pontos2024 / PCSX2

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Why was Vulkan removed? #2

Open McGabry opened 1 month ago

McGabry commented 1 month ago

why did you remove the vulkan api from the pcsx2 source? Is there no problem with it?

pontos2024 commented 1 month ago

Hello. I am not good at English, so I use Google translator. The original source included vulkan api in the libAetherSX2.a library. I tested the vulkan api from the original source and the app died. So I removed the code jni, vmanager, and vulkan from the libAtherSX2.a library and changed it to the libRecompiler.a library. I don't have any knowledge of cpu recompiler yet, so I used the existing library and I need to make pcsx2 cpu recompiler windows x86 => android armv8a later. When the cpu recompiler is completed, I can change to the latest version of pcsx2 and add the vulkan api as well. I'm still able to add vulkan api, but I'm thinking about my task priority. Have a good day. ^^

McGabry commented 1 month ago

OK, so from what I understand you need to finish this recompiler before you want to add Vulkan, right? Well, I'm really good at developing Android apps, but when it comes to emulation, I'm a layman. The application crash could be due to the incorrect call of jni functions.located in xyz.aethersx2.android.NativeLibrary this class calls the jni functions of the native code considering that I call them in an incorrect place ready dead application of course I could be wrong about this because I didn't quite understand your reasoning ^^

McGabry commented 1 month ago

Another thing is the following, I'm compiling the current version of aethersx2 but I have some errors in the Gif_unit.h files related to tags. Could you help me if I sent you the complete error log? Another thing, are you the developer of Myps2?

pontos2024 commented 1 month ago

I am the developer of myps2. I don't know much about the current version of aetersx2. I only find the parts I need and modify or add them. I think it's possible if you debug the sauce. You must annotate the 3rdparty - vixl - CMakeListes.txt - target_compile_definitions (vixl PUBLIC VIXL_DEBUG) of the aethersx2 source. If Android Studio c++ code link error occurs, you can annotate the CMakeListes.txt - target_precompile_headers part. Have a good day. ^^

McGabry commented 1 month ago

I'm modifying and adding the files to the current source, I'm almost there, I've been working on the code for 4 days, my biggest fear is that I'll compile it and it won't work after investing a lot of time