pomerium / documentation

Documentation for Pomerium
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Add a note on the path rewriting page to clarify that Pomerium does not modify upstream responses #1299

Open kenjenkins opened 6 months ago

kenjenkins commented 6 months ago

Page: https://www.pomerium.com/docs/reference/routes/path-rewriting

What's incorrect or missing

We've had a couple recent issue reports that path rewriting does not behave as users expect:

As well as a similar Slack thread last month:

What's the resolution?

I think it would be good to add some note or callout on this page to mention that just rewriting a path prefix in Pomerium is often not enough to serve a particular upstream service under a path prefix. Many upstream services will also need to be configured appropriately, so that they add this path prefix to any link URLs, HTTP redirects, etc.

We could even add a few examples of relevant configuration options, to help users get a sense of what to look for when they search the documentation for the service they are using. For example:

ZPain8464 commented 2 months ago

Apologies for not responding to this sooner. Yes, more examples and information in general would be helpful.

Side note: the pgAdmin 4 link 404s. Is this config example along the lines of what you mean?

kenjenkins commented 2 months ago

Here's the updated pgAdmin 4 link: https://www.pgadmin.org/docs/pgadmin4/8.9/container_deployment.html#:~:text=The%20SCRIPT_NAME%20environment%20variable%20has%20been%20set%20to%20tell%20the%20container%20it%20is%20being%20hosted%20under%20a%20subdirectory%20(in%20the%20same%20way%20as%20the%20X%2DScript%2DName%20header%20is%20used%20with%20Nginx)%2C%20and%20a%20label%20has%20been%20added%20to%20tell%20Traefik%20to%20route%20requests%20under%20the%20subdirectory%20to%20this%20container.

Though this might not be a good example, if their documentation site frequently breaks existing URLs.

ZPain8464 commented 1 month ago

After discussion in DocsSync last week, I've decided we should add an admonition at the top of this page. I'll add a new issue to create a guide on configuring an upstream service to respond to path rewrites.