Closed ValWood closed 2 years ago
most of these are already done/
Add synonyms ab/normal chromatin looping during meiotic prophase
Added the remaining two terms but it would be useful to check which of the existing terms belong under abnormal/decreased homologous chromosome pairing during meiosis I prophase
also added missing synonyms
it would be useful to check which of the existing terms belong under abnormal/decreased homologous chromosome pairing during meiosis I prophase
I guess here the only thing to be done is to make 'decreased homologous chromosome pairing at cis-acting homologous chromosome pairing region' child of 'abnormal homologous chromosome pairing at cis-acting homologous chromosome pairing region'?
So that relationship must be added by the reasoner because all [FYPO:0003054] are annotated to [FYPO:0003052]
You could try running the reasoner within protege and see if you can see the inferred links.
I still don't know how to run the reasoner, and I don't know if it would mess up the edition of the ontology. However, I think moving the asserted relationship still makes sense. it's good that the reasoner picks it up, but for display purposes in protege, I guess it's good to have the asserted relationship as low in the tree as possible.
I poked around and found I heard Pascale mention Elk, so I think this is the reasoner used by GO and uPHENO. Might be useful to try this between releases.
I also asked on the Slack channel to see if this is sensible.
I guess it's good to have the asserted relationship as low in the tree as possible
do you mean as close to the root node as possible ? I think the assertions are as close to root as possible so that they propagate to the descendants. I am a bit unclear on this.
I will check out the Elk after I make the release.
What I meant to say here:
I guess it's good to have the asserted relationship as low in the tree as possible
For the example there where we have
It would make more sense to have the asserted relationships like this, I think:
That makes sense to me.
Rearranged the classes
~2. NTR: abnormal chromatin loop formation during meiotic prophase I~ ~3. NTR: decreased number of chromatin loops during meiotic prophase I~ ~4. NTR: increased chromatin loop length during meiotic prophase I~ ~5. NTR: normal chromatin loop formation during meiotic prophase I~