pongiof / AngularJS-AppEngine-Blog-Engine

This is the source code of my website (http://www.pongetti.eu) developed in Google App Engine + AngularJS
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Problem launching app #9

Open scheung38 opened 7 years ago

scheung38 commented 7 years ago


Not sure why it is not loading:

DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: http://app-photosharing.appspot.com/dist/angulartics-google-analytics.min.js.map

But it already has analytics.min.js.map in project?

pongiof commented 7 years ago

Hi Sebastian, the warning you get is expected as the bundle doesn't include the map files, the error should be something else if it doesn't load for you.


scheung38 commented 7 years ago

Thanks Francesco,

So I need to install dependencies (if that is the case) after git clone in order to resolve it? Just not sure how to get it up and running, it is launching but I see:

Error: Tag not available

screen shot 2017-02-17 at 18 49 54

Tried to disable in Chrome source map and css:


But still the same issue:

EDIT: ok changed the bucket name, and now at least error message gone, but am I expecting the default :

Error: no available posts

screen shot 2017-02-17 at 21 22 25