pomochieng / Jilinde-App

Application that will report cases of Gender Based Violence to relevant authorities for adults and children to be able to seek help and immediate medical attention.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Child Abuse #8

Open pomochieng opened 7 years ago

pomochieng commented 7 years ago

Child abuse is when a parent , guardian or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child.

There are many forms of child maltreatment, including **

What are the immediate help given to an Abused child?

How do we create awareness among children to speak/report about Child Abuse?

What kind of Intervention measures can we propose to stop, reduce and even eradicate this problem/vice in our community?

What role do parents, teachers, religious leaders play?

pomochieng commented 7 years ago

This is ready for Mozilla Pulse.

Its-me-judy commented 7 years ago

Hey Ochieng. Please clarify the aim of this collaboration, are we to share ideas so we can create a legal or social framework?

WinnieMakokha commented 7 years ago

@Its-me-judy Yes, ideas would assist Ochieng in thinking through what would be the kind of things the App would have to help out victims of child abuse. This could include having a legal framework to allow those who have legal expertise to contribute. Any thoughts on legal stuff that can be considered?

Its-me-judy commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the clarification @WinnieMakokha. I don't have any legal experience but I can share the partnerships I have seen being established among centers tacking gender based issues which I think can be applied to child abuse. Having this partnerships as part of the app will help the children or their guardians take action reach out to relevant others

  1. Reach out to legal partners who are able to provide pro-bono (free) services, to the victims including court appearances and filling the required legal documentation
  2. medical centers such as (GVRC) who specialize in handling gender based violence, counselling for the traumatized victims
  3. Shelter homes - they can house children who are unable to return home
  4. Police - who can document the cases and provide the documentation needed in court
Its-me-judy commented 7 years ago

An interesting way of creating awareness on child abuse among children is using extracurricular activities such as clubs while they are in school. During the club meetings they can have games and other activities that help them learn about abuse, how to define/identify it and the protocol of reporting child abuse.

pomochieng commented 7 years ago

@Its-me-judy Thank you for the insight particular case in point creating awareness on child abuse among children, children play in school, places of worship and home. To be precise there is no safe zone for children, which means wherever the abuse comes from they are supposed to report it to someone, I have no idea where am going with this but children have to be protected from all sides. Abuse can come from church, school or home - If church from sunday school teacher/madrasa teacher or elder kids, from school it's the teachers, from home parents, guardian or caregiver.