.00% 282 HGNC:2983, HGNC:11296, HGNC:24536, HGNC:14862, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
small molecule metabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 2081 of 19499 genes, 10.7% 1 100.00% 283 HGNC:17452, HGNC:21365, HGNC:26820, HGNC:28995
heterocycle metabolic process 54 of 547 genes, 9.9% 6102 of 19499 genes, 31.3% 1 100.00% 284 HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:17276, HGNC:24211, HGNC:25521, HGNC:10044, HGNC:2741, HGNC:24974, HGNC:24220, HGNC:20085, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30773, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:20083, HGNC:28328, HGNC:24616, HGNC:37243, HGNC:19405, HGNC:33911, HGNC:24116, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:24721, HGNC:2735, HGNC:12014, HGNC:27010, HGNC:3347, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25959, HGNC:18677, HGNC:17377, HGNC:29851, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:26522, HGNC:30714, HGNC:15593, HGNC:25360, HGNC:24726, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:24912, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28424, HGNC:13266, HGNC:11407, HGNC:18512, HGNC:20165
positive regulation of biological process 16 of 547 genes, 2.9% 5583 of 19499 genes, 28.6% 1 100.00% 285 HGNC:29366, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:7142, HGNC:27009, HGNC:24536, HGNC:33739, HGNC:21445, HGNC:28042, HGNC:8739, HGNC:21314, HGNC:7423, HGNC:11649, HGNC:14185, HGNC:24721
negative regulation of biological process 78 of 547 genes, 14.3% 4963 of 19499 genes, 25.5% 1 100.00% 286 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:16955, HGNC:28320, HGNC:9867, HGNC:14296, HGNC:16233, HGNC:21444, HGNC:14352, HGNC:19193, HGNC:37243, HGNC:23658, HGNC:21191, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14952, HGNC:25102, HGNC:29089, HGNC:20290, HGNC:25619, HGNC:29325, HGNC:3335, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16842, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:15995, HGNC:21445, HGNC:7398, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:6062, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:13417, HGNC:30231, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7400, HGNC:26230, HGNC:7394, HGNC:25499, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:33758, HGNC:16131, HGNC:13796, HGNC:30339, HGNC:7405, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:18441, HGNC:15528, HGNC:32390, HGNC:19295, HGNC:7397, HGNC:16200, HGNC:6741, HGNC:2899, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:14620, HGNC:8945, HGNC:16139, HGNC:29396
positive regulation of cellular process 14 of 547 genes, 2.6% 4928 of 19499 genes, 25.3% 1 100.00% 287 HGNC:29366, HGNC:24536, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:33739, HGNC:26594, HGNC:21445, HGNC:8739, HGNC:7142, HGNC:28042, HGNC:27009, HGNC:21314, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423
negative regulation of cellular process 67 of 547 genes, 12.2% 4432 of 19499 genes, 22.7% 1 100.00% 288 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:16955, HGNC:28320, HGNC:9867, HGNC:16233, HGNC:14352, HGNC:19193, HGNC:37243, HGNC:23658, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:30719, HGNC:14952, HGNC:25102, HGNC:20290, HGNC:29089, HGNC:25619, HGNC:29325, HGNC:3335, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16842, HGNC:9278, HGNC:20097, HGNC:15995, HGNC:21445, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:6062, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:13417, HGNC:30231, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:26230, HGNC:25499, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:13796, HGNC:30339, HGNC:16249, HGNC:18441, HGNC:29411, HGNC:15528, HGNC:32390, HGNC:19295, HGNC:16200, HGNC:2899, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:21245, HGNC:24774, HGNC:16130, HGNC:14620, HGNC:8945, HGNC:16139, HGNC:29396
regulation of response to stimulus 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 4069 of 19499 genes, 20.9% 1 100.00% 289 HGNC:17872, HGNC:29325, HGNC:30171
