ponder-lab / Imperative-DL-Study-Web-App

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Entering categorization for a commit I never categorized doesn't show up on my categorization list #61

Closed khatchad closed 3 years ago

khatchad commented 3 years ago


  1. Make sure that you have not yet categorized 240623acb82f34b1febb57f9c5ac772ce3e73b9c.
  2. Visit https://fathomless-inlet-57767.herokuapp.com/ponder/categorizations/add%3Fcommit=240623acb82f34b1febb57f9c5ac772ce3e73b9c
  3. Add a true is func fix categorization with problem category "stuff."


There is no categorization present for 240623acb82f34b1febb57f9c5ac772ce3e73b9c on my list of categorizations.

tatianacv commented 3 years ago

Cannot reproduce