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Outstanding tasks PDB entries in PomBase #2009

Open manulera opened 1 year ago

manulera commented 1 year ago

A summary of what we discussed today regarding PDB stuff @kimrutherford @ValWood

Best structure

It seems the PDB identifies a "best structure" for a given gene depending on coverage + resolution if there are several entries for the same gene.

Best structures API entrypoint docs https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/graph-api/pdbe_doc/#api-SIFTS-GetBestStructures

Best structures for a given entry https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/api/mappings/best_structures/O74718

Multiple assemblies

However, it seems there may be several assemblies for a single entry. Maybe here is where that best_assembly_id column matters.


Highligthing a given chain in the sequence

In the 3D viewer of the pdb of this entry, the protein of interest is highlighted. Perhaps we can find the configuration of molstar from the html or if the code of the pdb website is available somewhere. Then we could do the same for PomBase's structures in a gene page.


kimrutherford commented 1 year ago

It seems the PDB identifies a "best structure" for a given gene depending on coverage + resolution if there are several entries for the same gene.

We're using that API to put the entries in order, with the best structures at the top of the list.

ValWood commented 1 year ago

These touches would be nice for the upcoming update paper, but not critical

manulera commented 11 months ago

This might have already been addressed in a separate issue

ValWood commented 11 months ago

This is a nice example for highlighting the chain in a sequence. https://www.pombase.org/gene/SPBC32H8.05

ValWood commented 9 months ago

Is this any help:

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 16 28 59
kimrutherford commented 9 months ago

Do you have a link for that?

ValWood commented 9 months ago

No I asked GPC chat, it's probably made up! ;)

kimrutherford commented 9 months ago

Ah, that explains it. I tried to Google search for some of the things a mentioned and couldn't find another. I'll try again soon.