chemical homeostasis 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 1058 of 19499 genes, 5.4% 1 100.00% 290 HGNC:29953, HGNC:28106
regulation of biological process 126 of 547 genes, 23.0% 11392 of 19499 genes, 58.4% 1 100.00% 291 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:16955, HGNC:30171, HGNC:28320, HGNC:9867, HGNC:14296, HGNC:16233, HGNC:37931, HGNC:30773, HGNC:21444, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14352, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:37243, HGNC:23658, HGNC:21191, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:9892, HGNC:24588, HGNC:30719, HGNC:21314, HGNC:14952, HGNC:24721, HGNC:14185, HGNC:16143, HGNC:25102, HGNC:1593, HGNC:29089, HGNC:20290, HGNC:25619, HGNC:1587, HGNC:29325, HGNC:21052, HGNC:3335, HGNC:14623, HGNC:20081, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16842, HGNC:15593, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:14434, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:17872, HGNC:33739, HGNC:7398, HGNC:21445, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:14221, HGNC:26045, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:6062, HGNC:14871, HGNC:28309, HGNC:35463, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:7142, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7394, HGNC:35464, HGNC:25499, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:33758, HGNC:16131, HGNC:8739, HGNC:13796, HGNC:28106, HGNC:33841, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:7405, HGNC:29411, HGNC:11649, HGNC:18441, HGNC:16249, HGNC:33234, HGNC:19287, HGNC:15528, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29366, HGNC:21706, HGNC:16408, HGNC:30827, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:7397, HGNC:2899, HGNC:6741, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:14620, HGNC:16130, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
regulation of cellular process 111 of 547 genes, 20.3% 10745 of 19499 genes, 55.1% 1 100.00% 292 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:16955, HGNC:30171, HGNC:28320, HGNC:9867, HGNC:16233, HGNC:30773, HGNC:26868, HGNC:14352, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:37243, HGNC:23658, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:9892, HGNC:24588, HGNC:30719, HGNC:21314, HGNC:14952, HGNC:16143, HGNC:25102, HGNC:1593, HGNC:29089, HGNC:20290, HGNC:25619, HGNC:1587, HGNC:29325, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:3335, HGNC:20081, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16842, HGNC:15593, HGNC:20097, HGNC:9278, HGNC:14434, HGNC:15995, HGNC:33732, HGNC:17872, HGNC:33739, HGNC:21445, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:14221, HGNC:26045, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:6062, HGNC:14871, HGNC:28309, HGNC:35463, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:7142, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:26230, HGNC:35464, HGNC:25499, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:8739, HGNC:13796, HGNC:28106, HGNC:33841, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:29411, HGNC:11649, HGNC:18441, HGNC:16249, HGNC:33234, HGNC:19287, HGNC:15528, HGNC:32390, HGNC:29366, HGNC:16408, HGNC:30827, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:2899, HGNC:16200, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:14620, HGNC:16130, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
response to stimulus 81 of 547 genes, 14.8% 8896 of 19499 genes, 45.6% 1 100.00% 293 HGNC:2315, HGNC:16955, HGNC:30171, HGNC:7126, HGNC:30664, HGNC:31959, HGNC:2741, HGNC:14296, HGNC:21304, HGNC:32388, HGNC:9656, HGNC:16646, HGNC:26162, HGNC:26233, HGNC:9659, HGNC:5248, HGNC:21314, HGNC:24721, HGNC:27266, HGNC:25102, HGNC:7539, HGNC:29612, HGNC:4098, HGNC:29325, HGNC:4107, HGNC:20081, HGNC:27038, HGNC:9657, HGNC:24374, HGNC:26430, HGNC:28118, HGNC:17872, HGNC:16938, HGNC:37219, HGNC:7646, HGNC:7398, HGNC:1866, HGNC:7645, HGNC:2644, HGNC:14871, HGNC:17452, HGNC:9667, HGNC:30231, HGNC:19956, HGNC:5247, HGNC:24001, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7394, HGNC:25090, HGNC:2983, HGNC:24470, HGNC:1189, HGNC:29838, HGNC:23423, HGNC:33758, HGNC:8739, HGNC:24104, HGNC:26355, HGNC:7405, HGNC:6377, HGNC:17497, HGNC:18868, HGNC:24203, HGNC:7397, HGNC:3771, HGNC:33747, HGNC:9661, HGNC:11296, HGNC:24078, HGNC:26051, HGNC:24056, HGNC:405, HGNC:18010, HGNC:16469, HGNC:26487, HGNC:30405, HGNC:21101, HGNC:20441, HGNC:13943, HGNC:25022
