pomodoren / qais

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On endogenous variables and their impact on the model #3

Open pomodoren opened 3 years ago

pomodoren commented 3 years ago

Working with weird words

Secondly, develop one or more regression models in 
which the ENDOGENOUS variable is "network_ability". 

The goal of this second kind of model is to understand 
the relationship between the other variables and "network_ability". 
Hint: Try to reason qualitatively about the dependencies
of the variables before starting to crunch numbers, try to think like a scientist.

I guess here its described the inter-dependency between promotion and network ability because having more network will eventually create more options for promotion, or the inter-dependency between promotion and competence.

Step by step

Giuzzilla commented 3 years ago

"Endogenous" is a synonym for dependent variable/target/regressand (i.e. the variable you are predicting in a regression/classification model).

pomodoren commented 3 years ago

I surely did not think of that in this way ...
I thought that you were asking for understanding more the inter-dependability of the processes, and how the machine learning process might be corrupt because of error correlation with the independent. Thank you for clearing this.

Then maybe a structure like this would make more sense:

class Instance:

class PredictionModel:
    # properties 
    target = db.Column(db.String, default='promotion')
    bulk_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('bulk_check.id'))
    # remove class method start_training

class BulkCheck:
    # properties
    pms = relationship("PredictionModel", back_populates="parent")

    # methods
    def start_training(self, target):

class Task:

I guess the next question would be: Do you want to connect the Tasks to the BulkCheck or to the PredictionModel? I guess I would connect them both - to ease the interaction later.

class Task:
     pm_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("prediction_model.id"))
     bulk_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("bulk_check.id"))