Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
Original comment by limpbizkit
on 30 May 2008 at 6:46
The elevator pitch - give classes a hook to introspect a type at injector
creation time. Then whenever an instance
of that type is instantiated, the classes get a callback. This can be used to
implement arbitrary APIs (such as EJB)
on top of Guice.
Original comment by limpbizkit
on 6 Jun 2008 at 4:20
Here's a first spike towards a solution based on the conversations here
d and the great
suggestion by Dhanji to use ConstructorInterceptor.
I'll continue to noodle on this and try make more test cases for it; plus the
generics code in
ProxyFactory.wrapConstructorProxy() could be cleaner; but it seems to work!
Original comment by
on 3 Oct 2008 at 3:52
here's a secondary patch which adds support for the default spring post
construct lifecycle - using Spring's
InitializingBean interface which makes it easy to work with spring beans
Original comment by
on 3 Oct 2008 at 4:32
here's a complete patch which replaces the previous two; it includes improved
javadoc along with a JSR 250
module which adds support for @PostConstruct along with some tests.
This patch requires the jar installed at lib/build/jsr250-api-1.0.jar and to
create a new IDEA module.
BTW I added an extra helper method in the Matchers too;
Matchers.methodAnnotatedWith() which makes it easy
to create matchers for most annotation driven post construction points
Original comment by
on 4 Oct 2008 at 2:52
BTW I've added another patch based on this patch to issue 62
guice/issues/detail?id=62) which also includes support for closing down
singleton/REQUEST/SESSION scoped
objects. In adding this second patch I did a small amount of cosmetic
refactoring such as moving the constructor
interceptor's bind() methods for spring/jsr250 into a separate class and
renaming a few test cases. If this patch
gets applied in some form I'll happily recut the patch for 62 if you like.
Original comment by
on 6 Oct 2008 at 1:41
BTW after Jesse's recent changes it took a bit of work to get my recent patches
(62, 78, 258) all working again -
they're now in this svk mirror : if thats
any help.
I'm not sure yet how to create a patch from an svk mirror so I can attach it
here :(. Shame we don't all use git :)
Original comment by
on 15 Oct 2008 at 12:22
Aha - figured out the diff commands to create a new patch of my changes
whenever you're ready to take a look;
they are all at the bottom of this wiki page
I'll keep merging my patches with trunk of guice so whenever you're ready to
take a look just run those diff
commands and you'll get an up-to-date patch
Original comment by
on 15 Oct 2008 at 1:17
Months has passed, the complete_patch.patch has outdated. Guiceyfruit doesn't
seem to
has the latest source code from google-guice. Does anybody got an "up-to-date"
I'm wondering, why such important feature is still being left off from trunk?
Right now Guice source code is checked into my project's svn, if only I knew
internals enough to add this feature in.
Original comment by
on 11 Mar 2009 at 11:24
@apithefire: The latest injectable type listener in trunk now acts as an
alternative to my previous patch. I've
updated GuiceyFruit to use the latest Guice trunk and its now working fine for
@PostConstruct post commit
hook notification.
So its quite easy to add this yourself on top of guice - or reuse GuiceyFruit
if you want JSR 250 / Spring post
commit hook support.
Original comment by
on 3 Apr 2009 at 9:57
Its tempting to close this issue - though I'd prefer the (very trivial &
minor!) patch for
to be applied first as this allows you to register either a custom injector
listener - or a post injection listener
(e.g. to avoid @PostContruct hooks being fired before injection has completed).
So its nearly there! :)
Original comment by
on 3 Apr 2009 at 9:59
you can close this issue now IMHO - as 351 is now resolved too (thanks to
MembersInjector and InjectionListener
on TypeEncounter)
Original comment by
on 15 Apr 2009 at 3:50
@james.strachan We still don't provide general provision interception. For
example, we don't have hooks when
@Provides methods are used to satisfy bindings.
Original comment by limpbizkit
on 15 Apr 2009 at 4:37
Original comment by sberlin
on 22 Feb 2011 at 1:51
[deleted comment]
Attached is a proof-of-concept (rough around the edges, needs more tests, etc..
but completely working AFAICT) patch that adds provision listening for normal
(constructor) bindings & provider bindings. The API is:
bindListener(Matcher<? super Key<?>>, ProvisionListener)
ProvisionListener {
<T> void onProvision(ProvisionInvocation<T> invocation)
ProvisionInvocation<T> {
Key<T> getKey()
T provision();
The idea is similar to TypeListeners, except with less overheard & it can apply
to _all_ bindings that require provisioning, not just injectable ones (which
excluded Provider bindings). It also lets you match based on Key rather than
ProvisionListener acts similar to a MethodInterceptor, except the user is
unable to change any of the arguments or return value. If the user "forgets"
to call provision(), it is done automatically. Exceptions handling is a little
complicated, but it basically follows a rule of:
* If an exception is thrown while performing the provision, the listener will see it as ProvisionException during the provision() call. Regardless of what the user does to the exception (including if they supress it, manipulate it, or throw another exception type afterwards), Guice will rethrow the original exception.
* If a listener throws an exception, Guice will rethrow that exception within a ProvisionException.
Original comment by sberlin
on 8 May 2011 at 8:00
Tried out the patch locally and it looks good wrt. the new functionality,
exactly what we need
Original comment by
on 10 May 2011 at 3:05
implemented in r1551. please review, try it out, & open new issues for
Original comment by sberlin
on 5 Jun 2011 at 6:33
[deleted comment]
[deleted comment]
SCM has been changed to git, making the old r1551 link in comment #18 404. The
URL to this change is now
4cf13ea37c9831 !
This feature finally turns Guice from a statically wired injection system into
a firebreathing dynamical beast! Love it so much!!!!
Original comment by rektide
on 18 Mar 2013 at 3:54
Original issue reported on by
on 19 Mar 2007 at 6:29