regulation of cellular component organization 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 2324 of 19499 genes, 11.9% 1 100.00% 294 HGNC:29366, HGNC:27009, HGNC:30827, HGNC:28106, HGNC:18441, HGNC:6062, HGNC:20081
regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 63 of 547 genes, 11.5% 5883 of 19499 genes, 30.2% 1 100.00% 295 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:35463, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:30773, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:37243, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:8739, HGNC:2477, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:11649, HGNC:16249, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16408, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15833, HGNC:15593, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:16130, HGNC:35465, HGNC:15995, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:7423, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process 7 of 547 genes, 1.3% 2815 of 19499 genes, 14.4% 1 100.00% 296 HGNC:24536, HGNC:14623, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594, HGNC:8739, HGNC:28042
localization 9 of 547 genes, 1.6% 6304 of 19499 genes, 32.3% 1 100.00% 297 HGNC:13680, HGNC:7648, HGNC:25778, HGNC:16469, HGNC:21101, HGNC:20359, HGNC:6741, HGNC:29472, HGNC:14862
positive regulation of protein metabolic process 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 1539 of 19499 genes, 7.9% 1 100.00% 298 HGNC:14623, HGNC:11649, HGNC:7423, HGNC:26594, HGNC:8739, HGNC:28042
regulation of RNA metabolic process 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 3901 of 19499 genes, 20.0% 1 100.00% 299 HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
cellular localization 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 2643 of 19499 genes, 13.6% 1 100.00% 300 HGNC:25778, HGNC:6741, HGNC:14862, HGNC:16469
multi-organism process 12 of 547 genes, 2.2% 2456 of 19499 genes, 12.6% 1 100.00% 301 HGNC:28118, HGNC:16938, HGNC:19123, HGNC:33758, HGNC:26487, HGNC:24104, HGNC:20958, HGNC:24721, HGNC:25687, HGNC:21000, HGNC:28359, HGNC:17866
cellular response to stimulus 46 of 547 genes, 8.4% 7332 of 19499 genes, 37.6% 1 100.00% 302 HGNC:14871, HGNC:2315, HGNC:16955, HGNC:30171, HGNC:17452, HGNC:30664, HGNC:30231, HGNC:2741, HGNC:14296, HGNC:19956, HGNC:21304, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7394, HGNC:25090, HGNC:29838, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:26162, HGNC:8739, HGNC:26233, HGNC:24104, HGNC:9659, HGNC:21314, HGNC:26355, HGNC:7405, HGNC:27266, HGNC:29612, HGNC:29325, HGNC:20081, HGNC:7397, HGNC:3771, HGNC:9657, HGNC:9661, HGNC:24374, HGNC:11296, HGNC:17872, HGNC:405, HGNC:24056, HGNC:26051, HGNC:1866, HGNC:16469, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7646, HGNC:7645, HGNC:25022
regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 66 of 547 genes, 12.1% 6120 of 19499 genes, 31.4% 1 100.00% 303 HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:28320, HGNC:16233, HGNC:37931, HGNC:30773, HGNC:21444, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:37243, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:2477, HGNC:14952, HGNC:14185, HGNC:29089, HGNC:14623, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15593, HGNC:20097, HGNC:15995, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:14953, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:14871, HGNC:19262, HGNC:35463, HGNC:21408, HGNC:20477, HGNC:13417, HGNC:30231, HGNC:25220, HGNC:16813, HGNC:27607, HGNC:26230, HGNC:35464, HGNC:2480, HGNC:20675, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:8739, HGNC:14941, HGNC:33841, HGNC:16249, HGNC:11649, HGNC:16408, HGNC:26594, HGNC:15833, HGNC:21245, HGNC:24774, HGNC:35465, HGNC:16130, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396
