ponnamkarthik / FlutterToast

Toast Plugin for Flutter
MIT License
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always get error: module 'fluttertoast' not found(version: 8.1.3) #440

Open wangjiayuan opened 1 year ago

wangjiayuan commented 1 year ago

s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES', 'EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'i386, arm64' }

Hi brother, Why do you need to exclude arm64 here? Will this cause the CPU running on the Apple M series to fail to work properly?

BAssured commented 1 year ago

Same error here on ios build

BhavyaRattan commented 1 year ago

same issue when running iOS build on M1 Mac

nifhanif commented 11 months ago

any update ?

BhavyaRattan commented 11 months ago

@nifhanif its fixed in the latest version of the library, I tried and worked for me