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Mappo: multi-platform social deduction game bot
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suggested role: detective (trust me it's not as bad as it looks) #36

Open blurbthe opened 1 year ago

blurbthe commented 1 year ago

i think this is a good replacement for the laundryperson/gossip/librarian. the detective chooses a place to go each night (between library, bar, village center, abandoned warehouse, or two players' houses) and observes what happens (each of these will be messages they receive from the bot each night). yes, each message is long, but i think a detective would be rather perceptive and thus deserves long descriptions of each situation. as for the "you don't get anything" option, i think that should be ~20% of the time, but balancing could use some work.


[player] or [player] is an evil role: You go to the library, looking for some books to help with the recent case. On your way there, at the back of the library, you catch a glimpse of someone secretly reading an evil book by one of the dim lamps. Before you can observe further, they notice you first. As you sprint out the door, they reveal their knife and nearly catch up, but you seal the door shut first and step into the pouring rain, scribbling down some notes. By the time you get home, though, the notepad is soaking wet and illegible. Trying to remember the event, you think it's [player] or [player], but you can't be sure.

[player] or [player] is Seer or Beholder: You go to the library, looking for some books to relax and read later. You go to the mythology section, but before you grab The Odyssey, you see someone reading a book about... psychics? Maybe they're one of the town's Seers, or maybe they just know them. That's odd, you think. You try to talk to them, but they disappear before you can track them down. Judging by their clothes, you reckon it's [player] or [player], but you can't be sure.

[player] or [player] is Cookie Person: You go to the library, looking for some books to help with the recent case. Heading towards the mathematics section, you overhear one of your neighbors offering what sounds to be cookies to the librarian. Of course, the librarian accepts (typical), but before you get a chance to get a good look at them, they're out the door. Judging by their voice, you guess it's [player] or [player], but you can't be sure.

You don't get anything: You go to the library, looking for some books to help with the recent case. You walk up to the librarian and ask for Romeo and Juliet, and are directed to the Shakespeare section near the staircase. You are also reminded of all your overdue books. You find the book eventually, and walk out the door, avoiding eye contact with the librarian. While you didn't get any evidence on that trip, at least you can start reading and hopefully gain evidence that way.


[player], [player], or [player] is an evil role: You inconspicuously walk into the bar. You're just about to unwind and order a drink, but suddenly a fight breaks out! In the madness, you see someone- probably drunk- take out their knife and kill someone, but they stagger out the door before you can see who. When you ask the owner, they confess they don't know either, but they said they saw [player], [player], and [player] come into the bar that night.

[player] is Guardian Angel or Innocent: You walk into the bar and manage to find [player]. You order a drink and strike up a conversation. The next morning, you remember it was a long conversation, but you can't remember what exactly you talked about. You remember they were really friendly- heavenly, even. Are they a Guardian Angel? Or just really Innocent? Maybe you had too many drinks.

[player] or [player] is Villager: You walk into the bar. You'd just had a long day and are looking to unwind. You spot someone in the corner. Oh, may as well get some evidence while I'm here, you think. The rest of the evening, though, unfolds uneventfully. They gave you no evidence, but seem pretty decent. You remember they confessed to not being the most interesting person: "I'm just a Villager", you remember them saying. But for the life of you you can't remember who; you remember their hair, but that only narrows it down to [player] or [player].

You don't get anything: You walk into the bar. You'd just had a long day and are looking to unwind. You order your favorite drink and sip it (and a few more). You may have talked to a few people that evening, but you don't remember, or care. You stagger back home, not having gathered any evidence.

Village center

(where the nominations happen)

[player], [player], or [player] is an evil role: Walking by the village center, looking for a good midnight snack, you overhear a conversation between [player], [player], and [player]. You pick up some words and something sounds suspicious. One of the mentioned something about... killing someone? You didn't see who said it, but you decide not to probe, in case they turn on you next.

[player] or [player] is Pacifist: Looking at last night's nominations, you decide to check for fingerprints in case there has been some tampering. You do notice something out of place: it looks like someone has been trying to save all the innocent people. That's nice, you think, but odd. It also looks like they've tried to cover up their fingerprints, but not successfully, since you've narrowed it down to [player] or [player].