negative regulation of cell death 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 935 of 19499 genes, 4.8% 1 100.00% 304 HGNC:29325, HGNC:21445
biological regulation 154 of 547 genes, 28.2% 12039 of 19499 genes, 61.7% 1 100.00% 305 HGNC:20479, HGNC:16955, HGNC:23466, HGNC:1914, HGNC:30209, HGNC:9867, HGNC:14296, HGNC:16233, HGNC:23467, HGNC:21444, HGNC:26868, HGNC:23658, HGNC:21191, HGNC:16646, HGNC:24588, HGNC:30719, HGNC:21314, HGNC:14952, HGNC:24721, HGNC:14185, HGNC:24748, HGNC:16143, HGNC:1587, HGNC:21052, HGNC:14623, HGNC:15593, HGNC:9278, HGNC:17872, HGNC:33739, HGNC:7398, HGNC:21445, HGNC:14953, HGNC:18636, HGNC:35463, HGNC:26192, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:7142, HGNC:13417, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27009, HGNC:16813, HGNC:5247, HGNC:26230, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7394, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:16164, HGNC:8739, HGNC:25828, HGNC:13796, HGNC:30339, HGNC:14941, HGNC:29411, HGNC:16249, HGNC:33234, HGNC:19287, HGNC:29366, HGNC:19295, HGNC:26594, HGNC:2899, HGNC:15833, HGNC:26102, HGNC:14620, HGNC:16130, HGNC:11350, HGNC:16139, HGNC:7423, HGNC:29396, HGNC:28045, HGNC:7751, HGNC:29953, HGNC:30171, HGNC:28320, HGNC:37931, HGNC:30773, HGNC:14352, HGNC:24536, HGNC:35462, HGNC:19193, HGNC:37243, HGNC:2477, HGNC:23788, HGNC:11248, HGNC:9892, HGNC:14862, HGNC:25102, HGNC:1593, HGNC:20290, HGNC:29089, HGNC:23459, HGNC:25619, HGNC:29325, HGNC:3335, HGNC:20081, HGNC:26225, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:16842, HGNC:18319, HGNC:14434, HGNC:2721, HGNC:20097, HGNC:32690, HGNC:5177, HGNC:33732, HGNC:15995, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:20352, HGNC:16754, HGNC:26045, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:15957, HGNC:6062, HGNC:14871, HGNC:28309, HGNC:19262, HGNC:30231, HGNC:27607, HGNC:35464, HGNC:25499, HGNC:1189, HGNC:25082, HGNC:19123, HGNC:33758, HGNC:16131, HGNC:28106, HGNC:33841, HGNC:7405, HGNC:11649, HGNC:25624, HGNC:18441, HGNC:15528, HGNC:32390, HGNC:21706, HGNC:30827, HGNC:16408, HGNC:23463, HGNC:17649, HGNC:7397, HGNC:6741, HGNC:16200, HGNC:21245, HGNC:24774, HGNC:35465, HGNC:26051, HGNC:16469, HGNC:8945, HGNC:1592
regulation of biological quality 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 3579 of 19499 genes, 18.4% 1 100.00% 306 HGNC:29953, HGNC:7751, HGNC:28106, HGNC:14862, HGNC:18319, HGNC:17649
cellular macromolecule localization 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 1654 of 19499 genes, 8.5% 1 100.00% 307 HGNC:25778, HGNC:6741, HGNC:16469
cellular response to chemical stimulus 35 of 547 genes, 6.4% 3063 of 19499 genes, 15.7% 1 100.00% 308 HGNC:14871, HGNC:2315, HGNC:16955, HGNC:17452, HGNC:2741, HGNC:14296, HGNC:21304, HGNC:7400, HGNC:7393, HGNC:7394, HGNC:25090, HGNC:29838, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:26162, HGNC:8739, HGNC:26233, HGNC:24104, HGNC:9659, HGNC:7405, HGNC:27266, HGNC:29612, HGNC:29325, HGNC:7397, HGNC:3771, HGNC:9657, HGNC:24374, HGNC:9661, HGNC:11296, HGNC:405, HGNC:24056, HGNC:16469, HGNC:7398, HGNC:7646, HGNC:7645
cellular response to organic substance 15 of 547 genes, 2.7% 2566 of 19499 genes, 13.2% 1 100.00% 309 HGNC:11296, HGNC:29612, HGNC:16955, HGNC:29838, HGNC:23423, HGNC:9656, HGNC:16469, HGNC:8739, HGNC:26233, HGNC:9659, HGNC:2741, HGNC:7405, HGNC:9657, HGNC:27266, HGNC:9661
cellular response to endogenous stimulus 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 1301 of 19499 genes, 6.7% 1 100.00% 310 HGNC:2741, HGNC:16955, HGNC:27266, HGNC:16469
cellular component organization or biogenesis 11 of 547 genes, 2.0% 6278 of 19499 genes, 32.2% 1 100.00% 311 HGNC:29366, HGNC:15597, HGNC:30827, HGNC:26110, HGNC:3335, HGNC:20081, HGNC:27009, HGNC:28106, HGNC:18441, HGNC:24781, HGNC:6062
