pomeroyb / PortalGun

Code to control a Portal Gun (From Rick and Morty)
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cant verify #6

Open Chromewrecker opened 7 years ago

Chromewrecker commented 7 years ago

when i try to verify the file in arduino i get this

C:\Users\Tim\Downloads\PortalGun-master\PortalGun-master\portalGun\portalGun.ino:32:22: fatal error: TimerOne.h: No such file or directory



compilation terminated.

i have downloaded and installed the three listed libraries so im at a loss any thoughts.

Chromewrecker commented 7 years ago

i tried to do this in 1.6.4 and still get the same error. For some reason i am missing this and im going to assume that the other two below this are missing but im not getting a error since the timer one is the highest concern

Chromewrecker commented 7 years ago

Also tried 1.6.8 same issue

pomeroyb commented 7 years ago

Do you have the TimerOne library installed?

Go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries... Then in the "Filter your search" box, type "TimerOne"

I thought that this lib was installed by default, but if it isn't, I may have to update the README.

Chromewrecker commented 7 years ago

Hey thanks for the message back I found that but I can only get it to work in 1.6.4 the other versions have a ton of error messages. And I'm wondering if that is why I'm now having the issues I'm having. I wired the trinket to the pins that you have provided but only pin 9 only seems to have a function. I can turn the light on and off with the knob but the front lights do not work and the digital panel doesn't work either any thoughts or maybe a diagram thanks

pomeroyb commented 7 years ago

For LEDs, ensure that you have the long leg attached to the pin, then connect the short leg of the LED to the 150 ohm resistor, then connect the resistor to ground.

For the display, I'd suggest following the instructions here: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-led-backpack/0-54-alphanumeric (But make sure you connect SCL and SDA to the i2C ports on the Trinket Pro (A5 and A4)

Chromewrecker commented 7 years ago

Ok awsome thanks for the info I'll give this a shot this weekend and let you know what I get thanks for the help

Chromewrecker commented 7 years ago

Ok so I can get the leds to work properly but the led panel won't work I have 4.49 volts going to both power pins I thought it was low but the adafruit website says it will work with 3volts I'm not sure why I can't find 5 volts. The button works since the leds turn on and off so I'm not sure why the panel won't work I have it set to a4 and a5 any thoughts

Chromewrecker commented 7 years ago

Quick update the panel work but it's dim and when the panel works the button won't turn the trinket off and the numbers won't change

pomeroyb commented 7 years ago

Can you run the AlphaNumeric demo to make sure the panel works in general?


Chromewrecker commented 7 years ago

Ok I'll try that and one other thing I have noticed the green power light stays on when in sleep/power down mode is this normal and will this kill they battery. Thanks for the help so far. I also figured out why the panel was dim and wouldn't shut off. The issues now is the changing numbers and the power light I'll try the other demo in the morning