[player], [player], or [player] is Furry: Walking by the village center, looking for a good midnight snack, you could've sworn you saw a werewolf. You look again- there it is! You quickly take out your notepad and start scribbling down everything you're seeing, but you look up: wait, that's not a full moon! Then you remember. Oh, it's one of those furries. You recall hearing a small group of the villagers talking about the upcoming furcon. That means it's either [player], [player], or [player].

You don't get anything: Walking by the village center, looking for a good midnight snack, you pass by a food truck. You don't recognize the person inside, but you don't really care; it's late and you're hungry. You order some comfort food and munch quietly on a nearby bench. Throwing away your scraps, you stroll back to your bed and sleep peacefully. You didn't gain any evidence, but at least you satiated your hunger.

[player] is Bartender and [player], [player], or [player] is Furry: Tired from a long day of detective work, you arrive at the village center to relax on a nice bench. Looks like someone else is here, too. You recognize them- they work as a bartender nearby. They offer a drink, but you decline. Instead, you take out your notepad and scribble their name. When asked questions, they also said they saw a group of furries walk into the bar (and leave very drunk). Hearing the story, you suspect one of them could be [player], [player], or [player].

[player] is Bartender and [player] or [player] is Innocent: Tired from a long day of detective work, you arrive at the village center to relax on a nice bench. Looks like someone else is here, too. You recognize them- they work as a bartender nearby. They offer a drink, but you decline. Instead, you take out your notepad and scribble their name. When asked questions, they also said they met a really nice person at the bar. Their name is a little fuzzy (either [player] or [player]!), but the bartender is so sure they're Innocent- they couldn't possibly be evil!

[player] is Bartender and [player] or [player] is Beholder: Tired from a long day of detective work, you arrive at the village center to relax on a nice bench. Looks like someone else is here, too. You recognize them- they work as a bartender nearby. They offer a drink, but you decline. Instead, you take out your notepad and scribble their name. When asked questions, they also said they met an interesting person at work. They said [player] was close friends with a Seer and they're also on their way to becoming one. [player] likes to call themself a "Beholder".

[player] or [player] is Jester: While walking home, you pass through the village center when someone walks in your way. You mumble "sorry", but they interrupt you. They call themselves "Sir Jet", but you'd never heard that name before. They continue with a strange and convoluted story. You politely pause to listen- maybe some cryptic form of evidence?- but what they're saying makes no sense. After a confusing ten minutes, you walk away. Turning around, you see them scampering away with- wait, that's your pen! You realize soon, though, that you've been Jestered. Remembering their name, it seems likely that it's either [player] or [player], but you're more confused than anything.

[player] or [player] is Cookie Person: While walking through the village center, you see a new pop-up shop for cookies! You can't resist (even at this hour) and order a fresh cookie. You get the shop owner's name- it's [player]. Delighted and excusing it as a chance to gather evidence and build rapport, you nibble on your snack on the bench.

Abandoned warehouse

[player] or [player] is an evil role: On your way home from the bar, you pass by an abandoned warehouse. You approach it cautiously, being painstakingly aware of every leaf crunch you make. You eventually enter and squint your eyes in the dim light. You scan the room and see a wall lined with knives of different sizes. One of them has blood on it. A trapdoor near you creaks open and you hear a sudden shout from underneath. You bolt for the door. You see a dark figure grab the bloody knife from the wall and run after you. Slamming the door, you run outside and beeline for your house. On your bed, panting and trying to remember any detail about the person, you decide it's between [player] or [player], but you would much rather sleep than ponder any longer.

[player] is Jester: On your way home from the bar, you pass by an abandoned warehouse. Near the entrance, you see a sign scrawled in faded black ink: "DO NOOT ETNER!!" Naturally, you bravely enter. On the inside, you see a diagram boldly titled "MY EPIC PLANE 2 SCREW UP NONIMATOINS!!!" The diagram shows a very elaborate plan with many other spelling mistakes. You're getting tired, so you decide not to investigate further. You can only think of two people who would do something like this: [player] or [player].

[player] or [player] is Oracle: On your way home from the bar, you pass by an abandoned warehouse. Near the entrance, you see a sign scrawled in faded black ink: "Oracle appointments open daily between 08:00 and 13:00". Inside is an elaborate scenery, with candles lining the walls and purple carpet all around the space. You heard someone talking about hosting these Oracle meetings the other day, but you can't remember if it's [player] or [player].

