ponder-lab / Imperative-DL-Study-Web-App

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Add the ability to describe new categories #48

Closed khatchad closed 3 years ago

khatchad commented 3 years ago

When creating a new category in the categorization entry form, add the ability to add a description for the new category.

Originally posted by @khatchad in https://github.com/ponder-lab/Imperative-DL-Study-Web-App/issues/30#issuecomment-790974984

tatianacv commented 3 years ago

How would you like the description to be added to the form? Always there as an option?

khatchad commented 3 years ago

An option is to do it the GH issues way, i.e., the way it handles issue labels. You can add a new label name and description from the dropdown.

khatchad commented 3 years ago

If you do it this way, probably, you will also solve #49.

tatianacv commented 3 years ago

Update: I am still working on this, trying to have it just as GH labeling which includes showing the description, adding new category with its description at the same time.

khatchad commented 3 years ago

Could @y3pio help?

khatchad commented 3 years ago

If you can point us to branch the code is on, we can have a look.

tatianacv commented 3 years ago


khatchad commented 3 years ago

Now that I think about it, you can commit directly to master (main) since we are in dev mode. However, having it on a branch will allow you to do a PR, which can be reviewed.

khatchad commented 3 years ago

Can you open up a PR for this branch? https://github.com/ponder-lab/Imperative-DL-Study-Web-App/compare/CategorizationForm-ProblemIssues

Also, is there a way to deploy PRs/branches?

tatianacv commented 3 years ago


Yes, you can deploy branches. "You can also use manual deploys to temporarily deploy a branch other than the one that’s configured for automatic deployment. For example, you might have a development app synced to the development GitHub branch, but you temporarily want to test a feature branch. Simply trigger a manual deploy of the feature branch to test it on the Heroku app. Note that release of the feature branch is overwritten on the next successful GitHub push to the development branch." (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/github-integration)

tatianacv commented 3 years ago


khatchad commented 3 years ago

We should not work on this for the insertion milestone as the basic form functionality is not functioning correctly. Kicking this out to another milestone.

khatchad commented 3 years ago

Also blocked on #53.

khatchad commented 3 years ago

@tatianacv is working on reincorporating @mZneit's changes to the categorizations model in a way that doesn't break the insertion procedure.

tatianacv commented 3 years ago

Update: This has been added to GH since Friday but there is a problem accessing the static files to get the js, cs and fonts.

tatianacv commented 3 years ago

The problem with the static files has been fixed using whitenoise to store static files in 00664d419774c3e173ebc04ad7820900a7b26308

tatianacv commented 3 years ago

Create button not working right now

khatchad commented 3 years ago

It can also be a link, not necessarily a button.