pomdtr / sunbeam

Elevate Your Command Line Experience.
MIT License
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Oneliner sunbeam edit commands do not appear to be working under Linux #93

Closed smetroid closed 4 months ago

smetroid commented 4 months ago

The oneliner sunbeam edit commands do not appear to be working when using the following

  2   │   "oneliners": [
   3   │     {
   4   │       "title": "Open Sunbeam Docs",
   5   │       "command": "sunbeam open https://sunbeam.sh/docs",
   6   │       "exit": true
   7   │     },
   8   │     {
   9   │       "title": "Open Sunbeam Repository",
  10   │       "command": "sunbeam open https://github.com/pomdtr/sunbeam",
  11   │       "exit": true
  12   │     },
  13   │     {
  14   │       "title": "Edit bashrc",
  15   │       "command": "sunbeam edit ~/.bashrc",
  16   │       "exit": true
  17   │     },
  18   │     {
  19   │       "title": "Edit keymapper",
  20   │       "command": "sunbeam edit ~/keymapper.txt",
  21   │       "exit": true
  22   │     }

When running sunbeam edit ~/keymapper.txt it works just fine, I can edit the keymapper.txt file.

pomdtr commented 4 months ago

Hey, you probably need to add "interactive": true to you oneliner

smetroid commented 4 months ago

That was it ... thanks!