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2 new plots on curated papers graph #2207

Closed ValWood closed 4 weeks ago

ValWood commented 1 month ago

It would be useful to have two more lines on this graph.

1 community curated 1 pombase curated

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 19 27 30

This year our overall rate is really good since we are only half way through the year. At the moment we are definitely curating more than published.

kimrutherford commented 1 month ago

I wonder if we want something like this graph but cumulative? But to simplify thing, perhaps all the uncurated papers should be grouped together rather than splitting into assigned and unassigned.

I'll add this to my list of issues to discuss on a call sometime.


ValWood commented 1 month ago

Yes probably, I think people don't often understand this graph is based on date published /vs data curated and and think we are curating less.

ValWood commented 1 month ago

Remember to use date of first approval

kimrutherford commented 1 month ago

Here's how it looks with two extra lines. I'm still working of making a stacked plot:


kimrutherford commented 1 month ago

First attempt at a stacked graph. Are the labels OK?:


ValWood commented 1 month ago

That looks great. labels: maybe if the title is "Publication Status" we can remove the word "papers" from uncurated

We do need to get community curation up! But at least uncurated is going down consistently.

kimrutherford commented 1 month ago

labels: maybe if the title is "Publication Status" we can remove the word "papers" from uncurated

How's this?


ValWood commented 1 month ago


kimrutherford commented 1 month ago

OK, I'll swap it over. The change will be on pombase.org on Saturday morning.