pomdtr / sunbeam

Elevate Your Command Line Experience.
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Sunbeam CLI and Deno library schemas do not match #99

Open LiHRaM opened 1 month ago

LiHRaM commented 1 month ago


I attempted to follow the documentation for making an extension using Deno, but noticed that the latest release on Deno had a schema that did not work with the CLI installed using homebrew.

Deno version installed:

import * as sunbeam from "https://deno.land/x/sunbeam@v1.0.0-rc.106/mod.ts";

Output of brew list sunbeam:

$ brew list sunbeam

The easiest way to explain this, I think, is to share a screenshot of some code that has a manifest that works with the CLI but fails type checking.


EDIT: after a bit more research, I believe it's because of the mismatch introduced here: https://github.com/pomdtr/sunbeam/commit/ac28eaa5b0c0b7fdbd5ca6d3d65d7afb336a6e9e

pomdtr commented 1 month ago

Thanks! Taking a look today