pondersource / prejournal

An experimental bookkeeping tool that sits between source documents and journals
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Teamwork API implementaion #181

Open ishifoev opened 1 year ago

ishifoev commented 1 year ago

Read API doc how to install, how all of this process working, but I give this like a credentials wrong. I think some problem from Teamwork.

{"STATUS":"Error","MESSAGE":"401: Not authorized"}

ishifoev commented 1 year ago

Have a problem with API token that I am working it give me 401 weird honestly.

ishifoev commented 1 year ago

The customer now answering me. But I find solution how to fix this that API will work. The documentation CURL is wrong for API doc. But we need something like this.

curl -u username:password https://pondersource.teamwork.com/tasks.json \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
ishifoev commented 1 year ago

It is working for now. I am fetching result.

    "STATUS": "OK",
    "todo-items": [
            "id": 714453,
            "canComplete": true,
            "comments-count": 0,
            "description": "",
            "has-reminders": false,
            "has-unread-comments": false,
            "private": 0,
            "content": "Working with QuickBooks and Heroku working. Start working with TeamWork",
            "order": 2001,
            "decimalOrder": 0,
            "project-id": 50613,
            "project-name": "Task TimeTracking",
            "todo-list-id": 92298,
            "todo-list-name": "Test",
            "tasklist-private": false,
            "tasklist-isTemplate": false,
            "status": "new",
            "company-name": "PonderSource",
            "company-id": 12718,
            "creator-id": 79831,
            "creator-firstname": "Alex",
            "creator-lastname": "Malikov",
            "updater-id": 79831,
            "updater-firstname": "Alex",
            "updater-lastname": "Malikov",
            "completed": false,
            "start-date": "20221011",
            "due-date-base": "",
            "due-date": "",
            "created-on": "2022-10-12T03:42:46Z",
            "last-changed-on": "2022-10-12T03:42:46Z",
            "position": 2001,
            "decimal-position": 0,
            "estimated-minutes": 0,
            "priority": "",
            "progress": 0,
            "harvest-enabled": false,
            "parentTaskId": "",
            "lockdownId": "",
            "tasklist-lockdownId": "",
            "has-dependencies": 0,
            "has-predecessors": 0,
            "hasTickets": false,
            "timeIsLogged": "1",
            "attachments-count": 0,
            "predecessors": [],
            "attachments": [],
            "canEdit": true,
            "viewEstimatedTime": true,
            "creator-avatar-url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/TWFiles/954917/userAvatar/twia_2f96289a462f36ba9414bf866afc897a.png",
            "canLogTime": true,
            "commentFollowerIds": "",
            "changeFollowerIds": "",
            "userFollowingComments": false,
            "userFollowingChanges": false,
            "DLM": 0
ishifoev commented 1 year ago

But we need time_entries.json. But the first how the process working you need create task list after it you need to create task. After you need to create a project that will work. After it you can log your time.