regulation of primary metabolic process 63 of 547 genes, 11.5% 6028 of 19499 genes, 30.9% 1 100.00% 312 HGNC:14871, HGNC:28045, HGNC:20479, HGNC:35463, HGNC:19262, HGNC:20477, HGNC:21408, HGNC:30231, HGNC:13417, HGNC:28320, HGNC:25220, HGNC:27607, HGNC:16813, HGNC:16233, HGNC:26230, HGNC:30773, HGNC:35464, HGNC:26868, HGNC:35462, HGNC:24536, HGNC:19193, HGNC:20675, HGNC:2480, HGNC:37243, HGNC:16164, HGNC:16131, HGNC:11248, HGNC:16646, HGNC:23788, HGNC:8739, HGNC:2477, HGNC:33841, HGNC:14941, HGNC:14952, HGNC:11649, HGNC:16249, HGNC:29089, HGNC:16408, HGNC:14623, HGNC:26594, HGNC:16163, HGNC:23336, HGNC:15833, HGNC:15593, HGNC:24774, HGNC:21245, HGNC:20097, HGNC:16130, HGNC:35465, HGNC:15995, HGNC:26051, HGNC:8945, HGNC:28042, HGNC:15958, HGNC:24197, HGNC:1592, HGNC:14953, HGNC:16139, HGNC:14221, HGNC:8985, HGNC:7423, HGNC:15957, HGNC:29396
regulation of response to stress 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 1422 of 19499 genes, 7.3% 1 100.00% 313 HGNC:17872, HGNC:29325, HGNC:30171
nucleic acid metabolic process 51 of 547 genes, 9.3% 5265 of 19499 genes, 27.0% 1 100.00% 314 HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:17276, HGNC:24211, HGNC:10044, HGNC:2741, HGNC:24974, HGNC:24220, HGNC:20085, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30773, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:20083, HGNC:28328, HGNC:24616, HGNC:37243, HGNC:19405, HGNC:33911, HGNC:24116, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:24721, HGNC:2735, HGNC:27010, HGNC:3347, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25959, HGNC:18677, HGNC:29851, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:26522, HGNC:30714, HGNC:15593, HGNC:25360, HGNC:24726, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:24912, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28424, HGNC:13266, HGNC:11407, HGNC:18512, HGNC:20165
nucleic acid-templated transcription 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 3868 of 19499 genes, 19.8% 1 100.00% 315 HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
organic cyclic compound metabolic process 55 of 547 genes, 10.1% 6345 of 19499 genes, 32.5% 1 100.00% 316 HGNC:17407, HGNC:9909, HGNC:3066, HGNC:17276, HGNC:24211, HGNC:25521, HGNC:10044, HGNC:2741, HGNC:24974, HGNC:24220, HGNC:20085, HGNC:15805, HGNC:30773, HGNC:2983, HGNC:30541, HGNC:24536, HGNC:20673, HGNC:24923, HGNC:20083, HGNC:28328, HGNC:24616, HGNC:37243, HGNC:19405, HGNC:33911, HGNC:24116, HGNC:17981, HGNC:14862, HGNC:24721, HGNC:2735, HGNC:12014, HGNC:27010, HGNC:3347, HGNC:26023, HGNC:25959, HGNC:18677, HGNC:17377, HGNC:29851, HGNC:29362, HGNC:17906, HGNC:26522, HGNC:30714, HGNC:15593, HGNC:25360, HGNC:24726, HGNC:19269, HGNC:20086, HGNC:24099, HGNC:24912, HGNC:9903, HGNC:28424, HGNC:13266, HGNC:11407, HGNC:2644, HGNC:18512, HGNC:20165
organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process 6 of 547 genes, 1.1% 4656 of 19499 genes, 23.9% 1 100.00% 317 HGNC:2983, HGNC:24536, HGNC:14862, HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
organonitrogen compound catabolic process 4 of 547 genes, 0.7% 1211 of 19499 genes, 6.2% 1 100.00% 318 HGNC:10079, HGNC:25100, HGNC:17377, HGNC:12822
organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process 2 of 547 genes, 0.4% 1891 of 19499 genes, 9.7% 1 100.00% 319 HGNC:11296, HGNC:32311
organic substance catabolic process 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 2033 of 19499 genes, 10.4% 1 100.00% 320 HGNC:10079, HGNC:25100, HGNC:17377, HGNC:24116, HGNC:28424, HGNC:24220, HGNC:12822, HGNC:11407
organic substance biosynthetic process 8 of 547 genes, 1.5% 6348 of 19499 genes, 32.6% 1 100.00% 321 HGNC:2983, HGNC:11296, HGNC:24536, HGNC:32311, HGNC:37243, HGNC:14862, HGNC:15593, HGNC:30773
response to oxygen-containing compound 9 of 547 genes, 1.6% 1519 of 19499 genes, 7.8% 1 100.00% 322 HGNC:24203, HGNC:2983, HGNC:29838, HGNC:18010, HGNC:2741, HGNC:30405, HGNC:21304, HGNC:33747, HGNC:27266
regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 3695 of 19499 genes, 18.9% 1 100.00% 323 HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
regulation of RNA biosynthetic process 3 of 547 genes, 0.5% 3703 of 19499 genes, 19.0% 1 100.00% 324 HGNC:37243, HGNC:30773, HGNC:15593
Antonialock commented 6 years ago
UNKOWN Number   % all proteins
unannotated 2739   14.26711116
annotations to non-root term 547    
no non-root 206 753 3.922283571

