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PomBase curation
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alternative transcripts/isoforms #61

Open pombase-admin opened 13 years ago

pombase-admin commented 13 years ago

Need to curate some alternative transcript examples for Chado loading

can do some from the gene expression list:

gene expression, alternative splicing (3) gene expression, alternative transcript, alternative start (1) gene expression, alternative transcripts (7) gene expression, alternative transcripts detected (1) gene expression, alternative transcripts, alternative initiation site (1) gene expression, alternative transcripts, alternative polyadenylation (2) genome organization, alternative transcripts, alternative mRNA processing (1)

Original comment by: ValWood

pombase-admin commented 13 years ago

note, pho1 is curated differently because the transcript does not cover the CDS. This seems arbitrary to me...

systematic ID name(s) PMID notes
?? apn1 https://www.pombase.org/reference/PMID:21193357
?? suc22 PMID:8479429 is this the earliest report of a regulatory RNA?
SPBP4H10.15 aco2 PMID:25724335 fusion protein
SPAC17G6.02c ~SPNCRNA.600~ tco1 PMID:18276645 DONE
SPAC1556.06.1 meu1 &2 PMID:11376151 --
SPAC140.02 gar2 PMID:8493104 --
SPCC622.17 apn1 -- major transcript is pseudo
SPAC29B12.03 spd1 -- --
SPAC31G5.09c spk1 -- alternative UTRs for this feature are represented by different polyA sites
SPAC1A6.03c n/a PMID:24929437 genome organisation alternative splicing Annotated intron retained in most reads (but a few trans-reads detected); when retained truncated protein is produced we have annotated the smaller version (more examples in figure 4 d)
SPAC1142.03c swi2 PMID:22209903 JQ308183 Swi2S, JQ308182 JQ308182 Swi2L
SPAC1486.05 nup98 - DDJB:LC043101 Makes a N-terminally truncated version of the protein
SPAC1486.05 nup189 PMID:26137436 ..detected two isoforms ... the shorter tran-script, a stretch of 65 nucleotides flanked by typical 50 and 30 splicing sites was removed from the longer transcript (Fig 1A), suggesting putative splicing. To confirm splicing of the nup189+ transcript, mutations were introduced into the putative intron sequences as indicated in Fig. 1B.
SPAC22A12.15c bip1 PMID:23066505 bip1 mRNA is cleaved by ire1 during ER stress, this stabilises bip1 (this is unusual - normally ire1 cleavage has to do with catabolism so bip1 is a special case)
SPBC1718.02 hop1 - LT963776
SPBC649.04 uvi15 PMID:7898433 PMID:10954610 pombase has 791 bp primary transcript annotated, but that's probably not right from PMID:7898433 - txn start mainly -50, some -53; polyA at 980, 1175 from PMID:10954610 - 54 bp 1186-1239 (inclusive) important for reg, so initial transcript must extend at least that far (but note this is beyond polyA, so not part of mature mRNA) also, primary transcript goes at least to 1287 (fig 7)
SPBC16E9.17c rem1 PMID:16024772
mah11 commented 4 years ago

added PMID for rem1

mah11 commented 3 years ago

OK, I think I've done tco1. It was fiddly, so I'll see if anything breaks before I try any more!