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Duplicate publication titles - possible PubMed duplicates #1209

Open kimrutherford opened 3 weeks ago

kimrutherford commented 3 weeks ago

For checking:

 PMID:1482118   | Genetics of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
 PMID:7011176   | Genetics of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
 PMID:9439701   | Identification of preussin as a selective inhibitor for cell growth of the fission yeast ts mutants defective in Cdc2-regulatory genes.
 PMID:9127201   | Identification of preussin as a selective inhibitor for cell growth of the fission yeast ts mutants defective in Cdc2-regulatory genes.
 PMID:25916707  | Incorporation of thymidine analogs for studying replication kinetics in fission yeast.
 PMID:19563126  | Incorporation of thymidine analogs for studying replication kinetics in fission yeast.
 PMID:8736869   | Maturation of Krp1, an endopeptidase from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
 PMID:8879047   | Maturation of Krp1, an endopeptidase from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
 PMID:19563122  | Measuring DNA content by flow cytometry in fission yeast.
 PMID:25916706  | Measuring DNA content by flow cytometry in fission yeast.
 PMID:37531259  | Membrane binding of endocytic myosin-1s is inhibited by a class of ankyrin repeat proteins.
 PMID:37163016  | Membrane binding of endocytic myosin-1s is inhibited by a class of ankyrin repeat proteins.
 PMID:25916703  | Microscopy techniques to examine DNA replication in fission yeast.
 PMID:19563123  | Microscopy techniques to examine DNA replication in fission yeast.
 PMID:29414716  | Modeling the Dynamics of Cdc42 Oscillation in Fission Yeast.
 PMID:29694880  | Modeling the Dynamics of Cdc42 Oscillation in Fission Yeast.
 PMID:8741848   | Nucleolar accumulation of poly (A)+ RNA in heat-shocked yeast cells: implication of nucleolar involvement in mRNA transport.
 PMID:8589453   | Nucleolar accumulation of poly (A)+ RNA in heat-shocked yeast cells: implication of nucleolar involvement in mRNA transport.
 PMID:12901373  | Parallel evolution by gene duplication in the genomes of two unicellular fungi.
 PMID:12727899  | Parallel evolution by gene duplication in the genomes of two unicellular fungi.
 PMID:37333400  | Quantifying turgor pressure in budding and fission yeasts based upon osmotic properties.
 PMID:37903220  | Quantifying turgor pressure in budding and fission yeasts based upon osmotic properties.
 PMID:38728403  | Substrate displacement of CK1 C-termini regulates kinase specificity.
 PMID:37425826  | Substrate displacement of CK1 C-termini regulates kinase specificity.
 PMID:36945401  | The minimal intrinsic stochasticity of constitutively expressed eukaryotic genes is sub-Poissonian.
 PMID:37556551  | The minimal intrinsic stochasticity of constitutively expressed eukaryotic genes is sub-Poissonian.
 PMID:24467403  | The yeast actin cytoskeleton.
 PMID:8167016   | The yeast actin cytoskeleton.
ValWood commented 3 weeks ago

Oh rats, I thought we'd done these!

kimrutherford commented 3 weeks ago

With the citations included many of these look OK because they are clearly different journals or there is a pre-print:

 PMID:1482118   | Annu Rev Genet 1992;26:373-402           | Genetics of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
 PMID:7011176   | Annu Rev Genet 1980;14:77-108            | Genetics of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
 PMID:9439701   | J Antibiot (Tokyo) 1997 Mar;50(3):267-9  | Identification of preussin as a selective inhibitor for cell growth of the fission yeast ts mutants defective in Cdc2-regulatory genes.
 PMID:9127201   | J Antibiot (Tokyo) 1997 Mar;50(3):267-9  | Identification of preussin as a selective inhibitor for cell growth of the fission yeast ts mutants defective in Cdc2-regulatory genes.
 PMID:25916707  | Methods Mol Biol 2015;1300:99-104        | Incorporation of thymidine analogs for studying replication kinetics in fission yeast.
 PMID:19563126  | Methods Mol Biol 2009;521:509-15         | Incorporation of thymidine analogs for studying replication kinetics in fission yeast.
 PMID:8736869   | Biochem Soc Trans 1996 May;24(2):211S    | Maturation of Krp1, an endopeptidase from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
 PMID:8879047   | Biochem Soc Trans 1996 Aug;24(3):503S    | Maturation of Krp1, an endopeptidase from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
 PMID:19563122  | Methods Mol Biol 2009;521:449-61         | Measuring DNA content by flow cytometry in fission yeast.
 PMID:25916706  | Methods Mol Biol 2015;1300:79-97         | Measuring DNA content by flow cytometry in fission yeast.
 PMID:37531259  | Mol Biol Cell 2023 Oct 01;34(11):br17    | Membrane binding of endocytic myosin-1s is inhibited by a class of ankyrin repeat proteins.
 PMID:37163016  | bioRxiv 2023 Apr 27;                     | Membrane binding of endocytic myosin-1s is inhibited by a class of ankyrin repeat proteins.
 PMID:25916703  | Methods Mol Biol 2015;1300:13-41         | Microscopy techniques to examine DNA replication in fission yeast.
 PMID:19563123  | Methods Mol Biol 2009;521:463-82         | Microscopy techniques to examine DNA replication in fission yeast.
 PMID:29414716  | Biophys J 2018 Feb 06;114(3):711-722     | Modeling the Dynamics of Cdc42 Oscillation in Fission Yeast.
 PMID:29694880  | Biophys J 2018 Apr 24;114(8):2025        | Modeling the Dynamics of Cdc42 Oscillation in Fission Yeast.
 PMID:8741848   | Mol Biol Cell 1996 Jan;7(1):173-92       | Nucleolar accumulation of poly (A)+ RNA in heat-shocked yeast cells: implication of nucleolar involvement in mRNA transport.
 PMID:8589453   | Mol Biol Cell 1995 Nov;6(11):1515-34     | Nucleolar accumulation of poly (A)+ RNA in heat-shocked yeast cells: implication of nucleolar involvement in mRNA transport.
 PMID:12901373  | Genome Res 2003 Jun;13(6A):1259-64       | Parallel evolution by gene duplication in the genomes of two unicellular fungi.
 PMID:12727899  | Genome Res 2003 May;13(5):794-9          | Parallel evolution by gene duplication in the genomes of two unicellular fungi.
 PMID:37333400  | bioRxiv 2023 Oct 02;                     | Quantifying turgor pressure in budding and fission yeasts based upon osmotic properties.
 PMID:37903220  | Mol Biol Cell 2023 Dec 01;34(13):ar133   | Quantifying turgor pressure in budding and fission yeasts based upon osmotic properties.
 PMID:38728403  | Sci Adv 2024 May 10;10(19):eadj5185      | Substrate displacement of CK1 C-termini regulates kinase specificity.
 PMID:37425826  | bioRxiv 2023 Jul 01;                     | Substrate displacement of CK1 C-termini regulates kinase specificity.
 PMID:36945401  | bioRxiv 2023 Mar 08;                     | The minimal intrinsic stochasticity of constitutively expressed eukaryotic genes is sub-Poissonian.
 PMID:37556551  | Sci Adv 2023 Aug 09;9(32):eadh5138       | The minimal intrinsic stochasticity of constitutively expressed eukaryotic genes is sub-Poissonian.
 PMID:24467403  | FEMS Microbiol Rev 2014 Mar;38(2):213-27 | The yeast actin cytoskeleton.
 PMID:8167016   | Curr Opin Cell Biol 1994 Feb;6(1):110-9  | The yeast actin cytoskeleton.
kimrutherford commented 3 weeks ago

These are weird though as they're all 2009/2015 and the same issues:

 PMID:25916707  | Methods Mol Biol 2015;1300:99-104        | Incorporation of thymidine analogs for studying replication kinetics in fission yeast.
 PMID:19563126  | Methods Mol Biol 2009;521:509-15         | Incorporation of thymidine analogs for studying replication kinetics in fission yeast.
 PMID:19563122  | Methods Mol Biol 2009;521:449-61         | Measuring DNA content by flow cytometry in fission yeast.
 PMID:25916706  | Methods Mol Biol 2015;1300:79-97         | Measuring DNA content by flow cytometry in fission yeast.
 PMID:25916703  | Methods Mol Biol 2015;1300:13-41         | Microscopy techniques to examine DNA replication in fission yeast.
 PMID:19563123  | Methods Mol Biol 2009;521:463-82         | Microscopy techniques to examine DNA replication in fission yeast.