ponnhide / patchworklib

Patchwork for matplotlib: A subplot manager for intuitive layouts in matplotlib, seaborn, and plotnine.
GNU General Public License v3.0
384 stars 25 forks source link

'facet_null' object has no attribute 'strips' #5

Closed brechtmann closed 2 years ago

brechtmann commented 2 years ago

Nice Idea to implement patchwork in python. I tried it today however I got the following error:

>>> import plotnine as p9
>>> import patchworklib as pw
>>> pw.load_ggplot(p9.ggplot() + p9.theme(figure_size=(4, 6)))

in load_ggplot(ggplot, figsize)
    293         figsize = fig.get_size_inches()
    294     _themeable = fig._themeable
--> 295     strips     = gcp.facet.strips
    297     ggplot._build()

AttributeError: 'facet_null' object has no attribute 'strips'

I installed pw from github today (March 8th). There seems to be no version implemented:

>>> pw.__version__

AttributeError: module 'patchworklib' has no attribute '__version__'

And I am using plotnine version 0.7.1

Additionally, It would be nice to define a default figure size, so that one does not have to specify the figure size.

ponnhide commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please try to use "plotnine==0.8.0"?