You don't get anything: On your way home from the bar, you pass by an abandoned warehouse. It's nondescript, with a small door by the pathway. You decide to investigate. Perhaps there will be some clues inside. Glancing at the walls, there appears to be nothing but empty shelves on the walls and empty boxes littered around the floor. There's a sticky note with a five-digit code- perhaps the code to the keypad on the wall near the entrance- but other than that, there's nothing. Disappointed by the lack of evidence, you merge onto the main path and walk home.

Scrapped: visiting players

[Player]'s house (there will be two of these randomly generated each night). NOTE: these are definite answers because you don't know what you'll get. ALSO NOTE: the detective works similarly to cookie person in that they also die when visiting evil roles (but not cursed)

[player] is Furry: You knock on [player]'s door, attempting to gather some evidence for the recent case. You feel a little nervous, as they are one of the suspects, but you dismiss that thought- they're too nice, right? Finally, you hear some footsteps and they let you in and grab you some coffee. Over their cozy couch and coffee table, they talk about feeling misunderstood or mistaken for the murderer. They're honestly not sure why everyone keeps accusing them. On your way out, you peek inside their closet, hoping you'll get a glimpse of a knife, perhaps. But instead you find a fursuit. Oh. That explains a lot. Deciding not to say anything about it, you quickly say thanks and goodbye.

[player] is Cookie Person: You knock on [player]'s door, attempting to gather some evidence for the recent case. This isn't one of your suspects, but you figure they're good for information. After all, they travel around the neighborhood nearly every night. Sure enough, they greet you with a platter of fresh-baked cookies. In fact, the entire house smells like cookies. Over a cup of cold milk, you somehow manage to finish all of the cookies and gather all the information you need. Satisfied, both mentally and physically, you exit their house feeling a little better than before.

i will in fact add more situations in the comments, but my creative juices are gone now

blurbthe commented 9 months ago

i have returned to add more i figured i'd add more to the village center since it's probably where a lot of people would go.

Village Center

[player] is Bartender and [player], [player], or [player] is Furry: Tired from a long day of detective work, you arrive at the village center to relax on a nice bench. Looks like someone else is here, too. You recognize them- they work as a bartender nearby. They offer a drink, but you decline. Instead, you take out your notepad and scribble their name. When asked questions, they also said they saw a group of furries walk into the bar (and leave very drunk). Hearing the story, you suspect one of them could be [player], [player], or [player].

[player] is Bartender and [player] or [player] is Innocent: Tired from a long day of detective work, you arrive at the village center to relax on a nice bench. Looks like someone else is here, too. You recognize them- they work as a bartender nearby. They offer a drink, but you decline. Instead, you take out your notepad and scribble their name. When asked questions, they also said they met a really nice person at the bar. Their name is a little fuzzy (either [player] or [player]!), but the bartender is so sure they're Innocent- they couldn't possibly be evil!

[player] is Bartender and [player] or [player] is Beholder: Tired from a long day of detective work, you arrive at the village center to relax on a nice bench. Looks like someone else is here, too. You recognize them- they work as a bartender nearby. They offer a drink, but you decline. Instead, you take out your notepad and scribble their name. When asked questions, they also said they met an interesting person at work. They said [player] was close friends with a Seer and they're also on their way to becoming one. [player] likes to call themself a "Beholder".

[player] or [player] is Jester: While walking home, you pass through the village center when someone walks in your way. You mumble "sorry", but they interrupt you. They call themselves "Sir Jet", but you'd never heard that name before. They continue with a strange and convoluted story. You politely pause to listen- maybe some cryptic form of evidence?- but what they're saying makes no sense. After a confusing ten minutes, you walk away. Turning around, you see them scampering away with- wait, that's your pen! You realize soon, though, that you've been Jestered. Remembering their name, it seems likely that it's either [player] or [player], but you're more confused than anything.

[player] or [player] is Cookie Person: While walking through the village center, you see a new pop-up shop for cookies! You can't resist (even at this hour) and order a fresh cookie. You get the shop owner's name- it's [player]. Delighted and excusing it as a chance to gather evidence and build rapport, you nibble on your snack on the bench.