Total number of proteins: 19198

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I think we probably need to include RNA processing:

https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O60293 Subunit of the trimeric poly(A) tail exosome targeting (PAXT) complex, a complex that directs a subset of long and polyadenylated poly(A) RNAs for exosomal degradation.

I'm not sure why that in UniProt proteins get such detailed descriptions but no GO terms....

ValWood commented 6 years ago


ValWood commented 6 years ago

HGNC:14352 https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q96GR2 long-chain fatty acid metabolic process Source: HGNC long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process should slim?

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I think we also need to swap specific DNA met. terms for "DNA metabolic process" https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P04053

although only 4 get missed here. Thi is a term I will recommend to block for direct annotation

ValWood commented 6 years ago

RNF145 comes through in the "unannotated" but should slim to proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q96MT1

ValWood commented 6 years ago

https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P62861 P62861 | P62861 | RS30_HUMAN | 40S ribosomal protein S30 comes through as unannotated..

ValWood commented 6 years ago

My last two comments may not e in your list. It possibly depends which GO term mapper option selected (need to record this). Could you send me the list of "unnannotated" from your output.

As a file attachment. One per line.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

So could you report these numbers in the ticket (or a new one once the above have been troubleshooted)

Your input list contains 5070 genes. These 0 identifiers were found to be unannotated: These 7 identifiers were not annotated in the slim, but they had non-root annotations that were not in the slim: These 698 identifiers had no non-root annotations:

and send me your list of These X identifiers were found to be unannotated:

I can quickly check that this list does not have any proteins which should clearly be annotated.

The annotation set you are searching again should be equivalent to the data in Amigo (I.e the GO database)

ValWood commented 6 years ago

you did: this is the list I need: unannotated | 2739

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

sorry I'm not having a good day in terms of file management

Here is the histogram with unknowns and known

known vs unknown graph

I chose green and purple because that's a combination recommended for colour blind people and light grey to have high contrast

I chose green and purple because that's a combination recommended for colour blind people and light grey to have high contrast

These are the actual numbers used for all species:

screen shot 2018-06-29 at 07 44 37

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I'm not keen on green/purple ;) But let's not worry about colours and fonts right now..... we may need to follow pre-ordained style guidelines anyway....

more important right now to make sure that the list of unkowns we get out are "unknown" according to our specified criteria. This is one of the reasons I want to get this part sorted now, because it could take a bit of fiddling. We may even need to submit some "annotation" requests and use our own gaf to supplement (not too difficult)

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

(for human annotations to non-root term = 547 annotations with no non-root = 206 Total = 753

ValWood commented 6 years ago

That's better! I think next time you should put pombe in the first column, because its the highest %, then it goes in decreasing order.

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

I didn't chose colour based on keen-ness, it's what NAR recommended as the 'best' combination to allow the most colour blind people to see (8% of men or something like that colour blind?). I also remember using it in my thesis for the same reason (my old supervisor is colour blind)


Antonialock commented 6 years ago

so do you think I should look at the "multiorganism process" term?

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

2739 HUMAN UNANNOTATED June 29.txt

ValWood commented 6 years ago

so do you think I should look at the "multiorganism process" term?

not at this point. Right now we should trouble-shoot the above. Why some GPs which are clearly annotated to terms in the current slim are not slimming.....

and make the term changes I suggested....

once this is done, I will reassess the "unannotated list"

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

I updated the graph swapping pombe and cerevisiae

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

Yeah there is something really weird. It's like when things didn't slim over "transmembrane transport" but they did slim over "transport"