pondersource / nextcloud-mfa-awareness

Make Nextcloud aware of whether the current user is logged in with Multi-Factor Authentication
MIT License
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strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax #16

Closed michielbdejong closed 1 year ago

michielbdejong commented 1 year ago

Running into this error both on the main and on the php-version-8 branch. Latest log from servers/setup.sh:

Successfully tagged sunet-nextcloud:latest
[+] Running 0/0
 ⠋ Container servers-maria-db-1  Creating                                                                                                                 0.0s
strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax
michielbdejong commented 1 year ago

This error is thrown by a golang program; it is probably an error while parsing the docker-compose.yml, since the docker compose plugin is written in Go.

michielbdejong commented 1 year ago

Resolved with

docker kill `docker ps -q` ; docker rm `docker ps -aq` ; docker compose up -d