pongasoft / jamba

A lightweight VST2/3 framework
Apache License 2.0
121 stars 3 forks source link

Eliminate resource declaration duplication #1

Closed ypujante closed 5 years ago

ypujante commented 5 years ago

This affects the blank plugin, not the framework...

Currently the resources (png images for example) need to be declared in 2 places: CMakeLists.txt and <Plugin>.rc.

A potential solution would be to replace

smtg_add_vst3_resource(${target} "resource/background.png")

with something like

jamba_add_vst3_resource(${target} "background.png")

which would accumulate the resources to generate the <Name>.rc file

ypujante commented 5 years ago

Implemented in v2.1.0