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PomBase curation
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causally upstream vs. regulation #3250

Open ValWood opened 2 years ago

ValWood commented 2 years ago

@manulera (for discussion about "regulation" terms in GO and their use)

see https://www.pombase.org/term/GO:0061805

I am not sure that asp1 is "regulation" in the GO sense- but I am also not sure if it is part_of the process, or upstream, which is why it is currently annotated to this term. This will depend on how the beginnings and ends of the processes are defined, and often this is not articulated in the term def.

All of our BP annotations have the entity-term relation "involved_in" (Although we do not display it). You can see it in the qualifier field here: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/annotations?goUsage=descendants&goUsageRelationships=is_a,part_of,occurs_in&goId=GO:0061805

(sorry this ticket is a bit of a stream of consciousness, I will explain some time next week)

manulera commented 2 years ago

Ok I will link to it in my curation repo so we talk about it eventually.