pomerium / documentation

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documentation/core: better rego documentation #1311

Closed calebdoxsey closed 5 months ago

calebdoxsey commented 6 months ago

Currently we have some documentation on using rego directly: https://www.pomerium.com/docs/capabilities/authorization#rego-support

However we don't document what the inputs and outputs are for policy evaluation. Without this information its hard to write correct policy. We should expand the documentation to include this reference information.

calebdoxsey commented 6 months ago

I will take a first stab at this and then we can move it or reformat it.

calebdoxsey commented 6 months ago



Authorization policy written in Rego is expected to return results in allow and/or deny rules:

# a policy that always allows access
allow := true
# a policy that always denies access
deny := true

Access is granted according to the same rules as PPL:

Only two actions are supported: allow and deny. deny takes precedence over allow. More precisely: a user will have access to a route if at least one allow rule matches and no deny rules match.

allow and deny rules support four forms:

  1. A simple boolean:

    allow := true
  2. An array with a single boolean value:

    deny := [true]
  3. An array with two values: a boolean and a reason.

    allow := [false, "user-unauthorized"]
  4. An array with three values, a boolean, a reason and additional data:

    allow := [false, "user-unauthorized", { "key": "value" }]

The reason is useful for debugging since it appears in authorize logs. There are also 2 special reasons used to trigger functionality in Pomerium:

  1. user-unauthenticated indicates that the user needs to login and results in a redirect to the authenticate service
  2. device-unauthenticated indicates that the user needs to register a new device


Rego scripts are evaluated with inputs available on the input object:

allow if input.http.method == "POST"

The following inputs are defined:


The following additional functions are available in rego scripts:

calebdoxsey commented 6 months ago

@ZPain8464 hopefully that's enough to work with. Let me know if anything needs clarification. Thanks!

ZPain8464 commented 6 months ago

@calebdoxsey I appreciate the effort here. I'll take a look at this soon and let you know if I need any more details. Thanks :)