pombase / website

PomBase website v2
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Improve the front page #513

Closed kimrutherford closed 6 years ago

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

Remove Docs section on front page. Move GO Slim terms and Curation statistics to Genome status menu.

Remove "New publication pages (examples)".

This will give us more room for the news feed.

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

I've done this but I forgot to ask where the GO Slim terms and Curation statistics should appear in the menu. Here's what it looks like for now. Please let me know any changes you'd like.

screenshot from 2017-09-18 09-20-16

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Put GO slim terms -> GO slim overview Curation statistics Sequencing status -> Genome Sequence status Sequence updates -> Genome Updates Genome statistics -> Genome Feature Overview Gene Coordinate Changes New and Removed Genes Gene Characterisation -> Gene Characterization Status Priority Unstudied Genes

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

I've made those changes in the dev vesion.


ValWood commented 6 years ago

New front page mock up


we want to highlight the GO slim and the advanced search permanently.

For the time being the current text can go in the rotating text box. Here we till highlight areas of biology, papers, feature (orthlog, unknowns) etc etc.

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

I've done some of the rearranging. You'll see it in dev if you reload. It doesn't look quite like Val's mock up yet as I'm still tweaking the layout. http://pombase-dev.bioinformatics.nz/

I haven't tried it but I think the layout might look better if the rotating image was at the top right.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I just had a quick play around. I think we should go more like this:


ValWood commented 6 years ago

So we could have 3 blocks across, or 2 up 2 down.

We would always try to have a "research or gene focus" we could have more than one, rotating. The community curation feed could be permanent ( but could have its own rotating set of icons to focus on different metrics or canto link for eg. A database or data spotlight (orthologs, unknowns, searching), a set of rotations.

Example popular pages could be above....we could even change these (gene, term etc) based on analytics maybe?) . We would just need an icon and a text snippit.

News feed could be horizontal across the bottom.

Something like this would keep the front page fresh and draw the eye to new stuff.

Antonialock commented 6 years ago

yeah I think this would look cool

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

I like the shadows on the boxes.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

For each PomBase focus

Title :Step into the unknown Body: PomBase maintains an inventory of proteins with no known biological role, including their taxonomic conservation…..more More: link to http://preview.pombase.org/status/priority-unstudied-genes

image to associate

ValWood commented 6 years ago


Sample pages: Gene page Term page publication page Advanced search

but try above

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

I've made some progress on the front page changes. Here's the prototype: http://pombase-dev.bioinformatics.nz/

All the text and links are just placeholders at the moment so we have something to talk about.

The configuration is in: pombe-embl/website/pombase_v2_config.json Look for the "front_page_panels" section if you're curious.

and the two test images are in this directory in Git: https://github.com/pombase/website/tree/master/frontend/src/assets

There is only one "Research spotlight" and one "Explore PomBase" configuration at the moment but the code is in place to randomly change what's on the front page.

I'll do a bit more work on this on Monday and then on Tuesday we can discuss it.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Great start.

I don't think there will be too much to change!

2017-06-01 or New PomBase 2017-06-01

ValWood commented 6 years ago

; ) https://elifesciences.org/articles/28865/figures#video1 this will be so cool!

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago


If you mean taller, no problem. They will be taller once we add more text in the boxes - the height varies depending on content.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

OK . I was thinking that the image would be a "fixed size" at the top, and the text would also be a "fixed size at the bottom.

Overall I think the images should be larger.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I have put 2 images for the top of the "community curation feed" rotation in the dropbox frontpage_rotations/community_curation_feed (we can rotate the images on this feed even though the text will stay the same...well will change but in a different manner...)

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I added another "Pombase spotlight" to the images folder. This is the accompanying draft text:

Title: Biological processes Overview Text: The fission yeast “GO slim” provides a summary of genes annotated to broad biological processes…more(link) Link http://preview.pombase.org/browse-curation/fission-yeast-go-slim-terms

so now we have 2 i) unknowns ii) slims iii) to do, query builder (this will do for release. can add more later)

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Overall I think the images should be larger.

don't worry about pushing the news feed down.... I think that is OK as long as the top of it will be normally visible on a small page....

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

Overall I think the images should be larger.

Can you suggest an X and Y resolution? The current sample images are 240 x 150.

When you have time, can you suggest some text for the Gould lab spotlight? I only put in "Cytokinestic ring assembly." as a placeholder.

so now we have 2 i) unknowns

What should the title, text and link be for the Unknowns?

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

The current sample images are 240 x 150.

Here they are for reference:

http://pombase-dev.bioinformatics.nz/assets/explore-poster-2017-10-06.png http://pombase-dev.bioinformatics.nz/assets/spotlight_gould-2017-10-06.png

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I can't reconcile the measurements because they look a different size to me but I think they should be ~25 % bigger.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Title :Step into the unknown Body: PomBase maintains an inventory of proteins with no known biological role, including their taxonomic conservation…..more More: link to http://preview.pombase.org/status/priority-unstudied-genes

ValWood commented 6 years ago

we'll write the other text soon. I'll do cytokinesis today (i'm approving the paper later)

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

they should be ~25 % bigger

OK, I'll try that.

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago
kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

The dev site now has the new front page. I'll update the preview tomorrow after doing some checking and tidying.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

yes we can close this and put new requests in a new ticket. v

kimrutherford commented 6 years ago

The preview now has the new front page layout. The Gould lab text hasn't changed yet but it's ready to go.

Antonialock commented 6 years ago


ValWood commented 6 years ago

freed from the limitations of Drupal....