pomelo-io / bounties-issues-dev

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💰 5 USDT Bounty - "Create Javascript Input Form and EOS transaction.." #94

Open PomeloBounties opened 8 months ago

PomeloBounties commented 8 months ago


Create Javascript Input Form and EOS transaction package created by @drewbop on Pomelo Bounties


Develop a Javascript Input Form and EOS transaction package to allow users to easily input data and package it as an EOS transaction. The form should include fields for source link, release name, release date, label (with two fields for name and location), tracks (with fields for link, name, duration, songwriter, and optionally cover; with an edit details button that allows users to edit the group name and personnel for each track; and a toggle to apply same details for all tracks), group name, personnel (with two fields for name and role; and a toggle for member or guest; and a + button to add more people), and liner notes. The blockchain transaction should package the answers either into JSON that can later be translated, or directly as graph database commands to build the graph database. Additionally, develop a design, smart contract, backend, frontend, infrastructure, and marketing for the project. Test the project in DEV and PROD, and document it.



Original Issue



Create Javascript Input Form and EOS transaction package


💡 Create Javascript Input Form and EOS transaction package

User Story

As a user submitting data, I would like there to be a form to input my data and package it as an EOS transaction in order to provide easily parsable event source for the back-end.


Form should have:

Source link Release Name Release Date Label Tracks Group Name Personnel [member or guest] Liner notes

The blockchain transaction should package these answers either into JSON that can then be later translated, or directly as graph database commands to build the graph database.


[add proposed solution, groomed feature description]

Source link: (with one field "link") Release Name: (with one field "name" and a + button to add more) Release Date: (with one date selector (year required)) Label: (with two fields [name, location] Tracks: (with fields [link; name; duration; songwriter; cover? toggle y/n with greyed out field "original songwriter" unless y]; "edit details" button that allows users to edit the group name and personnel for each track, button is greyed out unless... ) ["same details for all tracks" toggle underneath the tracks is by default on, allows "edit details" button to be pressed if turned off.] Group Name: (with one field and a + button to add more groups) Personnel: (with two fields [name and role] and one toggle with two options [member or guest] and a + button to add more people) Liner notes: (with a big field)

The blockchain transaction should package these answers either into JSON that can then be later translated, or directly as graph database commands to build the graph database.

👨‍💻 Deliverables


Smart Contract








5.0000 USDT


For technical discussion use the original issue. This issue is for tracking the bounty application and implementation progress.