pomm-project / ModelManager

Model Manager for the Pomm database framework.
MIT License
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Possibly missing information in Quick Pomm2 setup #89

Closed foulong closed 4 years ago

foulong commented 4 years ago


I experiment pomm, and i'm practicing with the documentation (get started).

At the end of this documentation, i wrote that : $bugs = $pomm['my_db'] ->getModel('\Vendor\Project\MyDb\PublicSchema\MantisBugTableModel') ->findWithWhere1(new Where('reporter_id', 6));

It generates errors below : Fatal error: Uncaught PommProject\ModelManager\Exception\ModelException: Could not instantiate Model class '\Vendor\Project\MyDb\PublicSchema\MantisBugTableModel'. (Reason: 'Class \Vendor\Project\MyDb\PublicSchema\MantisBugTableModel does not exist'). in D:__wamp64\www\pomm\get_started\vendor\pomm-project\model-manager\sources\lib\Model\ModelPooler.php on line 60

I've seen an other issue (https://github.com/pomm-project/ModelManager/issues/82). However, i don't understand that needs of pomm, to run correctly. I must change composer.json file, its'ok, but what do i change ?

vendor\ .pomm_cli_boostrap.php test1. php (contains the main program, where i use pomm) composer.json sources\lib\Model\MyDb\PublicSchema{allModelsOfMySchema}

composer.json :

"autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Vendor\\Project\\": "sources/lib/Model"

beginning of a Model file in sources\lib\Model\MyDb\PublicSchema :

namespace Vendor\Project\Model\MyDb\PublicSchema;

How do i change composer.json, test1.php, to run correctly pomm ?

Thanks in advance.

rdavaillaud commented 4 years ago


If I understand correctly, your code search for the MantisBugTableModel class in namespace Vendor\Project\MyDb\PublicSchema (as the error says)

But you generated Model file under the Vendor\Project\Model\MyDb\PublicSchema, see the Model subfolder just before MyDB which is not in the error.

Maybe you forgot/misstyped the namespace in your code, you should have something like:

namespace Your\Namespace;

use Vendor\Project\Model\MyDb\PublicSchema\MantisBugTableModel;

class YourClass {
foulong commented 4 years ago

Hi @rdavaillaud ,

exact ! Thx. I forgot the Model subfolder.

Corrections below :